Green Lane Masjid

Monday: 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 11:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 17:00
Friday: 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -

About Green Lane Masjid

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Green Lane Masjid Description

Green Lane Masjid was one of the first branches of the organisation in Great Britain.

Since its establishment in the 70’s, the Masjid has gone through numerous phases of development and progress. The building itself has become a landmark of the area and is well-known to all, with a colourful history behind the structure.

Serving the Muslim community, Green Lane Masjid has developed over the years catering for all people by providing vital services and assistance. As well as a Madrasah, the Masjid houses offices, flats, library and a state of the art funeral faciilities.

Numerous guests have visited the Masjid, including the illustrious Imams of the two holy mosques of Makkah and Madinah, as well as various Islamic scholars and local MPs.

With recent developments at the Masjid, the services being offered have increased; a recent renovation means that the Masjid accommodates more worshippers than ever; a radio broadcast system has been installed; sermons and other programs are now broadcast over the internet and much more is being planned to cater in particular for the younger Muslim community.



In a few days time the Task Force GLM team will be on the ground in Iraq to carry out a needs assessment as well as launching the new 'Saving Syria Shelter campaign'
Over the past 7 years in Iraq, the humanitarian community has worked hard to move Syrian refugee families out of tents and into dignified solid structures – it is after all, inhumane to leave any refugee family living in the constant hardship of tent life.
... Due to funding dramatically decreasing since 2014, this has left 131 refugee shelters in Iraq that need to be upgraded as the refugees are still living in tents for the fifth year running in appalling conditions.
Alhamdulillah, by the will of Allah SWT, Task Force GLM will be working in conjunction with UNHCR to help upgrade the remaining 131 tents into solid structure shelters Insha'Allah.
These shelters will provide families with dignity, safety, and a small amount of comfort. Task Force GLM will also provide the upgrade for the hygiene and kitchen facilities throughout the duration of this project to improve the living conditions for the refugees.
The cost of building a solid structure shelter is £1220, and the total amount required is £160,000. This is a 100% donation project so no admin fees will be deducted from your donation.
We urge you to get together with your family and friends to help cover the cost of a shelter. This project will be personally overseen by the Task Force GLM management team.
Please click on the link below for more information.
“The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” (Al-Tirmidhi) ter-project/
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The Messenger of Allāh صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said:
“Send prayer upon me abundantly on the day of Jumu’ah (Friday) and on the night of Jumu’ah (Thursday night) for he who sends prayer upon me once, Allāh sends prayer upon him ten times.”
Saheeh al-Jāmi’ 1209 | Shaykh al-Albāni رحمه الله | Saheeh


Do you have a wedding or any other event coming up from which you will have food leftover?
If so, rather than letting it go to waste, contact HH who will make sure it goes to a good cause via their food distribution in Birmingham for the homeless. /


Ibn al-Jawzi
Understand that life has occasions. One time it is poverty, and another time it is wealth. Once it is honour, and another it is humiliation. Happy is he is who remains grounded in each situation.
[Sayd al-Khatir p.282]


Imām ibn al-Jawzi رحمه الله wrote:
“Abu Darda رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْه used to sit next to graves and when he was asked about this, he replied, ‘I am sitting amongst those people who remind me of the hereafter and when I leave, they will not backbite me’”
Minhāj al-Qāsideen, page 432


Conditions of Hajj being obligatory
What are the conditions of Hajj being obligatory?
Continue Reading


In recent news, 12 boys became trapped inside a cave in Thailand, the entire world, with their power, strength and intellect came to their rescue, after approx. 2 weeks they walk free out of the cave.
In this Khutbah, I explain a Hadith of the Prophet ﷺ in which he narrates a story from the past when 3 men entered a cave and became trapped inside after a huge boulder closed the mouth of the cave, no humans came to their rescue, however, after a while, they came out alive.
Ho...w did they come out? What can we learn from their story? What should a person do when faced by hardship and struggles?
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Please come along to our last coffee morning before we break up for the summer holidays inshallah ☀️🏖


