Harmonise You

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Harmonise You

Taking you from striving to thriving, with bespoke natural treatments; creating space for women to breathe; teaching about & supplying doTERRA essential oils.



Today’s healthy habit is easy....just smile 😃
And to add extra benefit when you’re doing this, think of a happy memory. This will have the effect of releasing happy chemicals from your brain 🧠
Smiling has the added benefit of being contagious. We are usually so consumed in our own thoughts that we miss people walking past us. Just smiling at someone could make their day 🌟
... If you need more convincing you can read the article below 😁
Today’s challenge is to smile at yourself or smile at a stranger (I love pushing a comfort zone!!) 😘
https://benefitsbridge.unitedconcordia.co m/top-7-health-be…/
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Here we go ladies....pelvic floors!
I bet that made you clench! The muscles everyone woman loves to hear about 🤣
No matter what age you are doing to exercise to support this area is vital.
... They play such an incredible role in supporting our bodies, we need to take care of them. And we can do this anywhere! Plus there are great side effects 😉
Today’s challenge is to fit in 3 bursts of working them out!
Happy clenching 💋
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Namaste 🙏🏻 to all of you beauties 💖


Today is all about inflammation!
The body of research regarding inflammation and it’s link with disease is growing and Aoife from the Happiness Transformation is here to share more with us.
She will be teaching all about this at Vegucation this Sunday 💚💚💚
... For oily addicts Frankincense & Copaiba are amazing for this and Deep Blue got pain such as arthritis and muscles. When used daily they can support the body to reduce inflammation xx
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Healthy habit is all about grounding 🌏
Grounding is when you connect bank with yourself and the moment.
One of the biggest benefits is that it gets out of your head (with your millions of thoughts per second!) and back into your physical body. It connects to you.
... We spend too much time walking on man made surfaces. Barefoot walking is so good for you and gives your aura a great clean!
You can imagine roots growing down from your centre deep into the earth. Try it when you’re waiting in a queue and combine it with slow deep breaths.
It is so simple to do & you can do it anywhere.
So today’s challenge is to just give it a go! When you start to feel stressed or anxious this can really help xx
https://www.the-guided-meditation-site.co m/what-is-groundin…
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💖”How you are feeling matters much more than what you are doing” 💖#sundayreflections


On a similar theme to yesterday, today is all about green tea. Having one of these a day is great for your health.
Green tea is packed full of antioxidants which support the body to get rid of nasties!
This article shares ten proven benefits of this yummy beverage!
... https://www.healthline.com/…/top-10-evi dence-based-health-b…
As they contain caffeine, it’s best to try to have it before midday so it doesn’t affect your sleep. It’s also advisable to not drink it on an empty stomach.
You can get it on ready made tea bags, with other flavours. Or you can buy it in powder form - matcha 🍵 which I love in coconut milk with a sweetener and drop of wild orange oil.
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Today’s healthy habits is to drink. Sorry guys, not alcohol but water 💦
Most of us simply don’t drink enough despite it being vital to the optimum functioning of our body. I can often pick up in clients feet if they’re dehydrated.
If you can’t bare water dilute fruit juice, squash or herbal teas are good too. Not fizzy drinks, coffee or tea as they dehydrate you further. And of course my oily addicts can add their oils for additional health benefits!
... When drinking water it’s important to be mindful of the quality of it. Tap water, whilst amongst the “cleanest” in the world contains psychiatric meds, hormones from the pill & HRT plus industrial & farming waste. Filtering helps but distilling is the best way if you are able to. Bottled water causes huge waste to the planet and has been shown to contain high levels of bacteria.
Here is a little article outline some of the benefits xx
https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/6-rea sons-to-drink-water
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Today’s healthy habit is....Just Say No! Now for the teenagers of the 90’s amongst us, this isn’t to do with an anti-drugs campaign!
Every single woman I see through my practice feels over burdened. Too many demands. Wanting to be everything to everyone. It’s just simply not tenable.
The stress this places on both our physical and mental health is significant.
... As a “yes” person I hate say my no to things, especially when I really want to do it. But sometimes you simple have to in order to recoup.
If we want to be able to sustain the level of “doing” in our lives we need to protect time to just be 💞 We are human beings after all and human doings.
Today’s challenge is to look at your commitments or demands on your time and pick something that you can just say no to. Those who truly care for you will completely understand xx
https://www.mayoclinic.org/…/in-…/str ess-relief/art-20044494
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Really chuffed to be featured in Bucks & Berks Life magazine with my fellow Seedlings 💚 #seedwellness
https://www.facebook.com/717536416/posts/ 10155777970341417/


