Granadilla Social

About Granadilla Social

Helping small to medium businesses nail their social media marketing in a busy and loud online world.



Such a wonderful night celebrating these women and the launch of their new collaborative design studio.


Seriously sound advice from Socially Sound


In a move to spur on its users into interacting more, LinkedIn have launched a new set of reaction buttons. What do you think? Like? Love? Or Curious?…/linkedin-reactions-l ets-you-express-cur…/


Loving what you do definitely makes the holy grail of the the work/life balance seem a bit more doable.
I enjoyed dusting off my lens (even if it was just my iPhone lens) this weekend to do some street style photos for Olivier's lounge shoes, fashion and accessories boutique with Style By Suki. Follow Olivier's Lounge on FB & Instagram to see more from the shoot over the next few weeks & to take a look at the gorgeous new stock, including this silk maxi dress from @Hayley Menzies Portobello.


Ensuring your images are top notch on your social media platforms is essential. Each platform requires images with different dimensions, which is important to get right when you're scheduling posts.
Thanks to Hootsuite here's a handy tool listing all the latest size guides for images.
There are also great tools in Canva and PicMonkey
... mage-sizes-guide/…
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‘I may be freezing but I look fabulous’ Happy Friday, everyone x
#olivierslounge #justacardcampaign #cardsofinstagram #fashionista #style #swlondonmums #swlondonstyle #shoplocal #wandsworthcommon #wandsworthmums #winter #snowdays


‘What good is the warmth of summer without the cold of winter to give it sweetness’. Wandsworth, you look icy and beautiful today.


Oh - and while i'm here and before I dive head first into work - who has signed up to follow Red Magazine's #youareenough campaign? I personally think it's fantastic.
More info here:


This week i've been thinking a lot about Imposter Syndrome. We're all prone to it, especially when stepping back into the workplace after having kids.
Your life is different, your priorities have shifted and you can be forgiven for sometimes feeling like your brain has turned to mush. However, I feel like I work harder, smarter and probably am 100 times more confident in my abilities now than pre-kids, but yet still that feeling of inadequacy sneaks in.
I comfort myself i...n the fact that I'm in good company as most brilliant women (and men too) from the likes of Sheryl Sandberg and Michelle Obama have talked about good old Imposter Syndrome and even Adele gets it before she sings.. so what does this all mean and why am I rambling on about it?
I read this great little piece on Medium by Kristin Wong about 'Why you should EMBRACE your imposter syndrome' and though'd I'd share it with you all.
Her main points are:
1. It's a sign you're on the right path 2. You can use it to motivate you 3. It keeps you on your toes & 4. It encourages you to focus on the work
Happy reading and please pop any thoughts in comments xx…/why-you-should-emb race-your-impostor-s…
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This week I’m winding up the social accounts for one of my very first clients The Yoga Bar, as they prepare to take their social in house. It’s been a great morning for reflection and looking back on how the social media has grown and developed. One of the best things about this job is being able to help small businesses grow and flourish and then potentially get them to a point where they feel ready to take on the challenge of their own social media.
It’s been a total joy t...o work with Gemma Kelly and to have met and virtually ‘met’ all the wonderful teachers and members in the studio. Thanks to Emma Godby for putting us in touch.
If you live near Twickenham and haven’t tried yoga, barre or pilates before - definitely pop down to the studio and see what’s on offer. They also offer men’s only courses, teen yoga, mums and baby courses and much more. Importantly, EVERYbody is welcome. You don’t need to be scared about how flexible you are or not looking the part, this studio is a warm, welcoming and inclusive space, where you can escape the pressures of daily life. I highly recommend it.
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Hello Monday!
There is nothing better than the start of a fresh week to get into a healthy routine. I'm sure you freelancers will agree with me that working from home can sometimes be challenging. You definitely need to keep yourself motivated and especially working in social media, as it's easy to lose yourself down a rabbit hole whilst researching content. Also, it's ALOT of screen time, which is no good for anyone.
So in order to keep clear head and combat becoming squar...e eyed, I've decided that as of today I'm going to incorporate and prioritise fitness into each day. Be it yoga with Holly Davis, spinning or a quick run. I think for my overall mindset it will make all the difference and will also make me work better and smarter. After all, I am not bound by conventional hours, one of the reasons (aside from my children) that I am freelance.
In other news it's a week of pitches for me, a lot of scheduling and report writing. Also been flexing my press release writing skills again, which takes me back to my press office days. So all in all a good week is on the way.
Monday morning ramble over...
What are you up to this week Lucy Brandram, Sam Smith and Socially Sound what are your tips for being healthy and mindful whilst working from home? x #freelancelife
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Kids back at school and it is SUCH a delight to get back into the groove of work. How is everyone else? Have you set new goals for your business? And which social platform do you feel works best for you?


🤸‍♀️If you have teenagers, you will know the pressures they face, from exam stress to body confidence and much more. My client, The Yoga Bar (a beautiful studio in Twickenham offering: barre, pilates, yoga and much more) is offering two free yoga taster sessions for teens on the 26th of Jan. Please spread the word and if you have teens, consider booking them in, the benefits of yoga go far beyond what you do on the mat and provides teenagers with a 'tool box' of techniques fo...r dealing with anxiety and the pressures of adolescence. The sessions will be run by Funke Yoga UK who designs her classes for this specific age group, making the sessions fun but also full of mindful activities, partner postures and blissful relaxation.
🧘🏾‍♂️And for you guys too: they are also offering a taster for men this weekend with Chill Winston UK - give them a follow The Yoga Bar to find out more. #Theyogabartwickenham
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This 👇


Pretty darn excited to be taking on the gorgeous, new-look Olivier's lounge shoes, fashion and accessories boutique as a client. Olivier has such great taste, vision and style. He has created exactly what the local area needs with his hand-edited Fashion and Lifestyle concept store on Bellevue Road. I can't wait to get cracking on this account and working with Olivier and the lovely Style By Suki. Watch this space for updates.
Pic courtesy of Style By Suki


I've been quiet on here recently while I squirrel away on my client accounts. I'm going to set myself a challenge soon to make time for my own accounts too. Does anyone else struggle with this?


Setting your Social Media Goals
When using social media or any kind of PR/marketing to promote your business, making sure you set the right goals, is vital. The majority of people tend to just wing social media, with no real planning or realistic goal in mind. Firstly, this makes it harder for you, but most importantly, it makes for a lot of wasted time as you don't know which way you're going and why.
Social Media can be very time consuming and results aren't always immedia...te. Without a solid plan of attack, it can all become overwhelming. Especially, if you're a small business and need to focus on your main business objectives.
So, my challenge to you, is sit down and set the Social Media goals for your business. Once you've done this, ask yourself, are my goals' SMART? (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Specific & Timely).
As always, feel free to contact us if you need any help.
Happy goal setting, everyone.
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Hello, Autumn - you beauty! Autumn is our absolute favourite time of year. Everything from the crisp misty mornings and the chunky knits to the crunchy leaves, first frosts and the move to slow food and snuggling by warm fires. As well as all of this, we find it's also a great time to have a bit of a refresh.
So, we are offering you and your business a Social Media Audit for the super price of just £40. The aim of this is to help you see where you're performing well and where you can improve. Send us an email or message in FB to find out more or sign up for your Social Media Audit today.

More about Granadilla Social