We are so blessed but we fail to show our gratitude to Allah, the almighty.
Your hard job is the dream of every unemployed. Your hyper naughty child is the wish of every person who can’t have babies. Your small bed is the ultimate goal of every refugee.
The little savings you have is a fortune to a person with debts burdening his shoulders. Your health is what every bedridden yearns for. The smile you enjoy is a luxury a depressed person can’t afford!
... Be careful and show your appreciation to Allah before you are stripped of one or all of His blessedness.
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Just today we prayed the Janazah prayer for a baby, and a few hours later for one of our elders.


Narrated Abu Musa رضى الله عنه: The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “The example of a believer who recites the Qur’an and acts on it, is like a citron which tastes nice and smells nice. And the example of a believer who does not recite the Qur’an but acts on it, is like a date which tastes good but has no smell. And the example of a hypocrite who recites the Qur’an is like a Raihana (sweet basil) which smells good but tastes bitter. And the example of a hypocrite who does not recite the Qur’an is like a colocynth which tastes bitter and has a bad smell.” (Bukhari)


Shaykh Ibn Al Uthaymeen (رحمه الله) said:
Harshness and going overboard is not permissible in the religion; and neither is taking things too lightly and carelessness. Rather be moderate, between this and that. ‏ 📚‏القول المفيد ٣٧٥/١


An amazing effort by the GLM 309 Cubs group who managed to raise over £20,000 for the Syria campaigns Masha'Allah.
You can still donate by clicking on the link below. 9cubs


When you die, people won't remember your tweets or your statuses. They will remember what you actually did for them and how you made them feel.
True service is in the work you do on the ground and with people in real life starting with your family. Writing can't replace that.
Omar Suleiman


‪Has it occurred to you that each time you pray, it could be your last?
So take your time and develop a no rush policy when praying to your Creator. May the Almighty be pleased with us and have Mercy on us all, the day He decides to take us.‬
Mufti Ismail Menk


Place still available on these courses.
Visit for more information about the courses and how to enrol.


Budding Believers Club Announcement
This Sunday 15th July 2018 will be Budding Believers Club. This is an extra session is to make up for the one missed in Ramadan. Timings are as normal, with drop off at 9.45am via Door E and pick up at 12.30 from the Community Hall.
During Ramadan we asked the children at Budding Believers Club to fundraise at home for the GLM Saving Syria Campaign. Last session the children brought in what they had raised. We were super impressed by their ...effort.
Between themselves they raised a fantastic £8304.22 ma sha Allah tabarak Allah.
We are very proud of all the children. May Allah سبحانه و تعالى reward them and their families, and accept it from them.
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Enrolment will take place after Jumu’ah outside the sisters entrance inshā’Allāh.


The true education of islam the way our beloved prophet pbuh showed us Not no take this part out or add this part this is the basics of islam. May Allah bless the people who help run it n may he let them grow from strength to strength.



The best mosque in the UK, I feel so spiritually soothed and calmed when entering Green lane Mosque,

So much peace and calmness in this mosque I cannot relate to this feeling I never felt so peaceful anywhere ever, everyone at the mosque are so kind and soft hearted, I feel so happy when coming into the mosque, I feel so much love when entering, everyone smiling at each other, appreciating each other's presence, I feel honoured to be at this masjid, I don't like to leave the mosque when I come, I feel so attached to the mosque; the lectures, the Friday khutbah read in English is beautiful, and the faculties available at GLMCC is beyond phenomenal, I have never seen an institution give so much to the community and to humanity as much as green lane masjid do, they frundraise for Palestine and and Syria with so much passion and kindness and love, it's so wonderful to be part of this mosque, and also the volunteers fundraise and help in taraweeh prayers to make our entry and exit to the Mosque in the busy period of Ramadan clear and less time consuming.

