Hanson Academy

About Hanson Academy

Hanson School, Bradford,



Year 6 Open Evening - this Thursday - https://www.hansonacademy.org.uk/welcome- slideshow/


Autumn Term Enrichment - Lunchtime & After School Timetables


You're Invited




Year 9 Parent's Evening


http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/… /16119553.Top_rugby…/


Hanson School Year 7 pupils brave freezing temperatures to break stereotypes on trip to Finland http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/… /16086377.Pupils_br…/


Hanson Team Entity in final of F1 engineering event The team is in need of sponsorship both financial and technical to help them with their endeavour. Any company interested in sponsoring the team can email s.clemmett@hansonacademy.org.uk. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/… /16083239.team_in_f…/


Thursday 8th March Due to dangerous weather and road conditions we have taken the decision to close Hanson School today. Apologies for any inconvenience.


went to my sons open evening tonight, and even though I didn't put this down as a choice, I'm glad he is going, loved the presentations, teachers were all supportive and friendly, showed good team work, school was clean and very modern, head teacher was down to earth and honest, good morals and values... heard a lot of bad pres about this school in the past and all I can say is this school has turned its self round because this headteachers has stayed and madea difference... go hanson


Well done to the Principal for taking this step forward. My daughter goes to a school that has a similar policy and it reinforces equality amongst the pupils, stops peer pressure as everyone is the same, stops bullying because someone chooses not to wear the latest fashion! We live in a world governed by rules and laws, young people have to start abiding by some restrictions at some point, and school is the ideal platform for transition from childhood into the adult world, where not everything will "go their way".


We have just returned from our Grandsons year 9 Parent/teachers evening. Our Grandson moved to Hanson from a small rural school in Cornwall and to be honest when he was given a place in Hanson we had our doubts; however, our Grandson is more confident and is thriving in a city school. We would like to say a big thank you to all the teachers who have taken the time to speak to us and give they valid opinions on our Grandsons progress this year.


Hats off to the head teacher that found some balls. A uniform is exactly that. When they move into employment they will be required to wear a certain uniform or follow a certain dress code. Schools have got soft on enforcing these rules. To the parents challenging these rules, with excuses of I can't afford new shoes or my child has always wore pumps and will continue too. Your affecting your child's education and teaching them that rules don't apply to them if they don't like them. Well done to this head teacher .


Fantastic news...a school that actually enforces what its rules are. I have just moved my daughter from a school that was forever sending out letters and nothing ever changed. I was annoyed that i always made the effort to dress my daughter correctly and others just refused to do it. It only put a message across to me that if they couldnt be strict about a bit of clothing then what was my daughters education standard going to be like! Life learning starts at school and home and soceity needs to learn that rules are there for a reason and getting used to rules (that are enforced) is a good way forward in life. Well done Hanson Academy


As a very liberal person and a rocking rebel when I was at school (leather jacket, long hair and DM's in the early 90's) I think there should be a compromise here. The school is right to focus on learning and not fashion, however, individuality is also important. I understand the restrictions on uniform, but do not think this should apply to hair style or piercings. Kids need to find themselves, they should not be confined when they are NOT in school. More permanent individualism (hair colour etc) should be no concern of the school, only standards of uniform should be. The school needs to adjust this policy to limit their influence to only impact on students during school hours. Shoes, jackets, trousers and shirts are fine, ordering kids to remove piercings entirely or change their hair colour is unacceptable.


L myself atended hanson school for nearly a full year , since l came from a school where there was fun 24/7 this was a big change for me . L couldnt find friends for the first 2 months ( it was all starting to bore be ) but then at once l got a mate and finaly wasnt alone every break , in a other way the school actualy helped me since l used to get picked on in my old school ( everyone did ) education is great � teachers � � pay attention every second of the lesson kids ale friendly to each other maby sometimes someone picks on the other one but that quickly sorts itself out , the school is great expect its very lonely for some people �


About time Schools actually enforced uniform policy . I have just read a comment on BBC news where a mother stated her daughter has had the same shoes for two years . At 13 I find it difficult to believe that her feet have not grown nor that the shoes have not worn out. Young girls on way to school in my area look more like they are going clubbing . The length of skirts is ridiculous as is the amount of make up . Parents should ensure they purchase the correct uniform in the first place !


