Hacksoc Nottingham

About Hacksoc Nottingham

The official page for HackSoc, the hack society at the University of Nottingham.
Join our Discord server: https://hacksoc.net/discord



margins is a free one-day conference on June 22nd for people from marginalised backgrounds that work in/with/around technology (or hope to break into the industry!).
Tickets went live this afternoon at https://tickets.margins.tech
Read more about the event at https://margins.tech


Full details at margins.tech
margins is a free one-day conference for people from marginalised backgrounds that work in/with/around technology (or hope to break into the industry!).
Everyone is welcome to join us in Nottingham for a day filled with inspiration, solidarity and compassion.


In this workshop presented by Panagiotis, we will go over the basics of C++ as well as some good practices on how to write good code with it. Although prior programming experience isn't required for this workshop, if you know a language like C, Java or Javascript it should make things a bit easier for you.
Having down the fundementals of C++ and containers it's time to put that knowledge to good use. And to do that we introduce the STL algorithms as well as go over the patter...ns that you need to know to build your own. Some of the algorithms we will go through include:
sort find/binary_find erase remove_if for_each min/max lambda expressions how to write your own algorithms for containers
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In this workshop presented by Panagiotis, we will go over the basics of C++ as well as some good practices on how to write good code with it. Although prior programming experience isn't required for this workshop, if you know a language like C, Java or Javascript it should make things a bit easier for you.
In the second worshop it's all about containers. Containers are the building blocks of any C++ program and as such they are very important. More specifically we will go ove...r the following:
array list vector queue stack map/unordered_map set/unordered_set how to build your own containers
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A look at how the science of building secure software and the art of breaking software security differ (and how they're the same). From a software engineer who breaks things (or, a security engineer who makes things).
Mark Goodwin is a security engineer with 20 years' experience building secure sofware, including 15 years in application security, half of which have been for Mozilla, creators of the Firefox web browser.


Come along to this Deep Learning workshop, where you can expect a hands-on experience to get a feel for whether this is something they'd like to do more of in your subsequent career, and go away feeling excited about the possibilities AI opens up.


This Monday, we'll be having our Annual General Meeting. It may feel like our first event was just yesterday, but it's come time for us to elect a new committee take HackSoc forward.
Nominations are open, ensure you come to cast your vote.
Remember - you can help decide the direction that HackSoc is taken in, so every vote counts!
... We'll be providing pizza and drinks for attendees of the AGM, so be sure to bring as many HackSoc members as possible! 🍕
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If you've ever been interested in Cyber Security, then these workshops are for you! Go in-depth into Cyber Security and Wireless Security with our series of workshops run by Hani Momeninia. Regardless of ability, whether you're a newbie or experienced developer, these workshops are designed to cater for all.
Last session, Hani covered some password cracking methods and the use of rainbow tables.


Join us for the second instalment of the Cyber Security workshops! We had such a great turnout for the first one and completely packed out the room, so this time we'll be moving to C60 to better prepare for a larger audience.
If you've ever been interested in Cyber Security, then these workshops are for you! Go in-depth into Cyber Security and Wireless Security with our series of workshops run by Hani Momeninia. Regardless of ability, whether you're a newbie or experienced developer, these workshops are designed to cater for all.
Last session, Hani covered some basic ideas and concepts for us to become familiar with, as well as explaining the uses of some tools. You can find the slides and files at the following link: https://hacksoc.net/cybersec-1


Remember to regularly check www.HackSoc.net to keep up to date with our upcoming events and news!


If you've ever been interested in Cyber Security, then these workshops are for you!
Regardless of ability, whether you're a newbie or experienced developer, these workshops are designed to cater for all.
Go in-depth into Cyber Security and Wireless Security with our series of workshops run by Hani Momeninia.


We'd like to apologise for the last minute cancellation of tonight's speaker event. This was due to circumstances concerning our speaker that were out of our control.


# About this Workshop In this workshop, you will interact with a 3D car racing game written in C# and developed using the Unity Game Engine. You will learn how to set up the Unity Engine on their computers, explore the project files, fix broken functions in the game, and publish their games for others to play!
Full details at: https://hacksocnotts.co.uk/…/mlh-localh ost-learn-c-sharp-wi…


Keep your calendars clear for Tuesday evening, where you could be joining HackSoc for a DevOps talk by Anna Dodson and free pizza! 🍕 Check out the event below!


In this talk by Anna Dodson, she'll be discussing what DevOps means to different organisations and why everyone's talking about it. She'll also be covering some handy tips for getting started if you're interested in learning!


Know some basic programming? Don't really like Java that much?
In this workshop, run by our Dev Officer Daniel Cordell, you'll gain a basic understanding of the Kotlin programming language over two weeks, its similarities and differenes to Java, and why it's can be a nicer language to use.
Some programming knoweldge is required, but it does not necessarily need to be Java. While having some Java experience would be useful, it shuld not be necessary to understand some of the concepts explained.


Know some basic programming? Don't really like Java that much?
In this workshop, run by our Dev Officer Daniel Cordell, you'll gain a basic understanding of the Kotlin programming language over two weeks, its similarities and differenes to Java, and why it's can be a nicer language to use.
Some programming knoweldge is required, but it does not necessarily need to be Java. While having some Java experience would be useful, it shuld not be necessary to understand some of the concepts explained.


Join us next Tuesday (12th Feb) for our Blockchain Basics workshop using Quorum, created by JP Morgan!
During this workshop, you’ll learn the basics of blockchain technology, what this means for the future of the internet, what makes Quorum different, and how to interact with your own decentralized application built on the Quorum network.
More info at: https://hacksocnotts.co.uk/…/mlh-localh ost-blockchain-basic…

More about Hacksoc Nottingham

Hacksoc Nottingham is located at Computer Science, University of Nottingham, NG8 1 Nottingham, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 11584 68800