Hannah Anderson Mindful Hynobirthing

About Hannah Anderson Mindful Hynobirthing

I am on a mission to ensure as many women as possible have a positive birth story!



As I'm sure you've noticed, we've been having a little break here at The Mindful Birth Company.. Some big changes are afoot and I will be back with a bang in January 2019 ❀ .. I'll definitely be posting the odd spoiler pic and be checking in on stories, but courses are now full until the end of the year ❀ ..... Hope everyone has a wonderful run up to the end of the year and I can't wait to show you what 2019 will bring! .. #kghypnobirthing #hypnobirthing #birthwithoutfear #calmbirth #waterbirth #homebirth #birthwithconfidence #birthwithconfidence #empoweredbirth #positivebirthexperience #positivebirthmovement #positivebirth #informedbirth #instanatal #ownyourbirth #ownyourbirthstory
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Feedback like this ❀


After a very busy July/August, I am so excited to be hosting another completely FREE Hypnobirthing taster morning on Saturday 29th September at Morton village hall in Gainsborough!! ... I'll be giving an overview of what hypnobirthing is, what the course is about and how it can help you own your birth story like a boss πŸ’ͺ ... There will be no obligation to book onto a course, this is more a chance to find out hypnobirthing is (or isn't!) And to chat to me about any questions ...you might have.
I'll even throw in a little buffet if you're lucky! πŸ˜‹πŸ‰πŸ•πŸ₯ͺ ... Please contact me to book yourself on, birth partners are more than welcome too!! ... Please feel free to share this post with your friends and family & any expectant Mamas you know! 🀱❀
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What do you do when you feel under pressure to agree to an induction? 🀰 .. Find out the evidence and the facts πŸ“š .. Put your feet up, make a cup of tea, and watch a funny DVD β˜•... .. Have a nice relaxing warm bath with essential oil of lavender, candles around you and the Colour and Calmness audio playing in the background 🌼 .. Have a massage, a reflexology session, a facial, or anything that helps you chill out πŸ¦„ .. While you're doing this your partner will be cooking you a delicious meal or booking to take you out for a candle-lit dinner for two 🍝 .. Do your normal daily KGHypnobirthing practice, and then go to bed. In the morning when you feel alert and fresh, review the evidence, review the alternatives, read the NICE guidlines you were given on your KGHypnobirthing course, and make YOUR decision πŸ’ͺ .. Then, with the help of your partner, politely and firmly convey your choice to your caregivers πŸ’›
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M O N D A Y πŸ’• .. Your daily reminder that "where the mind leads, the body follows" πŸ’› .. Focusing on the birth you want is so, so important in pregnancy 🀰... .. Hypnobirthing is designed to make all women and their birth partners feel EMPOWERED in labour, whether you give birth at home, in hospital or in a MLCU ❀ .. We all know what happens if I say to you "don't think of a pink elephant"...well guess what happens when someone says to you β€œDon’t worry” or β€œDon’t panic”? 🚨🚨🚨 .. Our brains don’t register the β€œdon’t” part of those sentences & we immediately focus on all the negatives. .. In my hyonobirthing course we look at the importance of language & how to make subtle changes that impact your birth story in such a powerful way πŸ™ŒπŸ» .. You've got this , Mama πŸ’ͺπŸ’›
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All hypnobirthing teachers approach their courses differently, but the one thing they all have in common is ensuring parents to be come away knowing their 5 C's.
1. CHOICE. You have a choice in all aspects of your care during pregnancy and birth. .. 2. CONTROL. You are in control of your birth journey. From decision making to listening to other people's negative birth stories.... .. 3. CONFIDENCE. In your body, your ability to birth your baby, in your care givers. .. 4. CALM. Your birth will be a calm one, in a safe, unobserved environment, that's right for you. .. 5. COMFORTABLE. You will feel comfortable with your body's ability, the decisions that are being made and your physical wellbeing. .. Hypnobirthing is for anyone wanting a positive, calm birth experience ❀ .. [#hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingworks #calmbirth #empoweredbirth #birthstory #birthright #waterbirth #ownyourbirthstory #hypnobirthingmums #hypnobirthingteacher #naturalbirth]
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Pregnancy? .. Bring it on πŸ’ͺ Delivery? .. Bring it on πŸ’ͺ Breastfeeding? .. Bring it on πŸ’ͺ Bottle feeding? .. Bring it on πŸ’ͺ Postpartum? .. Bring it on πŸ’ͺ... Motherhood? .. You guessed it..Bring it on πŸ’ͺ .. Hypnobirthing prepares you for all aspects surrounding pregnancy, labour and postpartum. .. I am making it my mission to ensure all my hypnobirthing mum's finish their courses feeling excited, empowered & looking forward to their birth story πŸ™Œ .. I am fully booked for July & August, so if you are a Mama to be that will be 30 weeks pregnant in September, drop me message for a free information pack, so we can start your hypnobirthing journey today .. [ #hypnobirthingworks #hypnobaby #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingclasses #hypnobirthingpractitioner #positivebirth #positivebirthexperience #positivebirthmovement #calmbirth #waterbirth #birthwithoutfear #empoweredparents #empoweredbirth #birthwithconfidence #birthright ]
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We love a good birth affirmation in hypnobirthing and this is possibly my favourite! ... How many times do we hear negative birth stories? Our friends warning us "its going to hurt!"? "Let me tell you how bad my birth experience was"... ... Telling these stories is one of THE MOST damaging things others can do to pregnant Mamas. ...... If I tell you not to think of Boris Johnson tap dancing with the Queen, what glorious image immediately jumps to mind??? ... Guess what happens when someone says to you β€œDon’t worry” or β€œDon’t panic”? 🚨🚨🚨 ...Our brains don’t register the β€œdon’t” part of those sentences & we immediately focus on all the negatives, setting our bodies up to fail before labour even begins πŸ‘ŽπŸ» ... Never underestimate the power of the mind πŸ’• ... If you’re pregnant & are considering Hypnobirthing, you have absolutely nothing to lose from getting a FREE information pack πŸ“š Either drop me a direct message or an email & your information pack will be winging it’s way over to you within 24 hours πŸ˜˜πŸ’• .. #kghypnobirthing #hypnobirthing #birthwithoutfear #calmbirth #waterbirth #homebirth #birthwithconfidence #birthwithconfidence #empoweredbirth #positivebirthexperience #positivebirthmovement #positivebirth #informedbirth #instanatal #ownyourbirth #ownyourbirthstory #calmbirth #waterbirth #homebirth #hospitalbirth #birthright #empoweredbirth
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What a fantastic evening chatting to some lovely Mums to be ❀ Thank you to everyone who came and listened to me warbling on about hypnobirthing, you're all going to be fantastic Mamas!


