Harmony Hypnobirthing

About Harmony Hypnobirthing

Learn how to enjoy a positive, calm and ​natural birth experience.

Harmony Hypnobirthing is a complete antenatal training programme. Classes are designed to prepare a mother, her baby and her birth partner for an empowered, calm and comfortable birth.



I am officially signing off to start some maternity leave ahead of baby number two arriving very soon. I have big plans for Spring 2019 and I'm already looking forward to getting back to doing what I love - helping other women achieve their best possible birth. ​To find a local KG Hypnobirthing practitioner in my absence, please visit: ​https://www.kghypnobirthing.com/


Another celebrity endorsement for Hypnobirthing!


Katie Goodland, Harry Kane's fiance, has described Hypnobirthing as 'amazing' and 'definitely something to be proud of':


Another celebrity endorsement for Hypnobirthing! Congratulations to Harry Kane and Kate Goodland on the birth of their daughter Vivienne.


Joe Wicks The Body Coach has shared his positive experience of becoming a dad. Its brilliant to hear how he and his girlfriend Rosie used Hypnobirthing and found it to be so beneficial, enabling Rosie to birth their baby calmly and gently.
He said that coaching Rosie through each contraction was similar to coaching someone through a personal training session! It can be intense and powerful and you need to focus on your breathing as you progress through it but then you get that little break in between to reset ready for the next one.
Hypnobirthing is for mums - and dads too!


Research by Trinity College Dublin reveals that nearly 70 per cent of doctors who deliver babies by c-section may do so because they are afraid of being sued. This is despite there being evidence that natural vaginal births are actually safer and less likely to have complications. C-sections can be the best method of delivery for some mums and babies, but it is important to understand a concerning trend of doctors opting to operate - and one says they often do it 'without medically justifiable reasons'.


Have you thought about creating a playlist of songs for your birth? What would you include?
You might need more than just relaxing, calming tracks. Pick nostalgic songs that always make you happy. Perhaps have your first dance from your wedding (sure to get the oxytocin flowing!). You might also want something upbeat - you never know how labour might affect you, and you may feel the urge to move and dance!
Don’t forget to pack speakers, headphones and your charger so that you can keep playing your music at the hospital - if that's where you're giving birth.


People are often surprised at how incredibly simple, logical and practical Hypnobirthing is. It is based on physiology – how the body works.
There is nothing strange or 'alternative' about it. It is simply understanding how our birthing muscles are designed to function and how they have become impaired by our fears and anxieties of labour and birth.
Hypnobirthing classes can really help both you and your partner understand the facts around labour and birth - and my classes are all based on medical evidence.


Planning a hospital birth?
For some women going into hospital to have a baby can be a strange and scary experience, as it's not an environment you are used to, or feel comfortable in. This could affect how well your body is able to birth your baby.
There are lots of ways to make hospital nicer for you and your birth, so that you remain as calm and relaxed as possible.
... Think about what makes you feel calm, confident and safe. Take things that remind you of home, pictures that make you happy, relaxing essential oils, familiar pillows/throws, and your headphones and some of your favourite music to relax you.
There's lots more information on the Harmony Hypnobirthing course about making hospital the best place for you to give birth.
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Would you considering a home birth? Or is your partner afraid he/she'll end up delivering the baby on their own? Are you concerned about not having access to pain-relief? Or worried about the mess?
The Harmony Hypnobirthing course looks at all the facts around home-births so that you are able to make a clear, evidence-based decision - and choose the best possible birth for you. We'll help you to weigh up the risks and benefits, be educated and informed. The key thing when deciding where to give birth is that you need to feel safe and comfortable.
Nowhere is ‘better’ to give birth. It’s your birth, so your choice.


What are you doing to prepare physically and emotionally for baby's arrival?
Pregnancy is such an important time to create a bond with your baby, and prepare your body and mind for labour.


Feeling anxious about giving birth to your baby? Not sure how you might be able to relax during labour?
I have completed the Royal College of Midwives accredited KG Hypnobirthing diploma and I am fully qualified to deliver a course that will give you:
- Simple tools and techniques for a calmer, more relaxed birth... - An understanding of how your body and mind work during labour, empowering you to feel more confident and in control - The support to release any anxiety or fears you may have about the birth of your baby - Plus lots of practical information surrounding birth to help you and your partner to be more informed about your birth choices
Interested in finding out more? Contact me at harmonyhypnobirthinguk@gmail.com
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As you approach your due date you may start hearing all kinds of weird suggestions for encouraging baby to make an appearance!
What were the best ones you were told?
Often mums are encouraged to eat curry, pineapple, dates and drink raspberry leaf tea.
... The key is producing oxytocin, feeling relaxed, calm and secure. So go for more gentler options: enjoy a relaxing bath, have a good laugh watching a funny film, treat yourself to a pregnancy massage or some reflexology or acupuncture from a certified practitioner. You could even try kissing, cuddling and having sex with your partner - if you're feeling up to it!
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Nobody knows what to expect during their labour and birth – your labour may stall or take place over several days leaving you exhausted, baby may start to show ‘signs of distress’, such as a different heart rate that needs careful monitoring, or baby may just get tired. You may find that gas and air makes you feel nauseous and therefore you need additional drugs to help you. All this is normal, and Hypnobirthing can help whatever twists and turns may occur.


I want every mum who takes my Hypnobirthing course to be brimming with self-confidence by the end, and believe beyond any doubt that she can achieve the best possible birth for herself and her baby.
You've got this mama!


Thinking about blowing bubbles while you do your 'Up Breathing' (a technique I teach in my Hypnobirthing classes) in labour helps you to relax your jaw (which also helps you to relax your vaginal muscles – as both sets of muscles are linked via your spine).
It is impossible to blow bubbles when your mouth is tense (try it!), so I always suggest mums-to-be have a bottle of bubbles handy. You can spend the early stages of labour sat in the garden blowing bubbles - what a nice, gentle and helpful distraction!


"I am filled with inner calm and serenity"
Spending Sunday lazing in my deckchair, enjoying the glorious weather! #postivevibesonly #pregnancyaffirmations #hypnobirthing #kghypnobirthing #hothothot #heatwave


More great feedback from a new mum. Want to learn the tips and tricks for a better birth yourself? Contact me at harmonyhypnobirthinguk@gmail.com to book a class.

More about Harmony Hypnobirthing
