Harriet Jackson

About Harriet Jackson

Holistic women's confidence coach, meditation teacher and lover of deep soulful chats. I am on a mission to support and guide women in rediscovering their voice, connecting with their inner wisdom and live their best life.



What does living from your heart рҹ’“mean for you? . Having always been a person who has been led by my mind (hello logical person here рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ). . IвҖҷve been exploring what being led by the heart feels like? What soul connection means to me?... . IвҖҷve learnt that my heart is my truthвқЈпёҸ. And every time I connect with my heart I honour my truthрҹ’«. Allowing my heart to lead and my mind to follow. Supporting my mind with my daily practices, so I feel safe and secure in living my truth (especially when my truth isnвҖҷt always logical) вңЁрҹ’•рҹҷҸрҹҸ». . . . рҹ“ё @joanasenkutephotography
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Ever felt so close to something. To only realise you are so far awayрҹҷ„? . I remember the moment before this photo was taken. I felt I could almost touch my toesрҹ‘Ј. I felt my back arching and my chest facing the skyрҹҢӨ. I noticed how important it felt to hold my foot. To have reached the final pose рҹ§ҳрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹӨёрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸвҡЎпёҸ. .... Then to see this picture. рҹ’ҳрҹҷ…рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸMy ego crushedрҹӨҰрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ҳ. рҹҷҸрҹҸ»My mind laughingрҹҳӮрҹҷҸрҹҸ». Laughing at the story my ego was telling me. вңЁTouching your toes will change your yoga practiceвңЁ. . Will it? IвҖҷm yet to find outрҹҳІ. Does it matter? Depends on your mindset (and your ego). . For me the strength it takes to activate all my muscles and lean into this pose. рҹ‘үрҹҸјIs where IвҖҷm atрҹ‘ҲрҹҸј. . вҡЎпёҸThe truth of knowing this. Is my anchor for accepting what is. In this present momentвҡЎпёҸ.
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Have you ever made a decision and then a minute later doubted it? рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ This week I had to make a decision. It felt big and scary. I sat with it. Felt it. And I knew what I needed to do. I trusted my decision in that moment. вҡЎпёҸNEXT minute... My critter brain (ego) is like... have you made the right decision? рҹ’ҘWill others see this as failing? Will others understand me? рҹ”ҘThen the self doubting, self loathing and lack of trust in myself starts to take over... For the next two d...ays.. I literally let these feelings take over. Leaving me feeling pretty down about myself рҹ’” вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– And .. What happens when we do this? Not feeling our emotions.. not expressing ourselves..letting the stories of the critter brain hang around.. вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹ’ҘвҡЎпёҸOur feelings explode all at onceвҡЎпёҸрҹ’Ҙ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– YES!!! This happened to me!!! And the exhaustion from holding it вҖңtogetherвҖқ caught up with me. рҹҳ”рҹӨ§ BUT рҹ’• rather than feeling guilty for letting my emotions and critter brain take over (which IвҖҷve done in the past) I turned to things that support meрҹҷҸрҹҸ», my mediation and journaling tools. Asking for support and guidance in my meditation and writing what came up in my meditation in my journal after рҹ“қ. I allowed all my feelings to fall out on the page so I could figure out what I need to know and what I needed to do next. These tools brought me back into the momentрҹ‘үрҹҸјрҹ’–рҹ‘ҲрҹҸј, rather than in the stories of my critter brain рҹҢҖ. вңЁрҹҢёрҹҢјвңЁрҹҢёрҹҢјвңЁрҹҢёрҹҢј If your like this is me... comment below or (PM me) by sharing рҹ’•рҹҷҸрҹҸ» LetвҖҷs support each other and be grateful that we could see when our critter brain was stealing the lime light рҹҺӨрҹҺ¬вңЁрҹҳҳ
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Where are you not allowing your life to unfold? Where are you criticising, judging, and complaining about where you are?рҹҷҲ . . IвҖҷve done itрҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ . .
... Resisting where I am. Not accepting where I am. It doesnвҖҷt support me and attracts more of what I didnвҖҷt want in my life. .
Until I started to accept рҹ’“where I am. Surrendering into what is unfolding. Feeling the fear рҹҳ¬of the unknown and the excitement рҹҳҶof adventureвӣ°. рҹ‘үрҹҸјAll at onceрҹ‘ҲрҹҸј. . By accepting and allowing my feelings, I am able to shift my focus, away from the fear and onto the joys of todayрҹҢҲрҹҷҢрҹҸј. Appreciating what is right in front of me. Like Mike sitting in a flower bush рҹҢҝрҹҢёрҹҢҫрҹҢ·looking very hipster (swipe to right photo)вңҢрҹҸјрҹҳӮ. .