Todays the day! Our taster evening is tonight at Morton Village Hall, 7pm. I can't wait to meet all you beautiful Mamas!


This fathers birth story is so lovely πŸ™Œ
A perfect example of how hypnobirthing involves both the mum and their birth partner! πŸ’•
"We followed your hypnobirthing seminar over the New Year and I wrote on 3rd January to let you ... know that we thought your seminar was great. Lisa was very much afraid of giving birth and the seminar had a very welcoming, calming and empowering effect on her. We practised relaxation and visualisation exercises nearly every day. I am writing to let you know that three days ago, Lisa gave birth to our beautiful baby boy. Lisa and I have been overwhelmed by Emmanuel’s arrival and there has been a lot of tears of happiness. I wanted to let you know that form the start of the contractions to delivery, it took Lisa 9 hours to give birth to our son. She was amazing and did all of this on a single paracetamol. A complete star! I wanted to thank you for the trust in herself and empowerment your seminar brought about. To say that it has changed her perspective on childbirth would be a gross understatement. The birth was calm, and the word that really comes to mind is not β€œpain”, although there were a number of painful moments but β€œintense”. We kept on breathing, visualising the sea, focusing on the road ahead and the result is that the birth went really well ad today we also have a calm, relaxed baby. Thanks again for everything. - Nuno"
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So elegant, so beautiful ❀
All our love & happiness goes out to the new Duke & Duchess of Sussex ❀
To know me is to know I adore the royal family. I sobbed my way through the whole service, how beautiful was the mix of different cultures?
... A wonderful, beautiful modern wedding, with all the tradition & honour of years gone by ❀
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What should you do when you feel under pressure to agree to an induction? 🀰⏰ ... β™‘ Find out the evidence and the facts. Put your feet up, make a cup of tea, and watch a funny DVD. .. β™‘ Have a nice relaxing warm bath with essential oil of lavender, candles around you and the Colour and Calmness audio playing in the background. ... .. β™‘ Have a massage, a reflexology session, a facial, or anything that helps you chill out. .. β™‘ While you're doing this your partner will be cooking you a delicious meal or booking to take you out for a candle-lit dinner for two. .. β™‘ Do your normal daily KGHypnobirthing practice, and then go to bed. .. β™‘ In the morning when you feel alert and fresh, review the evidence, review the alternatives, read the NICE guidlines you were given on your KGHypnobirthing course, and make YOUR decision. .. β™‘ Then, with the help of your partner, politely and firmly convey your choice to your caregivers πŸ’• ... Your body, your baby, your birth ❀
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Our taster session is officially full! πŸŽ‰ So excited to meet all the lovely expectant Mamas & their birth partners πŸ€±πŸ’• .. To be added to our wait list, for an information pack or if you simply have any questions, please just drop me a message πŸ’Œ


🚨 ** Only one space left on my free Hypnobirthing taster session! ** 🚨
Please share with any pregnant ladies out there! 🀱


There are just four more spaces available for my Hypnobirthing taster evening at Morton Village Hall on Friday 1st June! 🚨
Please share with any expectant Mamas you may know, I can't wait to meet everyone! Birth Partners too! 🀱❀
... themindfulbirthcompany.co.uk
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This is such an amazing birth story that's been posted into the Hypnobirthing Group page! Thank you Christine for such an honest account & the biggest of congratulations to you 😘❀
... themindfulbirthcompany.co.uk
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I am so excited to be hosting a completely FREE Hypnobirthing taster evening on Friday 1st June at Morton village hall!! ... I'll be giving an overview of what hypnobirthing is, what the course is about and how it can help you own your birth story like a boss πŸ’ͺ ... There will be no obligation to book onto a course, this is more a chance to find out hypnobirthing is (or isn't!) And to chat to me about any questions you might have.
... I'll even throw in a little buffet if you're lucky! πŸ˜‹πŸ‰πŸ•πŸ₯ͺ ... Please contact me to book yourself on, birth partners are more than welcome too!! ... Please feel free to share this post with your friends and family & any expectant Mamas you know! 🀱❀
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More about Hannah Anderson Mindful Hynobirthing

Hannah Anderson Mindful Hynobirthing is located at Melrose road, DN212SD Gainsborough, Lincolnshire