I’m loving thyme oil this month as mini me & I both have an annoying cough!!
Here are some more benefits xx


Today’s healthy habit is all about your liver health 💖
Your liver is one of our vital organs and plays a significant role in “cleaning” our body.
My oily addicts can use Zendocrine oil & supplements to support your liver - great after a hangover!!
... This article describes some ways to support it physically, whilst this in this short video I show you how to cleanse it energetically xx
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I had to share this article as I know how much it will resonate with so many of us xx
https://bethbridges.com.au/17-reasons-why -modern-women-are…/


Today’s top tip is easy peasy.....open a window!
There is a scary statistic that air inside our homes is significantly more toxic than the air outside of our homes.
The reason for this is the chemicals we use to clean our clothes, our homes and our bodies. This all gets trapped in fibres and slowly releases into the air we breathe.
... If we also use plugins or other perfume air scents such as candles, this increased the risk of cancer.
If we live with others, we are constantly sharing air borne viruses.
So on that cheery note, an easy solution is to keep the air flowing! Open windows!
If you want a healthy alternative to room freshness, diffusers work beautifully. They kill air borne viruses whilst lifting your mood, reducing anxiety abc boosting your immunity.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Why-air-f resheners-scented-ca…
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Elaine Batho is a transformational specialist working with women to support change, with healthy eating & physical fitness being central to this change.
Today Elaine shares her thoughts on healthy eating habits. With so much information out there on what you should/ shouldn’t be eating, this can feel overwhelming. That’s when seeing a specialist can really focus on what is right for you.
Today’s challenge is to think about what food you are consuming and how you actually fee...l when you eat it.
How are you fueling your body on a daily basis?
Food is the fuel for how we function, think and feel.
Simply put if you want to feel great, you need to eat great.
You wouldn’t put unleaded petrol into a diesel car and expect it to run properly, so why would you do that to your body?
A diet that is natural, wholesome and balanced is the best way. Of course what that looks like is different for each of us. But by including foods rich in the nutrients your body needs, you will literally change your life.
A lot of the convenience foods available to us today are highly processed, with gluten, dairy and sugar being the top ingredients. These can cause inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can lead to diseases such as cancer (more in this later!!).
I don’t advocate abstinence, but I do advocate balance.
Which is why I create healthier recipe versions of classic favorites, so that you can still enjoy a tasty treat without compromising your health.
You can follow Elaine on IG https://www.instagram.com/elainebatho for more recipe inspo 💫💫💫
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I always this to my clients. Healing isn’t linear - it ebbs and it flows but things always improve if you keep going 💫💖💫 xxx
https://www.facebook.com/553365211/posts/ 10160607740885212/


Today’s healthy habit is all about vitamins.
This is one that both conventional and holistic practitioners agree on.....everyone should take a multi vitamin daily.
The reason for this is is quite simply that our lifestyle and quality of soil our food is produced from. The food our grandparents ate is not the same quality as the food we eat today.
... Due to mass production, the soil does not contain the same nutrients it used to, therefore the plants cannot uptake it when growing, which means we in turn, do not receive what we need from food alone. This is the case even if you eat a “good” diet.
The other reason is due to how sedentary our lives our. Our bodies are designed to work at our optimum when we move. As we are evolving to move less, our bodies aren’t producing specific components that are required to absorb certain nutrients.
So now you know the why, here is the how. Please do not waste your money on cheap supermarket multi vitamins. Most of them are synthetic, which means your body won’t be able to use them, so will just pee them out! It is worth investing in a good quality, plant based one so your body can absorb the nutrients. Those with a dōTERRA account can use Life Long Vitality (LLV), which are amazing or go to a good quality health food store.
Another tip is to use ones that say to split the usage into twice a day rather than all in one go. The reason for this is that the body can only absorb so many nutrients at once before it will again, pee them out!
Why not give them some a go as it will help boost your immunity just in time for winter ❄️
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Yesterday’s (which accidentally went on my oil group!! Oooops!!)
Today is all about connection.
This might sounds strange at first but with social alienation featuring as one of or biggest killers, truly connecting with others is so important.
... I’m a world where we have more ways to communicate than ever, lots of people feel lonely, invisible and unheard.
How often do you get to really talk with a friend and hear how they are, rather than just sharing the headlines over a quick cuppa, before darting off to complete the next action on the never ending to do list??
We are all guilty of it. My diary scares me with how much I have in it. I look at it sometimes and feel complete overwhelm. I feel guilty I can’t meet up with friends because I have so much booked in for months in advance. I feel bad I can’t arrange business meetings for weeks ahead.....
So today, take the time to truly, deeply connect with someone. Not over text or social media. Pick the phone up and ask someone how they are - not what they’re doing. Share how you are feeling with someone - in turn it might just give them “permission” to share back. Arrange to meet up just to be with that person, not to do anything together.
Happy Connecting 💖👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💖
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Loved my aroma touch treatment today. Very relaxing in a nice, cosy setting! Almost fell asleep which I hope Adele will take as a compliment! Adele also had a relaxing yet thorough manner about her.