Tries to fix cyber bulling inside of school, yet fails to fix physical and mental bulling inside of the school. Can honestly say, I'll be happy to finish this school year and be a term closer to leaving with my GCSE's


This would never do in schools in my area, if schools enforced such strict uniform rules the parents would be there and the pupils would be collected from the school there's no way kids are going to stick to these rules. Maybe if kids had a say in what their uniform was like schools wouldn't have these issues with pupils. I say keep sending your kids to school however they want to look and if they continue to get sent home the authorities will soon call you and just tell them oh no I'm sorry they want to go to school to learn only the school has other ideas, then lets see how long these uniform rules stand up. This school should get a grip fast.


This school is a joke a recommend that no parent send their kids to this shit school

They teach the kids nothing then get them to come in on their holidays to catch up.The teachers are shit and no fuck all.My son got his arm broke on purpose and the school wouldn't help the police,they just turned round and brushed it under the carpet and said it was a accident.(assault)

My son is currently taking his GCSEs where kids at other schools are off on study leave kids at this school don't get study leave they have to be in school(what a joke)

I could go on but I won't but I highly recommend you send your kids to a school where they will be taught because they won't learn shit at this dump


These schools are paid to teach our children. These pupils are there to learn and for many parents the price of school uniform is a struggle. Gone are the grants that parents were given to help them purchase the uniform. There was a big debate in the T& A last week about cost of uniform you are looking at around £300 pounds just for basic uniform. Then there are shoes only certain school shoes are allowed.Trainers for P.E. again only certain ones are allowed. They cant wera outside coats so come middle of winter what do the pupils do freeze. No school jumpers No tshirts under uniforms. The fact that these pupils turn up on time willing to learn is a credit to them yet the school think its acceptable to deny them an education. If they worked for a company then uniform and footwear would be provided. On top of all this parents have dinners, school bus fares, stationery, school trips also to provide. Many of these pupils along with other pupils in other schools are living on the poverty line Believe me I know of parents that are in what you call the grey area that recieve no help. This school along with alot of other secondary schools need to wake up to the fact parents have not got the money and are all struggling. As long as these pupils turn up on time and are willing to learn does it matter if their hair is pink socks bright blue No it doesnt. As for the Head Teachers in secondary schools take a long look at your teachers short skirts high heels dyed hair earrings the list could go on . My sugestion is lead by example and dont judge the pupil talk to the parents and see what help you can give as you now recieve alot of extra monies for pupils on free school dinners and the money not given to pupils for uniform is given to the school direct. Its called Pupil Premium.


My daughter has been sent home for not wearing socks which is ridiculous. When did socks become part of the uniform? Saying that wearing the 'correct' uniform improves students learning doesn't wash with me, my daughter gets excellent results and excellent comments from teachers every time I go to parents evening... and that's achieved without socks! Sending students home for such a minor thing is totally out of order.


Kids are left in a freezing cold hall doing exams and then they give detention for my son putting is coat on trying to get warm ! Teachers don't live in the real world ! Rules have gone crazy, no common sense !


In my opinion with the whole uniform thing is that i have never had an issue with uniform effecting my learning. i have worn near correct uniform for the whole time i have been at Hanson and found that it has no effect on my grades. the only thing that has effected them is rubbish teaching standards. being passed from one crap teacher to another! They should be focusing on what grades i get and not what i look like!


I totally disagree with the way Hanson are going about the uniform saga. They ought to focus their attentions on the teaching standards to enable the students to reach their full potential which is not and has not been happening for a long time. Despite meeting with the head teacher, teaching is still very poor in alot of areas. I have a daughter who goes to Hanson sixth form and she cant wait to leave and i regret sending her there. She has been in that school for almost 7 years and it is clear to see how downhill the school has gone over that short amount of time. disgraceful.


I agree with schools having a uniform policy but do not agree with changing it at short notice and expecting hard-pressed parents to dump all their current school clothes because they no longer meet the new guidelines. You are right in saying that it prepares them for the world of work, but most people who have decent jobs are not subject to such harsh guidelines. Also, if YOU want to follow these employers' examples, YOU should supply the uniform that the pupils are supposed to wear, just as employers do. Pathetic. Draconian. Hypocritical.


