Greenwich Maritime Centre

About Greenwich Maritime Centre

The Greenwich Maritime Centre (GMC) is a cross faculty initiative at the University of Greenwich.

Greenwich Maritime Centre Description

The Greenwich Maritime Centre (GMC) is a cross faculty initiative at the University of Greenwich that brings together a wide range of stakeholders from diverse backgrounds in maritime issues. The purpose of the GMC is to promote a greater understanding and social awareness of the relationships between sea and society, and to be a platform for developing sustainable solutions for maritime issues.



Early bird rate for our second Society and the Sea conference closes on the 7th Aug. Make the most of this special offer and register today!< br>


4 June at the National Maritime Museum
Jack Avery NMM Collaborative Doctoral Partnership PhD student
... Satire and the Anglo-Dutch Wars
The Second and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars (1665–67, 1672–74) saw the restored monarchy in conflict with the developing European news industry. Consequently, these were wars in which news itself constituted a key battlefield at home and abroad. This seminar will discuss the Restoration regime’s attempts to control news, an agenda pursued in part through popular poetry, before demonstrating the manner in which wartime satirists engaged with these efforts.
Details at:…/caird-library-r esearch-seminars-2018
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Thank you to everyone who submitted to the GMC's Society and the Sea 2018 conference call-for-papers. We have now closed submissions and are reviewing. We have sent email confirmation to everyone who submitted.
Updates to the conference website are coming soon, including more information on InvestinBlue, ADSMA, and the Marine Social Sciences Network. Please note registration fees are published but not yet the sign up form. We will notify everyone when that goes live.< br>


Maritime Kent through the Ages Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd June 2018
This two day conference at Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University, Longport, Canterbury CT1 1PL, begins with a:... Free lecture 7pm on Friday by Richard Holdsworth MBE (Chatham Historic Dockyard), with wine reception at 6.30pm.
Followed by four plenary sessions on Saturday 10.00am - 5.00pm
Tickets for Saturday available from:, or phone: 01227 782994 or buy online at
Tickets for Saturday cost £18 (£16 KAS) or £10 (CCCU students).
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Call for Papers - LAST WEEKEND.
You only have this weekend left to submit for our conference 'Society and the Sea: The Values Of The Ocean And Coasts For Sustainable Development'
You can go directly to the Google Form below or find out more on our website:< br>...…/1FAIpQLSe9Je9 JzCJ9QGxbqw…/viewform
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24th April 2018
Maritime History & Culture Seminar at the Institute of Historical Research.
by Laika Nevalainen, European University Institute.
... "From sailors’ chests to sailors’ homes: Finnish seamen and domesticity in the early 20th century"
The life of a merchant seaman was filled with hours of difficult and dangerous labour but what did sailors do besides work and how did they spend their free time? Historian Laika Nevalainen will focus on the lives of Finnish sailors of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, exploring their everyday routines, their living conditions, what they ate and what they kept in their sea chests.
The seaman’s chest was particularly important to domestic life aboard ship since, in the words of a former sailor, ‘if one had not had one’s seaman’s chest one would have been quite homeless. On it one sat, on it one ate and in it one had all of one’s possessions.’
This talk will also examine sailors’ homes ashore. These institutions, which provided domestic comfort and Finnish food, were founded to prevent sailors getting ‘morally shipwrecked’ and remind them of their responsibilities to their families and their homeland. Nevalainen’s research also provides many important parallels with other Western merchant sailors of the same period.
Times and details at:…/maritime-histor y-culture-seminars-i…
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On the 14th May at the Royal Museums Greenwich National Maritime Museum, Chris Ware of the Greenwich Maritime Centre and the University of Greenwich presents as part of the Caird Library Research 2018 programme, his seminar:
Standard Ships of World War One: Too Little and Too Late?
After a hands-off approach to Merchant Shipping for most of the First World War, by 1917 the need for new tonnage was becoming acute. The Standard ships were seen as the answer. Based on contempora...ry designs, they were to fill the void left by losses to U-boats, but did enough come into service to make a difference? Or did they create a bubble in the market for ships that caused a collapse in the period of post-war austerity?
More details at:…/caird-library-r esearch-seminars-2018
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Last 10 days to submit for our final call-for-papers.
GMC's biennial conference 'Society and the Sea 2018: The Values of the Ocean and Coasts for Sustainable Development'
Deadline: 16th April
... For information on themes and how to submit please visit: call-for-papers
#CallforPapers #CallForSubmissions #maritime #research #oceans #coast #blueeconomy #maritimegovernance #conservation #maritimeheritage #maritimehistory #smallscalefisheries #conference University of Greenwich
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GMC's biennial conference 'Society and the Sea 2018: The Values of the Ocean and Coasts for Sustainable Development' is now accepting submissions for our final call-for-papers.
... Deadline: 16th April
For information on themes and how to submit please visit: call-for-papers
#CallforPapers #CallForSubmissions #maritime #research #oceans #coast #blueeconomy #maritimegovernance #conservation #maritimeheritage #maritimehistory #smallscalefisheries #conference
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Applied Data Science for Maritime Applications (ADSMA) 2018.
Co-located with the GMC's Society and the Sea conference in September, this two day event is inviting papers with a deadline of 16th April.
... More here: rticipation-v
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"Environmental Governance of the Oceans" a free seminar by Dr Tim. A Stojanovic, University of St Andrews. To be held at the University of Greenwich by the Greenwich Maritime Centre.
Human activities in the oceans are expanding rapidly. There is concern that the oceans are facing environmentally degrading development pressures, as catchments did the industrial revolution. But there is also hope that new forms of activity can be developed smartly to minimise environmental impa...cts and benefit society. In response to these pressures, since 2005 over 60 marine plans have been developed by nations to help govern the marine environment. This paper will provide an overview of the phases and scales of marine development in the global oceans, as well as a review of the approaches to marine planning. In conclusion, the seminar will invite scholarly reflection surrounding these practicable tasks, including: What kind of institutional arrangements can draw together public, private and civil society into partnerships for the sustainability of the oceans? How should marine plans draw on the traditions of planning in the terrestrial environment? Which principles of governance will lead to more just allocation and sustainable outcomes for the world’s oceans? Such research questions build upon Greenwich Maritime Centre’s stated aims to deepen understanding of the relationships between society and the sea.
Tuesday 3rd April, 2018 Old Royal Naval College campus Lecture Theatre Queen Anne 080 5.30pm - 8.00pm
The talk will last for 45 mins with a chance for a Q&A and networking after.
Tickets are free but limited so please do reserve your place: r-environmental-go…
For more information on our seminar series please visit:…/seminar-…/gmc- and-cmrg-seminar-series
Find out more about the Coastal and Marine Research Group (RGS) here: https://coastalmarineresearchgroup.wordpr
If you have any queries please email:
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GMC's biennial conference 'Society and the Sea 2018: The Values of the Ocean and Coasts for Sustainable Development' is now accepting submissions for our final call-for-papers.
... Deadline: 16th April
For information on themes and how to submit please visit: call-for-papers
#CallforPapers #CallForSubmissions #maritime #research #oceans #coast #blueeconomy #maritimegovernance #conservation #maritimeheritage #maritimehistory #smallscalefisheries #conference University of Greenwich
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Call-for-Papers from Uppsala University
Visby Maritime Symposium International Merchant Shipping in the 21st century: Social Science Perspectives on Opportunities and Challenges 10 - 12 October 2018... Visby, Sweden.
Details: ime-symposium/
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Webinar announcement!
'Equal Shipping: why are women still underrepresented in maritime?'
March 28th.
... Details at:…/…/FA61599D5F A1B2C56EEF0A935BCE109B…
or visit: Lloyd's Maritime Academy
#maritime #equalshipping
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Caird Library Research Seminar Royal Museums Greenwich on the 5 March by
Quintin Colville, Curator of Naval History
... "Collecting Maritime History? Callender, Caird and the National Maritime Museum, 1928–39"
Details at:…/caird-library-r esearch-seminars-2018
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NEXT WEEK! From Stem to Stern: Celebrating the ‘Wonder’ of Maritime History" seminar by Dr Cathryn Pearce.
Wednesday 21st February 6pm at the University of Greenwich Old Royal Naval College.
FREE tickets and further details available on Eventbrite: to-stern-celebrati…


Seminar announcement!
Date: 20th February 2018
Location: Maritime History & Culture Seminars at The Institute of Historical Research, University of London, Senate House, London WE1E 7HU
... Time: 17:15 in Wolfson Room I
Dr Caroline Withall, National Maritime Museum
The forgotten boys of the sea: Marine Society merchant sea apprentices, 1772-1854
Dr Caroline Withall will explore the lives of poor boys who went to sea during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Meet apprentices like Edward Kelly, who was beaten so badly he lost the use of his arm, William Cakebread, who was jailed for smuggling, and William Brook, a ‘boy of colour’ recommended by the Lord Mayor of London.
Where did these boys come from? Who employed them and how were they treated? Where were they sent? Did they find better lives at sea? Did they run away? How many of them survived?
The Marine Society is well known for sending boys to the Royal Navy but, as this seminar will show, supplying apprentices for merchant ships became the society’s main focus. Dr Withall will also address broader social and economic issues within British and maritime history, drawing upon data on over 22,000 of these ‘forgotten’ boys.
For more information:…/maritime-histor y-culture-seminars-i…
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More about Greenwich Maritime Centre

Greenwich Maritime Centre is located at University of Greenwich, Old Royal Naval College, SE10 9LS London, United Kingdom