If you have never heard about doTERRA oils then speak to Adele!! She is so knowledgeable and she has transformed my way of thinking when it comes to supporting and supplementing my family's health needs. At first I was interested in just the OnGuard for boosting immune response before a long haul flight. It worked so well and I was blown away by how easy and powerful these oils are to use that I have since invested in the family essential kit and use them all the time on my whole family. They really do work... from keeping my little one's coughs and colds at bay to alleviating stress and household cleaning! I can't wait to learn more and join one of Adele's courses. Thank you x


I used the hayfever doTERRA oil trio today for the 1st time and i haven't suffered at all today. I've been using a combination of tablets, nasal sprays & eye drops (😣)for the past 6 weeks & for the 1st time today I haven't needed them! Woohoo to the oils xxx


I have recently received the doTERRA Breathe Roll on from Adele to help me relax and promote sleep , it smells wonderful .... ( I will also be using it to help my family when they have a cough and a cold) ...... but wow it works. I love it, thanks Adele.


I had the most amazing Aroma Touch massage with the wonderful Adele. The massage was gentle and relaxing with the main focus being on the amazing oils she uses. Felt very relaxed and uplifted afterwards. Would highly recommend �.


I had the most A.M.A.Z.I.N.G reflexology treatment from Adele. Quite honestly, the best I have ever had.

Would recommend her services, I felt invincible after my treatment


I had an Aromaflex treatment with Adele on Monday , it was a beautiful experience of nourishing relaxation. I had no expectations of this treatment and just thought it would be nice foot massage with oils. I WAS WRONG!! It was emerging my feet in a bowl of lovely warm water, � petals& gorgeous essential oils that Adele had specially selected for me� then the meditation began while my feet sank into infinity ��I was so moved by how relaxed Adele made me�from there I moved to the treatment bed and wrapped up comfortably and the foot massage began again using my selected oils, I literally drifted into another �This treatment was simply stunning and I have decided to book my self in monthly as I felt another level of self care, this was a deep , beautiful, euphoric experience. Since my treatment on Monday I’ve continued to just simply “feel better” anxiety seems lower and I just generally feel peaceful �in a world where peace is hard to find , this was 1.5hours of self indulgent, self care. I really could not recommend Adele @Harmoniseyou more highly. �


I had a wonderful treatment with Adele. I had been recovering from an Asthma attack and was still not myself. Adele gave me a wonderful reflexology treatment so relaxing! She also gave me some oil from Doterra for my chest and it really helped. All topped of with a Session if Reiki. What more could I ask for! Thanks Adele! X


I first met Adele when i went along to her Do'terra essential oils class, in January, not knowing what to expect and by the end of the class i was blown away. I had never heard of these oils and certainly didn't know how they can help support your health and well-being, something i was very interested in as i don't like to take tablets for a quick fix. Whilst talking to Adele i realised she also did treatments and i was struggling with a life long condition of Ulcerative Colitis, i was fed up of taking steroids and other medication which were affecting my lifestyle and also weren't really helping and were making me feel miserable. I spoke to Adele about this and she recommended that i had a session of Reflexology - again not really knowing much about this, i went along thinking i was going to get a nice foot massage and not sure how it would benefit me! Again i was blown away, the treatment was incredible, i was so relaxed and calm and the hour session sadly for me went by so fast! Adele explained to me what she had discovered about my body and i thought wow, she really knows her stuff! i hadn't told her some things and yet she knew just by touching my feet, amazing! i went away feeling totally relaxed and expecting to carry on as normal with my colitis, but i was generally shocked, when that evening my tummy was so calm, i couldn't believe it, i also slept so well and the next morning it remained the same, so settled and calm, i kept waiting for it to end and to be back to dealing with daily struggles of colitis - locating a toilet when ever you leave the house, running backwards and forwards to the toilet endless times a day, but this hasn't happened. My tummy remains calm, i couldn't be happier. I cannot wait to go back for another session of reflexology because now i generally believe that natural healing can really work and the body can heal itself. All i can say is i wish i had discovered Adele years ago but also a HUGE thank you to Adele, and highly recommend her.. If you are going to go anywhere for a treatment i would choose here over any spa or salon that offers treatments.


Had the loveliest experience today in the form of a reflexology session with Adele.