Did you see what the headmistress was wearing on BBC news? 80s throwback maroon jacket and a hairstyle that looked like it had been scraped to one side with too much hairspray. Then she has the cheek to criticise what other people are wearing! Do the kids in your school a favour and focus on the curriculum and actual teaching. The pupils aren't going to be learning much by being sent home in droves.


Can a teacher please post what they define as appropriate school shoes, my child came home extremely upset because he spent the entire day in isolation because his shoes were not deemed appropriate. They were purchased from the school section in a well known retail store, under school shoes !!! I will be going out tonight to purchase some more shoes but would appreciate some guidance before I waste more money.


went to my sons open evening tonight, and even though I didn't put this down as a choice, I'm glad he is going, loved the presentations, teachers were all supportive and friendly, showed good team work, school was clean and very modern, head teacher was down to earth and honest, good morals and values... heard a lot of bad pres about this school in the past and all I can say is this school has turned its self round because this headteachers has stayed and madea difference... go hanson


Well done to the Principal for taking this step forward. My daughter goes to a school that has a similar policy and it reinforces equality amongst the pupils, stops peer pressure as everyone is the same, stops bullying because someone chooses not to wear the latest fashion! We live in a world governed by rules and laws, young people have to start abiding by some restrictions at some point, and school is the ideal platform for transition from childhood into the adult world, where not everything will "go their way".


We have just returned from our Grandsons year 9 Parent/teachers evening. Our Grandson moved to Hanson from a small rural school in Cornwall and to be honest when he was given a place in Hanson we had our doubts; however, our Grandson is more confident and is thriving in a city school. We would like to say a big thank you to all the teachers who have taken the time to speak to us and give they valid opinions on our Grandsons progress this year.


Hats off to the head teacher that found some balls. A uniform is exactly that. When they move into employment they will be required to wear a certain uniform or follow a certain dress code. Schools have got soft on enforcing these rules. To the parents challenging these rules, with excuses of I can't afford new shoes or my child has always wore pumps and will continue too. Your affecting your child's education and teaching them that rules don't apply to them if they don't like them. Well done to this head teacher .


Fantastic news...a school that actually enforces what its rules are. I have just moved my daughter from a school that was forever sending out letters and nothing ever changed. I was annoyed that i always made the effort to dress my daughter correctly and others just refused to do it. It only put a message across to me that if they couldnt be strict about a bit of clothing then what was my daughters education standard going to be like! Life learning starts at school and home and soceity needs to learn that rules are there for a reason and getting used to rules (that are enforced) is a good way forward in life. Well done Hanson Academy


As a very liberal person and a rocking rebel when I was at school (leather jacket, long hair and DM's in the early 90's) I think there should be a compromise here. The school is right to focus on learning and not fashion, however, individuality is also important. I understand the restrictions on uniform, but do not think this should apply to hair style or piercings. Kids need to find themselves, they should not be confined when they are NOT in school. More permanent individualism (hair colour etc) should be no concern of the school, only standards of uniform should be. The school needs to adjust this policy to limit their influence to only impact on students during school hours. Shoes, jackets, trousers and shirts are fine, ordering kids to remove piercings entirely or change their hair colour is unacceptable.


L myself atended hanson school for nearly a full year , since l came from a school where there was fun 24/7 this was a big change for me . L couldnt find friends for the first 2 months ( it was all starting to bore be ) but then at once l got a mate and finaly wasnt alone every break , in a other way the school actualy helped me since l used to get picked on in my old school ( everyone did ) education is great � teachers � � pay attention every second of the lesson kids ale friendly to each other maby sometimes someone picks on the other one but that quickly sorts itself out , the school is great expect its very lonely for some people �


About time Schools actually enforced uniform policy . I have just read a comment on BBC news where a mother stated her daughter has had the same shoes for two years . At 13 I find it difficult to believe that her feet have not grown nor that the shoes have not worn out. Young girls on way to school in my area look more like they are going clubbing . The length of skirts is ridiculous as is the amount of make up . Parents should ensure they purchase the correct uniform in the first place !


Tries to fix cyber bulling inside of school, yet fails to fix physical and mental bulling inside of the school. Can honestly say, I'll be happy to finish this school year and be a term closer to leaving with my GCSE's


This would never do in schools in my area, if schools enforced such strict uniform rules the parents would be there and the pupils would be collected from the school there's no way kids are going to stick to these rules. Maybe if kids had a say in what their uniform was like schools wouldn't have these issues with pupils. I say keep sending your kids to school however they want to look and if they continue to get sent home the authorities will soon call you and just tell them oh no I'm sorry they want to go to school to learn only the school has other ideas, then lets see how long these uniform rules stand up. This school should get a grip fast.


This school is a joke a recommend that no parent send their kids to this shit school

They teach the kids nothing then get them to come in on their holidays to catch up.The teachers are shit and no fuck all.My son got his arm broke on purpose and the school wouldn't help the police,they just turned round and brushed it under the carpet and said it was a accident.(assault)

My son is currently taking his GCSEs where kids at other schools are off on study leave kids at this school don't get study leave they have to be in school(what a joke)

I could go on but I won't but I highly recommend you send your kids to a school where they will be taught because they won't learn shit at this dump


These schools are paid to teach our children. These pupils are there to learn and for many parents the price of school uniform is a struggle. Gone are the grants that parents were given to help them purchase the uniform. There was a big debate in the T& A last week about cost of uniform you are looking at around £300 pounds just for basic uniform. Then there are shoes only certain school shoes are allowed.Trainers for P.E. again only certain ones are allowed. They cant wera outside coats so come middle of winter what do the pupils do freeze. No school jumpers No tshirts under uniforms. The fact that these pupils turn up on time willing to learn is a credit to them yet the school think its acceptable to deny them an education. If they worked for a company then uniform and footwear would be provided. On top of all this parents have dinners, school bus fares, stationery, school trips also to provide. Many of these pupils along with other pupils in other schools are living on the poverty line Believe me I know of parents that are in what you call the grey area that recieve no help. This school along with alot of other secondary schools need to wake up to the fact parents have not got the money and are all struggling. As long as these pupils turn up on time and are willing to learn does it matter if their hair is pink socks bright blue No it doesnt. As for the Head Teachers in secondary schools take a long look at your teachers short skirts high heels dyed hair earrings the list could go on . My sugestion is lead by example and dont judge the pupil talk to the parents and see what help you can give as you now recieve alot of extra monies for pupils on free school dinners and the money not given to pupils for uniform is given to the school direct. Its called Pupil Premium.


My daughter has been sent home for not wearing socks which is ridiculous. When did socks become part of the uniform? Saying that wearing the 'correct' uniform improves students learning doesn't wash with me, my daughter gets excellent results and excellent comments from teachers every time I go to parents evening... and that's achieved without socks! Sending students home for such a minor thing is totally out of order.


Kids are left in a freezing cold hall doing exams and then they give detention for my son putting is coat on trying to get warm ! Teachers don't live in the real world ! Rules have gone crazy, no common sense !


In my opinion with the whole uniform thing is that i have never had an issue with uniform effecting my learning. i have worn near correct uniform for the whole time i have been at Hanson and found that it has no effect on my grades. the only thing that has effected them is rubbish teaching standards. being passed from one crap teacher to another! They should be focusing on what grades i get and not what i look like!


I totally disagree with the way Hanson are going about the uniform saga. They ought to focus their attentions on the teaching standards to enable the students to reach their full potential which is not and has not been happening for a long time. Despite meeting with the head teacher, teaching is still very poor in alot of areas. I have a daughter who goes to Hanson sixth form and she cant wait to leave and i regret sending her there. She has been in that school for almost 7 years and it is clear to see how downhill the school has gone over that short amount of time. disgraceful.


I agree with schools having a uniform policy but do not agree with changing it at short notice and expecting hard-pressed parents to dump all their current school clothes because they no longer meet the new guidelines. You are right in saying that it prepares them for the world of work, but most people who have decent jobs are not subject to such harsh guidelines. Also, if YOU want to follow these employers' examples, YOU should supply the uniform that the pupils are supposed to wear, just as employers do. Pathetic. Draconian. Hypocritical.


Did you see what the headmistress was wearing on BBC news? 80s throwback maroon jacket and a hairstyle that looked like it had been scraped to one side with too much hairspray. Then she has the cheek to criticise what other people are wearing! Do the kids in your school a favour and focus on the curriculum and actual teaching. The pupils aren't going to be learning much by being sent home in droves.


Can a teacher please post what they define as appropriate school shoes, my child came home extremely upset because he spent the entire day in isolation because his shoes were not deemed appropriate. They were purchased from the school section in a well known retail store, under school shoes !!! I will be going out tonight to purchase some more shoes but would appreciate some guidance before I waste more money.


went to my sons open evening tonight, and even though I didn't put this down as a choice, I'm glad he is going, loved the presentations, teachers were all supportive and friendly, showed good team work, school was clean and very modern, head teacher was down to earth and honest, good morals and values... heard a lot of bad pres about this school in the past and all I can say is this school has turned its self round because this headteachers has stayed and madea difference... go hanson


Well done to the Principal for taking this step forward. My daughter goes to a school that has a similar policy and it reinforces equality amongst the pupils, stops peer pressure as everyone is the same, stops bullying because someone chooses not to wear the latest fashion! We live in a world governed by rules and laws, young people have to start abiding by some restrictions at some point, and school is the ideal platform for transition from childhood into the adult world, where not everything will "go their way".


We have just returned from our Grandsons year 9 Parent/teachers evening. Our Grandson moved to Hanson from a small rural school in Cornwall and to be honest when he was given a place in Hanson we had our doubts; however, our Grandson is more confident and is thriving in a city school. We would like to say a big thank you to all the teachers who have taken the time to speak to us and give they valid opinions on our Grandsons progress this year.


Hats off to the head teacher that found some balls. A uniform is exactly that. When they move into employment they will be required to wear a certain uniform or follow a certain dress code. Schools have got soft on enforcing these rules. To the parents challenging these rules, with excuses of I can't afford new shoes or my child has always wore pumps and will continue too. Your affecting your child's education and teaching them that rules don't apply to them if they don't like them. Well done to this head teacher .


Fantastic news...a school that actually enforces what its rules are. I have just moved my daughter from a school that was forever sending out letters and nothing ever changed. I was annoyed that i always made the effort to dress my daughter correctly and others just refused to do it. It only put a message across to me that if they couldnt be strict about a bit of clothing then what was my daughters education standard going to be like! Life learning starts at school and home and soceity needs to learn that rules are there for a reason and getting used to rules (that are enforced) is a good way forward in life. Well done Hanson Academy


As a very liberal person and a rocking rebel when I was at school (leather jacket, long hair and DM's in the early 90's) I think there should be a compromise here. The school is right to focus on learning and not fashion, however, individuality is also important. I understand the restrictions on uniform, but do not think this should apply to hair style or piercings. Kids need to find themselves, they should not be confined when they are NOT in school. More permanent individualism (hair colour etc) should be no concern of the school, only standards of uniform should be. The school needs to adjust this policy to limit their influence to only impact on students during school hours. Shoes, jackets, trousers and shirts are fine, ordering kids to remove piercings entirely or change their hair colour is unacceptable.


L myself atended hanson school for nearly a full year , since l came from a school where there was fun 24/7 this was a big change for me . L couldnt find friends for the first 2 months ( it was all starting to bore be ) but then at once l got a mate and finaly wasnt alone every break , in a other way the school actualy helped me since l used to get picked on in my old school ( everyone did ) education is great � teachers � � pay attention every second of the lesson kids ale friendly to each other maby sometimes someone picks on the other one but that quickly sorts itself out , the school is great expect its very lonely for some people �


About time Schools actually enforced uniform policy . I have just read a comment on BBC news where a mother stated her daughter has had the same shoes for two years . At 13 I find it difficult to believe that her feet have not grown nor that the shoes have not worn out. Young girls on way to school in my area look more like they are going clubbing . The length of skirts is ridiculous as is the amount of make up . Parents should ensure they purchase the correct uniform in the first place !


Tries to fix cyber bulling inside of school, yet fails to fix physical and mental bulling inside of the school. Can honestly say, I'll be happy to finish this school year and be a term closer to leaving with my GCSE's


This would never do in schools in my area, if schools enforced such strict uniform rules the parents would be there and the pupils would be collected from the school there's no way kids are going to stick to these rules. Maybe if kids had a say in what their uniform was like schools wouldn't have these issues with pupils. I say keep sending your kids to school however they want to look and if they continue to get sent home the authorities will soon call you and just tell them oh no I'm sorry they want to go to school to learn only the school has other ideas, then lets see how long these uniform rules stand up. This school should get a grip fast.


This school is a joke a recommend that no parent send their kids to this shit school

They teach the kids nothing then get them to come in on their holidays to catch up.The teachers are shit and no fuck all.My son got his arm broke on purpose and the school wouldn't help the police,they just turned round and brushed it under the carpet and said it was a accident.(assault)

My son is currently taking his GCSEs where kids at other schools are off on study leave kids at this school don't get study leave they have to be in school(what a joke)

I could go on but I won't but I highly recommend you send your kids to a school where they will be taught because they won't learn shit at this dump


These schools are paid to teach our children. These pupils are there to learn and for many parents the price of school uniform is a struggle. Gone are the grants that parents were given to help them purchase the uniform. There was a big debate in the T& A last week about cost of uniform you are looking at around £300 pounds just for basic uniform. Then there are shoes only certain school shoes are allowed.Trainers for P.E. again only certain ones are allowed. They cant wera outside coats so come middle of winter what do the pupils do freeze. No school jumpers No tshirts under uniforms. The fact that these pupils turn up on time willing to learn is a credit to them yet the school think its acceptable to deny them an education. If they worked for a company then uniform and footwear would be provided. On top of all this parents have dinners, school bus fares, stationery, school trips also to provide. Many of these pupils along with other pupils in other schools are living on the poverty line Believe me I know of parents that are in what you call the grey area that recieve no help. This school along with alot of other secondary schools need to wake up to the fact parents have not got the money and are all struggling. As long as these pupils turn up on time and are willing to learn does it matter if their hair is pink socks bright blue No it doesnt. As for the Head Teachers in secondary schools take a long look at your teachers short skirts high heels dyed hair earrings the list could go on . My sugestion is lead by example and dont judge the pupil talk to the parents and see what help you can give as you now recieve alot of extra monies for pupils on free school dinners and the money not given to pupils for uniform is given to the school direct. Its called Pupil Premium.


My daughter has been sent home for not wearing socks which is ridiculous. When did socks become part of the uniform? Saying that wearing the 'correct' uniform improves students learning doesn't wash with me, my daughter gets excellent results and excellent comments from teachers every time I go to parents evening... and that's achieved without socks! Sending students home for such a minor thing is totally out of order.


Kids are left in a freezing cold hall doing exams and then they give detention for my son putting is coat on trying to get warm ! Teachers don't live in the real world ! Rules have gone crazy, no common sense !


In my opinion with the whole uniform thing is that i have never had an issue with uniform effecting my learning. i have worn near correct uniform for the whole time i have been at Hanson and found that it has no effect on my grades. the only thing that has effected them is rubbish teaching standards. being passed from one crap teacher to another! They should be focusing on what grades i get and not what i look like!


I totally disagree with the way Hanson are going about the uniform saga. They ought to focus their attentions on the teaching standards to enable the students to reach their full potential which is not and has not been happening for a long time. Despite meeting with the head teacher, teaching is still very poor in alot of areas. I have a daughter who goes to Hanson sixth form and she cant wait to leave and i regret sending her there. She has been in that school for almost 7 years and it is clear to see how downhill the school has gone over that short amount of time. disgraceful.


I agree with schools having a uniform policy but do not agree with changing it at short notice and expecting hard-pressed parents to dump all their current school clothes because they no longer meet the new guidelines. You are right in saying that it prepares them for the world of work, but most people who have decent jobs are not subject to such harsh guidelines. Also, if YOU want to follow these employers' examples, YOU should supply the uniform that the pupils are supposed to wear, just as employers do. Pathetic. Draconian. Hypocritical.


Did you see what the headmistress was wearing on BBC news? 80s throwback maroon jacket and a hairstyle that looked like it had been scraped to one side with too much hairspray. Then she has the cheek to criticise what other people are wearing! Do the kids in your school a favour and focus on the curriculum and actual teaching. The pupils aren't going to be learning much by being sent home in droves.


Can a teacher please post what they define as appropriate school shoes, my child came home extremely upset because he spent the entire day in isolation because his shoes were not deemed appropriate. They were purchased from the school section in a well known retail store, under school shoes !!! I will be going out tonight to purchase some more shoes but would appreciate some guidance before I waste more money.

More about Hanson Academy

Hanson Academy is located at Sutton Avenue, BD2 1JP City of Bradford