
About Hackasoton

HackaSoton is as online community which aims to connect technical and non-technical people through various events.

Hackasoton Description

HackaSoton is a society founded in 2014 with the aim of promoting technical skill and entrepreneurship among students, having fun in the process. The society runs hackathons, workshops, talks and more, providing unique and fun opportunities to students of any background.

You can contact us here, or by sending an email to hack@soton. ac. uk



Registrations open!! Join 150 hackers, designers and entrepreneurs at the biggest hackathon in Southampton, UK 👩‍💻👨‍💻🏆 🎉


Overview of Trip #1 to #OpenBankHack18 & closing Deutsche Bank roles -


Learn how to make your own website with the cool people from American Express! Followed by a quiz and pizza 👨‍💻👩‍💻


Soon! 😎


Join us on a great talk from American Express followed by pizza and a quiz! 👨‍💻👩‍💻🍕🏆
"Having your own personal website can be a great way to stand out from the crowd. The aim of the workshop is to give attendees the tools to build and deploy their very own website. We’ll cover some examples, what to include, popular technologies and deployment methods. Whether you already have your own website and are simply looking to get it online or you haven’t even begun, we’ll have somet...hing useful for you! The session will consist of a short introduction, followed by hands-on help from American Express demonstrators."
Schedule: - tech workshop at the Maths Student Center - pizza (same place) - quiz and drinks at the Wild Lime
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Deutsche Bank online Q&A sessions, starting 18 Oct
>>> https://meetandengage.com/c7h5m0m3t


Find the slides & links from our presentation below:


Ready to welcome you!! 😄


UPDATE: We're going to # OpenBankHack18!
https://www.facebook.com/events/541693879 612444/permalink/545780472537118/
========================================= =
... HackaSoton is going to a hackathon in London! Join us on a fun trip filled with coding, prizes, and sleepless nights.
### Options so far:
1. Museum Hackathon 7-9 November 2018 free entry https://www.hackathon.com/…/museum-hack athon--digging-into-…
2. # OpenBankHack18 23-25 November 2018 £15 ticket https://www.eventbrite.com/e/openbankhack 18-railsbank-open-…
3. Machine Learning Hackathon 23-25 November 2018 £10 - £30 ticket https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/machine-learn ing-hackathon-tick…
Please check the links for more information then vote on the poll for your favourite. Please click GOING if you're sure you're coming & vote before 14 Oct so we can book transport early.
### Transport
We can take a train or coach, both have discounts for groups and advance bookings.
### Costs
Unfortunately we cannot cover any costs. Everyone will have to pay their own transport (or join the group as it's usually cheaper). Not all hackathons have food included, so for some of them food is an extra cost.
### What do I need to bring?
Usually a hackathon checklist looks like this:
- Gear (laptop, phone, power banks, chargers, etc) - Snacks - Extra t-shirt - Blanket for sleep (some hackathons provide sleeping areas) - Any hardware you plan to use
### Only click GOING if you're sure!
Please click GOING if you're sure you're coming & vote before 14 Oct so we can book transport early.
See More


26 hours to go!!


Deutsche Bank (one of our hackathon sponsors this year) are organising an Open House event in London next week:
Interactive Discussion and Networking Event
Date: 11 October 2018... Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Venue: Winchester House,1 Great Winchester St, London, EC2N 2DB
Come along to our event, hear from Deutsche Bank’s leading talent and discover what your role could be in building our future.
Through speakers, films, quiz questions and a Q&A session, you’ll start to understand the role we play in society, what we do for our clients and meet the people who make it all happen.
If you’re interested in learning what it’s like to work at a leading international bank – and the role you could play – then this event is for you.
Please register your interest to attend – where possible please use your school email address.
Registration: https://db.cmail19.com/t/r-i-jjhjukly-l-j /
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Don't forget to come along to our Intro Event next week!
*** free pizza🍕 ***


It was cool meeting everyone, thanks for checking out our stall! 😄


Come by our stall to grab some crisps & complete a quiz to win a £10 Amazon gift card!
We're table 48 in the Yellow Area. Sign up on our newsletter for updates: https://hackasoton.com/newsletter.html


Let's get to know each other!
Come along to learn more about the committee, what we have planned for this year, and our big hackathon — Hack The South.
... https://hackthesouth.co.uk
There will be pizza and drinks.
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Do you want to be part of our awesome committee? Are you good at organizing events? Maybe fixing websites or fiddling with brand new tech? Or maybe you just want to be the one to order the vast quantities of swag, food and drinks we consume in our events.
**We want YOU to run the society next year! **
... -Positions: https://drive.google.com/…/1TQS-Qsez0vR cRTQiQvmKqN4mP…/view…
-Nomination Form: https://hacka.typeform.com/to/n2XSnL
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More about Hackasoton

Hackasoton is located at SO17 1BJ Southampton