A thorough consultation to start with where I really got to feel comfortable with Adele and where she got to understand me and where to focus her treatment. Consultations can sometimes feel intrusive in their nature but Adele had a way about her that made it feel anything but!

The treatment itself was soooo good!! I could literally feel tension melting within my body, a shifting of energy as stressors were massaged out.

Was seriously like walking on air as I left!

Will be a frequent visitor for sure!


Had a reflexology session last week at 39 weeks pregnant! It was heaven! Adele is lovely and the treatment itself worked worked wonders. Thank you


Had a Aromaflexology treatment. Meditation, Reiki, aromatherapy and reflexology all in one. I feel fabulous! Would recommend any day! Thank you so much.


Adele has such a vibrant energy and her belief and passion for helping others shines out! I recently attended Adele's essential oils class, where I gained a great deal of knowledge and came away enthused and confident.

I have also received Reiki from Adele, an incredibly connected and recharging experience.


Adele gave us a talk about the essential oils which was confident and inspiring, this was followed by a hot stone reflexology treatment for an exam stressed daughter... which calmed her and reinforced the use of the oils. A lovely treat from Adele who just loves to get excited about the many uses for the oils! Thanks Adele!


Adele gave me one of the most amazing reflexology treatment I ever received in my life. It felt so relaxing and fulfilling. She definitely has a a great skill in her hands and in what she does. I would recommend it to everyone who wants relaxing, beautiful treatment which will leave you feel refreshed and more energetic. I cannot wait to book next treatment with her soon.


Adele Wimsett gave me the most amazing Indian head massage with fabulous Doterra oils when I was particularly stressed a few weeks ago. When I came out, I felt completely relaxed & distressed! Adele really took the time to massage pressure points & concentrated on difficult knots in my back & neck as well as making sure I was ok throughout which was nice & calming for me.. �

Afterwards Adele finished off with an amazing Reiki session. I couldn't believe how spot on she was when she told me my throat chakra was blocked & when I asked what that meant... she replied that it was because 'I needed to say something to someone, but didn't know how'. I was stunned as it was what had made me stressed in the first place!

I have since cleared my throat chakra with Adele's insightful information & felt all the better for it! �

I had never imagined that I would have gained so much from these special treatments but I can't recommend Adele enough for giving me a new way of taking care of my wellbeing in such a positive way!

Thank you Adele!

Lianna Glenn xx


Loved my aroma touch treatment today. Very relaxing in a nice, cosy setting! Almost fell asleep which I hope Adele will take as a compliment! Adele also had a relaxing yet thorough manner about her.


If you have never heard about doTERRA oils then speak to Adele!! She is so knowledgeable and she has transformed my way of thinking when it comes to supporting and supplementing my family's health needs. At first I was interested in just the OnGuard for boosting immune response before a long haul flight. It worked so well and I was blown away by how easy and powerful these oils are to use that I have since invested in the family essential kit and use them all the time on my whole family. They really do work... from keeping my little one's coughs and colds at bay to alleviating stress and household cleaning! I can't wait to learn more and join one of Adele's courses. Thank you x


I used the hayfever doTERRA oil trio today for the 1st time and i haven't suffered at all today. I've been using a combination of tablets, nasal sprays & eye drops (😣)for the past 6 weeks & for the 1st time today I haven't needed them! Woohoo to the oils xxx


I have recently received the doTERRA Breathe Roll on from Adele to help me relax and promote sleep , it smells wonderful .... ( I will also be using it to help my family when they have a cough and a cold) ...... but wow it works. I love it, thanks Adele.


I had the most amazing Aroma Touch massage with the wonderful Adele. The massage was gentle and relaxing with the main focus being on the amazing oils she uses. Felt very relaxed and uplifted afterwards. Would highly recommend �.


I had the most A.M.A.Z.I.N.G reflexology treatment from Adele. Quite honestly, the best I have ever had.

Would recommend her services, I felt invincible after my treatment


I had an Aromaflex treatment with Adele on Monday , it was a beautiful experience of nourishing relaxation. I had no expectations of this treatment and just thought it would be nice foot massage with oils. I WAS WRONG!! It was emerging my feet in a bowl of lovely warm water, � petals& gorgeous essential oils that Adele had specially selected for me� then the meditation began while my feet sank into infinity ��I was so moved by how relaxed Adele made me�from there I moved to the treatment bed and wrapped up comfortably and the foot massage began again using my selected oils, I literally drifted into another �This treatment was simply stunning and I have decided to book my self in monthly as I felt another level of self care, this was a deep , beautiful, euphoric experience. Since my treatment on Monday I’ve continued to just simply “feel better” anxiety seems lower and I just generally feel peaceful �in a world where peace is hard to find , this was 1.5hours of self indulgent, self care. I really could not recommend Adele @Harmoniseyou more highly. �


