Hartlepool Labour Party

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Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was in Hartlepool today to meet veterans announce the party’s policy to offer greater support to our service personnel.
Ian Cawley, of the 1st Battalion the Green Howard’s, served in the Falklands, Kenya and did several tours in Northern Ireland in the 80s and 90s and was pleased to get the opportunity to discuss the issue with the Labour leader, he said:
... “I discussed PTSD support services for Veterans and putting in place a better resettlement programme for veterans leaving the forces”
The visit also included a donation from Labour North to the Heugh Battery Appeal.
If you want to support Hartlepool veterans why not donate to local lads Daniel Threadgill and Joshua Rutherford who are embarking on a unbelievable 510mile walk from Hartlepool fo London and back to raise money for Hartlepool Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast club and the British Heart Foundation. You can donate here:
https://www.gofundme.com/f/510-mile-healt h-walk
https://www.hartlepoolmail.co.uk/…/jere my-corbyn-in-hartlep…
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Last night Labour called for suspension of procedure to allow our Council to debate a motion calling for:
1. A review of funding for any organisation to which an elected member is affiliated in any capacity .
... 2. That council ensure all such organisations are audited and publish full, audited annual accounts.
3. That council to make known how we validate ‘value for money’ within those companies.
In recent days Labour’s attempts to debate these issues were mysteriously tied up in procedural red tape.
However, amid growing public unrest over these undemocratic tactics reminiscent of the leadership of the Akers-Belcher and following legal advice, the Independent Union/Tory coalition performed a humiliating last minute u-turn, with Labour forcing an extraordinary meeting in July dedicated solely to these proposals so as not to delay until the next full council meeting which is in September.
One really has to ask why people seem hell bent on blocking openness and transparency? We could have discussed it last night, voted on it and had the rules in place immediately, but the coalition and so-called ‘Socialist Labour Party’ (Akers Belchers) were totally against that, as seen in the video.
It will be very interesting to see what behind the scenes manoeuvring goes on before these new rules are voted on.
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Tonight the Labour Group in Hartlepool scored a massive victory to make the council more open and transparent.
Labour are demanding:
... 1. A review of funding for any organisation to which an elected member is affiliated in any capacity .
2. That council ensure all such organisations are audited and publish full, audited annual accounts.
3. That council to make known how we validate ‘value for money’ within those companies.
In recent days Labour’s attempts to debate these issues were mysteriously tied up in procedural red tape.
However, amid growing public unrest over these undemocratic tactics reminiscent of the leadership of the Akers-Belcher and following legal advice, the coalition performed a humiliating last minute u-turn, with Labour forcing an extraordinary meeting in July dedicated solely to these proposals.
Councillor Paddy Brown said, “One really has to ask why people seem hell bent on blocking openness and transparency? We could have discussed it tonight, voted on it and had the rules in place immediately, but they were totally against that. It will be very interesting to see what behind the scenes manoeuvring goes on before these new rules are voted on. We will be watching very closely.”
Councillor Dave Hunter said, “Forcing the Tory coalition to accept this meeting is a victory for Hartlepool, but now we have to force them to actually support our demands. We would urge all members of the public to get to that extraordinary meeting and demand that our proposals for openness and transparency are adopted in full. Labour will continue to lead on these issues, even from opposition.”
Details of the extraordinary council meeting will be announced in due course.
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Coalition blocks key reform of funding rules
The new Tory/Independent/Socialist Labour coalition has relied on bureaucratic red tape to prevent three key reforms that would have made the funding of organisations by the council more open and transparent, particularly those involving elected councillors.
The Labour Group had proposed:
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Reserve your tickets now if you'd like to attend our evening with Ian Lavery next week - final numbers confirmed Monday!


Pensioners have spent their lives contributing to our society.
Providing over-75s with free TV licences is not too much to ask.
Sign the petition if you agree:


Today marks the 75th anniversary of D-Day - 6 June 1944 - one of the most significant events in human history and a mission unlike any other.
Operation Overlord was, and remains, the largest amphibious invasion ever undertaken - it’s a story of great courage, determination and ingenuity. There had been nothing quite like it before and we must always hope and fight to ensure that such a task is never needed again.
More than 135,000 men were deployed, carried by thousands of sh...ips, landing craft, gliders, and aeroplanes. During the landings 75,215 British and Canadians troops were put ashore, and 57,500 Americans. Of those men who landed there were at least 10,000 casualties, with 4,414 men confirmed killed.
The action began with the lowering of a ramp or the opening of a parachute for thousands of brave young men. Some would find themselves alone, lost and scattered across the fields of Normandy whilst others faced a wall of heavy machine-gun fire through which they must advance; they all fought on regardless. They were fighting an enemy and an ideology that had to be stopped for the sake of freedom, democracy, and humanity.
If it was the British victory at El Alamein in 1942 that marked “the end of the beginning” of the Second World War, then it was D-Day that marked the beginning of the end.
The Battle for Normandy did not end on June 6th. The Germans would counter-attack and there were many more hard battles fought over the following 80 days. The human cost of that victory can still be seen today at the 27 war cemeteries dotted along the Normandy coast, containing the remains of more than 110,000 casualties from both sides.
We no longer have any First World War veterans amongst us and as the years pass we are all too quickly losing those remaining veterans of the Second World War. As memories slowly turn to history, we must ensure that the legacy of their brave stand against fascism and hatred lives on.
Lest We Forget.
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We need to reform the way our council is run - more open and more transparent, ‘it’s just common sense’.
https://www.hartlepoolmail.co.uk/…/hart lepool-borough-counc…


Footage from last week's Full Council meeting, showing the election of Hartlepool Borough Council's representative to the national Local Government Association.
Again, we see the Independent Union and Conservative Coalition vote by majority in favour of Councillor Marjorie James, a member of the very cabal that they have pledged to oust from our Council, instead of Councillor Paddy Brown.
Councillors only received one vote and were able to cast as follows:... FOR (supporting Paddy Brown), AGAINST (supporting the Marjorie James) ABSTAIN (refusal to vote)
Votes cast were as follows:- Cllr Christopher Akers-Belcher - Foggy Furze (SLP) - AGAINST Cllr Stephen Akers-Belcher - Manor House (SLP) - AGAINST Cllr James Black - Seaton (PSF) - FOR Cllr James Brewer - Hart (Independent Union) - ABSTAIN Cllr Paddy Brown - Jesmond (Labour) - FOR Cllr Bob Buchan - Fens&Rossmere (Independent Union) - AGAINST Cllr Lee Cartwright - Foggy Furze (VAPP) - ABSTAIN Cllr Tom Cassidy - Hart (Independent Union) - ABSTAIN Cllr Tim Flemming - Headland&Harbour (Independent Union) - ABSTAIN Cllr Ged Hall - Burn Valley (Independent) - AGAINST Cllr Lesley Hamilton - Victoria (Labour) - FOR Cllr Brenda Harrison - De Bruce (Labour) - FOR Cllr Helen Howson - Victoria (Labour) - FOR Cllr Dave Hunter - Burn Valley (Labour) - FOR Cllr Marjorie James - Manor House (SLP) - AGAINST Cllr Karen King - De Bruce (For Britain) - ABSTAIN Cllr John Lauderdale - Burn Valley (Independent) - AGAINST Cllr Jim Lindridge - Fens&Rossmere (Labour) - FOR Cllr Sue Little - Seaton (PSF) - FOR Cllr Brenda Loynes - Rural West (Conservative) - AGAINST Cllr Ann Marshall - Foggy Furze (SLP) - AGAINST Cllr David Mincher - Manor House (UKIP) - FOR Cllr Shane Moore - Headland&Harbour (Independent Union) - AGAINST Cllr Amy Prince - Jesmond (Labour) - FOR Cllr Tony Richardson - Fens&Rossmere (Independent Union) - AGAINST Cllr Carl Richardson - Victoria (Labour) - FOR Cllr Leisa Smith - Seaton (PSF) - FOR Cllr Cameron Stokell - Rural West (Conservative) - AGAINST Cllr John Tennant - Jesmond (Independent Union) - AGAINST Cllr Stephen Thomas - De Bruce (Labour) - FOR Cllr Barbara Ward - Headland&Harbour (Independent Union) - AGAINST Cllr Mike Young - Rural West (Conservative) - AGAINST
Elected: Cllr Marjorie James (SLP) - 14 votes
Thanks to this coalition of Independent Union and Conservatives, Councillor Marjorie James (one of 4 members of the Socialist Labour Party out of 33 Councillors) is now a representative of Hartlepool Borough Council to the Local Government Association.
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Don’t forget the market down at the Historic Quay this morning! Made the mistake of heading down after lunch last time and loads had sold out so went down early this morning. So many great local businesses! Head down and support them! #ShopLocal #LoveHartlepool


They shall not pass ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
Unite to stop the hard right. 🗳🌹 (Polls open until 10pm, you don't need your polling card to vote)


For those that were unable to attend, here is some footage taken from the audience during last night's Full Council meeting. As you can tell by the audience's reaction throughout, it was quite a dramatic turn of events.
At the begining of this video, Independent Union Councillor Shane Moore attempts to bypass the recorded vote on whether Councillors supported Councillor James Black or Councillor Chris Akers-Belcher for the position of Chair of Regeneration.
Unfortunately for ...the Independent Union, this was unsuccessful and as per Council procedure for Councillors to cast one vote on the nominee who's name comes first alphabetically, Councillors were asked whether they supported Councillor Chris Akers-Belcher for the Chair of Regeneration or not. A simple 'for' or 'against'.
The results of the vote were as follows:
For Christopher Akers-Belcher: Cllr Christopher Akers-Belcher (SLP - Foggy Furze) Cllr Stephen Akers-Belcher (SLP - Manor) Cllr James Brewer (Independent Union - Hart) Cllr Bob Buchan (Independent Union - Fens & Rossmere) Cllr Tom Cassidy (Independent Union - Hart) Cllr Ged Hall (Independent - Burn Valley) Cllr Marjorie Jame (SLP - Manor) Cllr John Lauderdale (Independent - Burn Valley) Cllr Brenda Loynes (Conservative - Rural West) Cllr Ann Marshall (SLP - Foggy Furze) Cllr Shane Moore (Independent Union - Headland & Harbour) Cllr Cameron Stokell (Conservative - Rural West) Cllr John Tennant (Independent Union - Jesmond) Cllr Barbara Ward (Independent Union - Headland & Harbour) Cllr Mike Young (Conservative Coalition - Rural West)
Abstentions: Cllr Lee Cartwright (VAPP - Foggy Furze) Cllr Tim Flemming (Independent Union - Headland & Harbour)
Against Christopher Akers-Belcher: Cllr James Black (Putting Seaton First - Seaton) Cllr Paddy Brown (Labour - Jesmond) Cllr Lesley Hamilton (Labour - Victoria) Cllr Brenda Harrison (Labour - De Bruce) Cllr Helen Howson (Labour - Victoria) Cllr Dave Hunter (Labour - Burn Valley) Cllr Karen King (For Britain - De Bruce) Cllr Jim Lindridge (Labour - Fens & Rossmere) Cllr Sue Little (Putting Seaton First - Seaton) Cllr David Mincher (UKIP - Manor) Cllr Amy Prince (Labour - Jesmond) Cllr Carl Richardson (Labour - Victoria) Cllr Tony Richardson (Independent Union - Fens & Rossmere) Cllr Leisa Smith (Putting Seaton First - Seaton) Cllr Steve Thomas (Labour - De Bruce)
Due to the vote being tied at 15 for, 15 against with 2 abstentions, the Mayor's casting vote (Independent Union/Conservative Coalition's Cllr Brenda Loynes') decided the winner: Cllr Christopher Akers-Belcher.
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This is the Independent Union Facebook page claiming the council is ‘under new leadership’ on the night they voted to put Christopher Akers-Belcher in charge of one of the most powerful committees on the Council. The public backlash was so great that a few minutes ago they deleted their entire Facebook page - all for openness and transparency then!
Update: it’s back up now - so go make your feelings known!!


Statement from Paddy Brown (Leader of the Labour Group) and Dave Hunter (Deputy Leader of the Labour Group).
At tonight’s council meeting the Labour Group stayed true to their word and refused to support the new Tory coalition in Hartlepool.
The Tories, Socialist Labour (aka: the Akers-Belcher) and The Independent Union voted en bloc all night, including to defeat Dave Hunter for Mayor and appoint a Tory Mayor instead.
... We were especially disgusted to see Shane Moore and his Independent Union colleagues vote for Christoper Akers-Belcher to take the chairmanship of the highly influential Regeneration Committee. The Tory/Independent Union coalition is now clearly in full blown alliance with the Socialist Labour, in the form of the Akers-Belcher. I thought we had seen the last of these people but the Independents just let them back in.
We were prepared to support the Independent Union and had secured the Labour Party’s agreement to play our active part by taking chair and vice chair positions as outlined in our offer. It could have been a fresh start for our council; instead it would appear that the Independent Union has opted for more of the same.
Labour, under my leadership, will put principle before personal gain. We will not support a coalition that includes the Tories or Socialist Labour because I do not believe they have the interests of our town at heart.
However, we will stand by those Councillors who want change. We voted for Putting Seaton First’s James Black tonight because he is a man of principle who believes in making our council better. Again, it is such a tragedy that the coalition voted against him.
The Labour Party will now sit in opposition, opposition to the Tories, opposition to the Socialist Labour Akers-Belcher, opposition to the rot that has infested, and continues to infest, our council. We will fight against the cuts that they want to impose on our services and we will fight for the reform we need to make our Council truly open, transparent and accountable.
Paddy Brown – Leader of the Labour Group Dave Hunter - Deputy Leader of the Labour Group
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The Labour Group in Hartlepool has unanimously agreed a comprehensive offer (see attached) to opposition councillors that would see the Independent Union take the leadership of the council. The offer includes key chairmanships for Independent Union councillors, Independent councillors, as well as Labour.
The offer includes making longstanding councillor, John Lauderdale, Mayor, Independent councillor Ged Hall chair of planning and Putti...ng Seaton First councillors James Black and Leisa Smith chair of Audit & Governance and Licensing respectively.
Following the recent local elections, the council has been left in no-overall control, requiring elected members from different political parties and groups to work together.
Leader of the Labour Group Paddy Brown said: “This is a comprehensive offer that would see Labour support the Independent Union for the leadership of the council, as well as making use of talent from across the council. This is the sort of compromise and bridge-building that I believe the public want to see in our council.”
The offer is predicated on the Independent Union ending their coalition with the Conservatives and their allies the Akers-Belcher, who as things stand are due to get significant chair positions with Independent Union support.
Councillor Dave Hunter, Deputy Leader of the Labour Group, said:
“For the past 6 years the Tories have worked hand in glove with the Akers-Belcher to the detriment of our council. To reward them now seems totally wrong and something we simply cannot support. This offer brings together the councillors in Hartlepool who genuinely have the town at heart, and I urge Shane Moore and the Independent Union to agree to it so we can move forward with the reform agenda that make our council more open, transparent and accountable.”
Decisions about the future positions are due to be taken on Tuesday night and the Labour Group says this offer can be accepted any time up to the first vote.
Paddy Brown said: “My message to Shane Moore is simple: do the right thing for the town”
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More about Hartlepool Labour Party

Hartlepool Labour Party is located at 23 South Road, TS26 9HD Hartlepool