Jazakallah khair for everyone who help run this mosque, we are so truly grateful to have this charming mosque in Birmingham.

Allahu Akbar



The best Masjid in the UK, no doubt! I have never seen any other mosque bring the community together like GLM does, or any other masjid in the UK offers facilities like GLM do. May Allah reward those involved and continue to bless tge masjid! Ameen. I wish I lived in birmigham just because of the Mosque.


So blessed for the kids and I to be part of this mosque .Easy access to the imams for QnA ,lovely Taraweeh ,exceptionally well organized Eid salah in the park ,nice courses and lectures to listen to , friendly people and lots more that they offer .Having said that , there is no doubt room for improvement in certain areas .


Open to all. A model mosque for the community. Not only do they facilitate the 5 prayers but also offer way more for ALL the local community. The food bank, Zakat Service, funeral service and many more services are all designed to help the local community. In my humble opinion every city needs a mosque just like GLM. May Allah SWT bless the everyone involved in the masjid.


MashaAllah very good masjid, even though i am not in UK but this masjid has benefitted me a lot through its youtube channel, MashaAllah i can get a lot of knowledge here, i love this masjid because the teaching is based upon the quran and the sunnah of the prophet Muhammad shalallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.


It’s just a fantastic mosque � has many facilities as bank food and Islamic education center.


Indeed this is we looking for brings Muslims and non-Muslims together opne for all

Love and peace The place you feel blessed this is the house of ALLAH

The Best Masjid i have seen in uk

jazakum Allah .


I love this place and all the brothers and sisters may Allah protect you


Green Lane Masjid are a customer of my company (TipTop Photography Ltd based in Birmingham) and we are proud to be the official photographers for GLM and the Eid event in Small Heath Park.

For the last three years we have had a fantastic working relationship and we look forward to working more together in the future.

Eid Mubarak to you all.


Fantastic Mosque and Islamic education establishment which caters for all, and has facilities for all disabilities including sign language interpreters.

A congregation on Friday's is so well attended that in my 55 years in UK i have not seen a congregation of 10% of the same in any Church or similar religious establishment in UK.

Islam is spreading and Green lane masjid has contributed immensely to its success Ma sha Allah.

Thank you to all staff and volunteers, i am personally so proud to be associated with you all Allahamdulliah


Excellent masjid they are the best mashallah. May Allah Swt reward all the efforts and help them to carry on the good work they are doing. They have the interest of the community and it's needs to heart. Proud to have a masjid like Gren Lane in Birmingham.


Built on the foundation of piety and sincerity, GLM continues to flourish, AlHamdo Lillah. May Allah preseve it forever.


Best masjid in UK... Services available are 2nd to none


Beautiful masjid


Asalaamu alaykum

May Allah reward every Muslim involved in make this material easily accessible. I've learned a lot because of your YouTube channel. May my masjid be more than just giving announcements


Alhamdulillah we have been part of this masjid since it opened its doors almost 4 decades ago....and its congregation has grown bigger and bigger with each passing year...that is a testment to its teaching, concern and welfare of its worshippers...


Alhamdulillah I’m so happy have there BSL and hope more deaf welcome at the mosque in shaa Allah


Alhamdulillah I have been there Imam quari zakaullah saleem is amazing.His voice and Quran recitation is beautiful Masho Allah


The true education of islam the way our beloved prophet pbuh showed us Not no take this part out or add this part this is the basics of islam. May Allah bless the people who help run it n may he let them grow from strength to strength.