Shifting our focus, supports us in creating change рҹҢҖand getting us moving forwardрҹ’«. No matter where you are or whatвҖҷs going on, allow yourself to go through all the motions, making peace рҹҷҸрҹҸ» with the present moment and turn your eyes рҹ‘Җto the learnings and positive moments of where you areвңЁ. . рҹ’•Focus on what is in front of you now.рҹ’•
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This morning I woke with unease рҹҢҖin my belly. There is a lot of uncertainty in my life at the moment. A lot of change coming my way. The old Harriet would of woke with hate this morning. Feeling annoyed at herself for feeling this way. Most likely pushing all this hate from her to her partner (I donвҖҷt need to deal with it, he can). Trying to control everything and know exactly what is coming. Annoying most in my path as I try to do thisрҹҳҗ. Yet this Harriet is no longer. рҹҷ…рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖ...пёҸрҹҷ…рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҷ… рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҷ…рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҷ…рҹҸјвҖ ҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҷ…рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ This morning I woke, I did 16 reps of 4 exercises, I consciously breathed for 3 minutes (a let go breathing exercise), meditated for 20 and free wrote for 4 minutes. рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸThe emotions came, I felt them and they washed over me. I feel calm. I feel I sense of self trustрҹҷҸрҹҸ». Knowing everything will be as it is meant to be. рҹ’•рҹҢёрҹ’•рҹҢёрҹ’•рҹҢёрҹ’• Just like the ocean рҹҢҠ emotions are with us for a matter of seconds. If we are able to allow them, feel them, they will pass us. Yet if we attach ourselves to our emotions, they will linger, causing us more grief than we need. Over the long weekend, try this, really feeling your emotions and see if they move on just as you are able to because there is no attachment рҹҷҸрҹҸ»рҹ’•вңЁ And share below or PM how you go with this рҹ’ң IвҖҷd love to hear what comes up.
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For a while now IвҖҷve been looking to create something. To bring people together. I would chat with girlfriends, thinking up ways to create a community рҹ‘ҜвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ‘ҜвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ But our ideas always revolves around a product. That was until I realised I didnвҖҷt need the product. I didnвҖҷt need anything.... What I needed to create a community... was a space вңЁ So I started hosting workshops in my living room рҹҸЎ Bringing women together. So they could connect with themselves and other like minded womenрҹ’– So they could dive deeper and unpeel some layer. Discovering something new about themselves. And sharing with others whatвҖҷs coming up for them. рҹ’«рҹҢёрҹҷҸрҹҸ»рҹ’– This experience is what I create in my events. A safe space for women to connect. I always longed for such a space and here I am now. Creating it for you. Each event is different.Always with a different theme. My next event being Wholeheartednessрҹ’•. Where we unpeel a few layers and understand what we need. What do we love to do and what lights us upвҡЎпёҸрҹ’ңвҳҖпёҸ If your looking for some down time. Some time to nourish yourself. Then PM me for more details on my up coming event. June 10th. Wholehearted YOU. рҹ’• рҹҷҸрҹҸ» Thankyou to my amazing friend @joanasenkutephotography for capturing a moment just before my last event kicked off рҹ’•
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This picture is me doing my first Facebook live two days ago. Launching my own coaching business. вҡЎпёҸрҹҢҲрҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸI was in my happy placeрҹҳҠ. And still am. Living my life in flow. Living with awareness of my thoughts, how I entertain them or not. Listening to my needs. Knowing I choose how I feel. Waking with clarity and purpose. рҹҷҢрҹҸјрҹ’– But this wasnвҖҷt always the case. The picture to the right is 8 years ago. And whilst I may look happy. Inside I was running a million miles. Rush to every...thing in my life. I was in a place where I live life by shouldвҖҷs and have toвҖҷs, trying to do the right thing, fearing rejection. I had so much going on in my life, yet I still felt something was lacking. Enoughness? Wholeness? Today, like most days these days, I am so grateful for my journey. For the gift of time in guiding me in slowing down рҹҷҸрҹҸ»рҹ’•вңЁ If you havenвҖҷt already, jump onto my Facebook and checkout my first live. LetвҖҷs connect. LetвҖҷs support. LetвҖҷs empower each other рҹ‘ҜвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ңвҡЎпёҸ
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Do you ever judge your efforts? Do you feel regret?
Yep, that was me рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’•And its so easy to get lost down this path.
Being able to simply do your best.вңЁ... Knowing this may change from moment to moment. Knowing it may be different from someone elseвҖҷs best.вҳҖпёҸ Will leave no room for self-judgement, no room for the critter brain to come in and no room for any regret.рҹҷҸрҹҸ» Because you have simply done you best. Be your best todayрҹҢҲ
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Do you ever judge your efforts? Do you feel regret?
Yep, that was me рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’•And its so easy to get lost down this path.
Being able to simply do your best.вңЁ... Knowing this may change from moment to moment. Knowing it may be different from someone elseвҖҷs best.вҳҖпёҸ Will leave no room for self-judgement, no room for the critter brain to come in and no room for any regret.рҹҷҸрҹҸ» Because you have simply done you best. Be your best todayрҹҢҲ
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Join me tonight 8pm BST (London time) рҹҷҢрҹҸјрҹ’• as I go live (on here) sharing some exciting news with you all рҹҳҠ


Do you ever get to the end of the week and feel exhausted??? вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸYep!! That use to be me all the time. Always pushing. Always doing. Because thatвҖҷs what everyone does? Because we are all soo busy. Because if I keep going, I donвҖҷt have to feel. Feel the exhaustion. Feel the emptiness the week had left me with. вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–... These days, I take time to sit like this. рҹ§ҳрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ Taking time to listen. To hear what it is I really need. Taking time to SLOW DOWN so I can end the working week, excited to live the weekend. вңЁрҹҢёвңЁрҹҢёвңЁрҹҢёвңЁрҹҢёвңЁ What could you do this weekend to listen and support yourself? вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– Ps. Some days when I sit like this, I simply notice my breath. Noting the inhale and exhale. Where the breath is flowing to in my body. Directing my focus inwards and allowing the mind to wander around the body with my breath. This might be what you need to listen to what it is you need? рҹҷҸрҹҸ»рҹ’• Despite only being a 3 day working week, it felt like 5 full on days. (I think I may have come back from a weekend away a little ambitious) So this morning I got into this position and sat. Taking time to slow down and listen. Time to hear what it is I really need. вңЁрҹҢёвңЁрҹҢёвңЁрҹҢёвңЁрҹҢё What could you do this weekend to support yourself?
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Over the past week I havenвҖҷt posted much. There have been many times where I have felt...I should. Or I should start developing my next workshop. Or putting the final touches on my new program (YAYрҹҷҢрҹҸј). But after an attempt to create, it didnвҖҷt feel good. рҹҳҗ So I trusted what I was feeling and knew this week was about surrendering and receivingрҹҢҷрҹ’•рҹ’«
... These are not my natural tendencies. And I struggle with this stepping back like action (lots of guilt comes my way). But this is something IвҖҷm continually learning is soo important. рҹҷҸрҹҸ» Receiving where IвҖҷm at.
And I find it way easier to do this in a little forrest like this рҹҢҙрҹҢұрҹҢҝрҹҚғрҹҢі
What do you do to surrender and receive? вңЁрҹ’•
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Over the past week I havenвҖҷt posted much. There have been many times where I have felt...I should. Or I should start developing my next workshop. Or putting the final touches on my new program (YAYрҹҷҢрҹҸј). But after an attempt to create, it didnвҖҷt feel good. рҹҳҗ So I trusted what I was feeling and knew this week was about surrendering and receivingрҹҢҷрҹ’•рҹ’« These are not my natural tendencies. And I struggle with this letting go/ stepping back like motion (lots of guilt comes my way).... But this is something IвҖҷm continually learning is soo important. рҹҷҸрҹҸ» Receiving where IвҖҷm at. Surrendering to the moment.
And I find it way easier to do this in a little forrest like this рҹҢҙрҹҢұрҹҢҝрҹҚғрҹҢі How do you surrender and receive? вңЁрҹ’•
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This year I have been on a journey of connecting with my heart рҹ’–. Dropping more into my heart and creating spaces for others to do so too. And so yesterday I opened my heart and created a space for others to be and feel safe. вңЁ Opening up my home for an afternoon of connecting with ourselves, understanding our stories and choosing whether they serve us, so we can begin to write new ones. I feel so thankful рҹҷҸрҹҸ»for the beautiful womenрҹ‘ӯ who showed up yesterday, for bringing the...ir all, being open, honest and willing to forgive themselves.рҹҷҸрҹҸ» A big thankyou to @joanazofijasenkute for our movement, meditation and photos (watch this space to see the snaps) and to @emharlock for being my mini assistance on the day. вңЁрҹҢёрҹҢҷвңЁрҹҢёрҹҢҷ I will be having my last workshop in the UK on June 10th. Details coming soon. Watch this space. вңЁрҹҢёрҹҢҷвңЁрҹҢёрҹҢҷ Happy Monday everyoneрҹҷҸрҹҸ»
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Have you ever felt stuck? Ever felt like things arenвҖҷt flowing. I too have found myself in this position. рҹҢҖ I was recently in the transition between jobs. Where I felt I wasnвҖҷt вҖҳgettingвҖҷ the job. ... Feeling like there were no jobs out there. Feeling like I couldn't get inflow. Feeling like I was not good enough. Spiraling into the world of self doubt. And then I caught myself. рҹ’• Asking myself вңЁWhat is it I need today?вңЁ And that was.. to BE. рҹ’ӣрҹҢјTo stretch my legs through the incredible city I live in. To BE in the city that surrounds me. Appreciating its beauty. рҹҢӨвңЁAppreciating being in my own space.рҹҷҸрҹҸ» It also gave me time to ask myself.. вңЁWhat is the gift I have been gifted right now?вңЁ This didn't come easy, but after a very long time walkingрҹ‘ҹрҹ‘ҹвҖҰ.I realised it was... Time. Time for myself. Time to slow down and time to create.вӯҗпёҸ And as I received this giftрҹҺҒ. I surrendered into the time. Into the space. вңЁ
The more I surrendered. The more the magic рҹҢҲ presented itself.... The next day, I received a call. The call that would bring me my current job. рҹ’«
The power of surrender has been showing up alot like this. And as I resist it. I am constantly brought back (by stories likes this) to remembering why it is I need to surrender. вңЁрҹ’•рҹҷҸрҹҸ»
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More about Harriet Jackson