I had a wonderful treatment with Adele. I had been recovering from an Asthma attack and was still not myself. Adele gave me a wonderful reflexology treatment so relaxing! She also gave me some oil from Doterra for my chest and it really helped. All topped of with a Session if Reiki. What more could I ask for! Thanks Adele! X


I first met Adele when i went along to her Do'terra essential oils class, in January, not knowing what to expect and by the end of the class i was blown away. I had never heard of these oils and certainly didn't know how they can help support your health and well-being, something i was very interested in as i don't like to take tablets for a quick fix. Whilst talking to Adele i realised she also did treatments and i was struggling with a life long condition of Ulcerative Colitis, i was fed up of taking steroids and other medication which were affecting my lifestyle and also weren't really helping and were making me feel miserable. I spoke to Adele about this and she recommended that i had a session of Reflexology - again not really knowing much about this, i went along thinking i was going to get a nice foot massage and not sure how it would benefit me! Again i was blown away, the treatment was incredible, i was so relaxed and calm and the hour session sadly for me went by so fast! Adele explained to me what she had discovered about my body and i thought wow, she really knows her stuff! i hadn't told her some things and yet she knew just by touching my feet, amazing! i went away feeling totally relaxed and expecting to carry on as normal with my colitis, but i was generally shocked, when that evening my tummy was so calm, i couldn't believe it, i also slept so well and the next morning it remained the same, so settled and calm, i kept waiting for it to end and to be back to dealing with daily struggles of colitis - locating a toilet when ever you leave the house, running backwards and forwards to the toilet endless times a day, but this hasn't happened. My tummy remains calm, i couldn't be happier. I cannot wait to go back for another session of reflexology because now i generally believe that natural healing can really work and the body can heal itself. All i can say is i wish i had discovered Adele years ago but also a HUGE thank you to Adele, and highly recommend her.. If you are going to go anywhere for a treatment i would choose here over any spa or salon that offers treatments.


Had the loveliest experience today in the form of a reflexology session with Adele.

A thorough consultation to start with where I really got to feel comfortable with Adele and where she got to understand me and where to focus her treatment. Consultations can sometimes feel intrusive in their nature but Adele had a way about her that made it feel anything but!

The treatment itself was soooo good!! I could literally feel tension melting within my body, a shifting of energy as stressors were massaged out.

Was seriously like walking on air as I left!

Will be a frequent visitor for sure!


Had a reflexology session last week at 39 weeks pregnant! It was heaven! Adele is lovely and the treatment itself worked worked wonders. Thank you


Had a Aromaflexology treatment. Meditation, Reiki, aromatherapy and reflexology all in one. I feel fabulous! Would recommend any day! Thank you so much.


Adele has such a vibrant energy and her belief and passion for helping others shines out! I recently attended Adele's essential oils class, where I gained a great deal of knowledge and came away enthused and confident.

I have also received Reiki from Adele, an incredibly connected and recharging experience.


Adele gave us a talk about the essential oils which was confident and inspiring, this was followed by a hot stone reflexology treatment for an exam stressed daughter... which calmed her and reinforced the use of the oils. A lovely treat from Adele who just loves to get excited about the many uses for the oils! Thanks Adele!


Adele gave me one of the most amazing reflexology treatment I ever received in my life. It felt so relaxing and fulfilling. She definitely has a a great skill in her hands and in what she does. I would recommend it to everyone who wants relaxing, beautiful treatment which will leave you feel refreshed and more energetic. I cannot wait to book next treatment with her soon.


Adele Wimsett gave me the most amazing Indian head massage with fabulous Doterra oils when I was particularly stressed a few weeks ago. When I came out, I felt completely relaxed & distressed! Adele really took the time to massage pressure points & concentrated on difficult knots in my back & neck as well as making sure I was ok throughout which was nice & calming for me.. �

Afterwards Adele finished off with an amazing Reiki session. I couldn't believe how spot on she was when she told me my throat chakra was blocked & when I asked what that meant... she replied that it was because 'I needed to say something to someone, but didn't know how'. I was stunned as it was what had made me stressed in the first place!

I have since cleared my throat chakra with Adele's insightful information & felt all the better for it! �

I had never imagined that I would have gained so much from these special treatments but I can't recommend Adele enough for giving me a new way of taking care of my wellbeing in such a positive way!

Thank you Adele!

Lianna Glenn xx

More about Harmonise You

Harmonise You is located at Rose Avenue, HP15 7UH Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -