
About Harkonnen

Harkonnen, founder and author of The Daily Bounce, World of Tanks player and armoured history fan!

Harkonnen Description

My name is Duarte Teixeira aka Harkonnen. I'm currently 29 years old, I'm from Portugal but I have lived in the United Kingdom for the last 5 years.

I'm crazy about tanks, love history and specially stuff about World War II, my wife think's I'm a bit crazy but she goes with me everywhere I want to go and she is now very proud to say she went over 10 times to the Bovington Tank Museum because of me. . . I went almost 20, yeah I know, but I have to use and abuse that annual ticket. . . any escuse is fine with me just to go down there see what I have seen loads of times. . .

But when I'm not visiting the Museum or other places, I'm at home playing World of Tanks, have been since Closed Beta. I also play World of Warships, also got in closed Beta and I used to play once every 6 months War Thunder and sometimes I even go to Armoured Warfare.

Please do fell free to contact me if you want to talk or share anything related to World War II or tanks. . . and always remember, have no fear, Harkonnen is here.

More about Harkonnen