The best mosque in the UK, I feel so spiritually soothed and calmed when entering Green lane Mosque,

So much peace and calmness in this mosque I cannot relate to this feeling I never felt so peaceful anywhere ever, everyone at the mosque are so kind and soft hearted, I feel so happy when coming into the mosque, I feel so much love when entering, everyone smiling at each other, appreciating each other's presence, I feel honoured to be at this masjid, I don't like to leave the mosque when I come, I feel so attached to the mosque; the lectures, the Friday khutbah read in English is beautiful, and the faculties available at GLMCC is beyond phenomenal, I have never seen an institution give so much to the community and to humanity as much as green lane masjid do, they frundraise for Palestine and and Syria with so much passion and kindness and love, it's so wonderful to be part of this mosque, and also the volunteers fundraise and help in taraweeh prayers to make our entry and exit to the Mosque in the busy period of Ramadan clear and less time consuming.

Jazakallah khair for everyone who help run this mosque, we are so truly grateful to have this charming mosque in Birmingham.

Allahu Akbar



The best Masjid in the UK, no doubt! I have never seen any other mosque bring the community together like GLM does, or any other masjid in the UK offers facilities like GLM do. May Allah reward those involved and continue to bless tge masjid! Ameen. I wish I lived in birmigham just because of the Mosque.


So blessed for the kids and I to be part of this mosque .Easy access to the imams for QnA ,lovely Taraweeh ,exceptionally well organized Eid salah in the park ,nice courses and lectures to listen to , friendly people and lots more that they offer .Having said that , there is no doubt room for improvement in certain areas .


Open to all. A model mosque for the community. Not only do they facilitate the 5 prayers but also offer way more for ALL the local community. The food bank, Zakat Service, funeral service and many more services are all designed to help the local community. In my humble opinion every city needs a mosque just like GLM. May Allah SWT bless the everyone involved in the masjid.


MashaAllah very good masjid, even though i am not in UK but this masjid has benefitted me a lot through its youtube channel, MashaAllah i can get a lot of knowledge here, i love this masjid because the teaching is based upon the quran and the sunnah of the prophet Muhammad shalallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.


It’s just a fantastic mosque � has many facilities as bank food and Islamic education center.


Indeed this is we looking for brings Muslims and non-Muslims together opne for all

Love and peace The place you feel blessed this is the house of ALLAH

The Best Masjid i have seen in uk

jazakum Allah .


I love this place and all the brothers and sisters may Allah protect you


Green Lane Masjid are a customer of my company (TipTop Photography Ltd based in Birmingham) and we are proud to be the official photographers for GLM and the Eid event in Small Heath Park.

For the last three years we have had a fantastic working relationship and we look forward to working more together in the future.

Eid Mubarak to you all.


Fantastic Mosque and Islamic education establishment which caters for all, and has facilities for all disabilities including sign language interpreters.

A congregation on Friday's is so well attended that in my 55 years in UK i have not seen a congregation of 10% of the same in any Church or similar religious establishment in UK.

Islam is spreading and Green lane masjid has contributed immensely to its success Ma sha Allah.

Thank you to all staff and volunteers, i am personally so proud to be associated with you all Allahamdulliah


Excellent masjid they are the best mashallah. May Allah Swt reward all the efforts and help them to carry on the good work they are doing. They have the interest of the community and it's needs to heart. Proud to have a masjid like Gren Lane in Birmingham.


Built on the foundation of piety and sincerity, GLM continues to flourish, AlHamdo Lillah. May Allah preseve it forever.


Best masjid in UK... Services available are 2nd to none


Beautiful masjid


Asalaamu alaykum

May Allah reward every Muslim involved in make this material easily accessible. I've learned a lot because of your YouTube channel. May my masjid be more than just giving announcements


Alhamdulillah we have been part of this masjid since it opened its doors almost 4 decades ago....and its congregation has grown bigger and bigger with each passing year...that is a testment to its teaching, concern and welfare of its worshippers...


Alhamdulillah I’m so happy have there BSL and hope more deaf welcome at the mosque in shaa Allah


Alhamdulillah I have been there Imam quari zakaullah saleem is amazing.His voice and Quran recitation is beautiful Masho Allah

More about Green Lane Masjid

Monday: 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 11:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 17:00
Friday: 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -