Havant Homecare Ltd

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Havant Homecare Ltd

Havant Homecare provide care to older people in their own homes across Havant, Waterlooville and surrounding areas

Havant Homecare Ltd Description

We provide quality care with a focus on continuity of care, listening to our customers and empowering our staff to provide the very best care that we can.

Every member of our team are passionate about the people they care for and will always go the extra mile to ensure our customers are safe and have what they need to maintain their lifestyle their way.



PPE kits ready to go......we have made about 200 kits up and are more than ready to protect our staff. We have an abundance of PPE including alcohol fortified hand sanitiser, gowns, over shoes, surgical masks and hair covers. We have months and months worth of stock and are taking the safety of our staff very seriously. At the point of need we are ready, it may be colourful but it is safe.


­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­ ¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ Tonight we clapped for Boris and wish him a speedy recovery from this dreadful virus. Every Thursday we clap for the NHS and all the keyworkers out there keeping us moving in our fight against Covid 19. Staying home keeps pressure off of the NHS and ensures it is there when each of us needs it. Tonight I also clapped for the care workers, an unsung army of real heroŌĆÖs giving their absolute all. Covid 19 does not discriminate so when you see a care worker in your community please say thank you, give them a clap and make their day that little more special.


Look at this!!! a fantastic huge donation of cotton linen that our wonderful Carol is going to turn into large draw string kit bags for the NHS to put their uniform straight into and then straight into the machine to prevent spreading it around their homes! THANK YOU for the donation and THANK YOU to our Carol.....pics to come of kit wash bags!


Flowers always brighten the day. They add a splash of colour and make us remember little things that can often mean so much. Today I am remembering with fondness and a smile. In such uncertain times a little kindness and smile goes a long way. Smile at each other and say good morning it really does brighten the day and for some may even help overcome loneliness.


Wow, we really have put as much effort in as we can and when family members contact you like this, it makes you realise just how much each and every care worker is appreciated. Well done to everyone at Havant Homecare, please rest assured we have not accepted cash and have suggested that vouchers for this person's care team are not sent at this time and we have our own plans in place for when we come out the other side of covid 19.
Hi Katrina, I would like to send on behalf o...f my Mum some cash or vouchers.
This is to say thank you to her wonderful carers, they are doing a great job in very difficult circumstances.
I know that you pay well but the Care Industry is generally poorly paid and some of the ladies may struggle with partners who will not have the income they need.
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At 8pm tonight those of us who were not working went out into the street to clap for carers to show thanks to our NHS. It was a privilege to have people in the street shouting thanks personally. We care, we care with everything we have to give. Please help us to help you and #STAYATHOMEAt 8pm tonight those of us who were not working went out into the street to clap for carers to show thanks to our NHS. It was a privilege to have people in the street shouting thanks personally. We care, we care with everything we have to give. Please help us to help you and #STAYATHOME


Tracking Covid 19 will help to track the virus and help with in areas where our NHS need further support so that efforts can be concentrated on. Please download the app and report any symptoms day by day. Share, share, share lets all play our part.


Social care does not stop for a bank holiday, Christmas or a virus. Today we are working at a safe distance, one in the office ALONE and others lone working across the community. We are all doing our bit to provide safe care and observing safe distancing rules. If you have to work stay away from others and if you don't, well..............#stayhome


Now that the UK Government have announced lock down measures to try and stop the spread of Covid 19 there has never been such importance on shielding our communities vulnerable people. Please take the time to ensure the safety of vulnerable people near you. If they need anything pick it up when you are out and leave it on their door step, engage a group that are working to ensure that vulnerable people have their shopping needs met to provide them with an alternative avenue for support. There are some wonderful people out there all working to ensure that our NHS is there when we need it. Now it is the turn of each and everyone of us to do our bit to prevent this awful infection. #stayathome


To all the mums self isolating today, we hope you have a lovely day. To all the care workers out there looking after the mums, dads, grandparents, the lonely and vulnerable we would like to thank you all for making that difference. To all of the team at Havant Homecare and especially those who are out today providing care to people across Havant you truly are the unsung hero's keeping people at home safe and doing your bit to keep people away from the NHS in such difficult times. Today you will fill a lonely and isolated gap and bring a smile to people. THANK YOU.


As care homes lock down and visitors have to look through windows we are considering how social distancing is affecting already isolated older people. We all have technology and spend hours staring at screens but many older people don't, they do however have landlines instead of technology. PUT the screen down and PICK up the phone, call them, speak to them and take it in turns in your family and social circle to speak to the older people in your life. Do not assume that the cat for company and tv repeats are enough........SPEAK to your older family and friends and make their day that little bit easier and give them something to look forward too.


Long post alert..........
Just a reminder to everyone of how Covid 19 is spread.
1) Sneezing - your sneeze can travel up to 100 ft - use a tissue or your elbow to prevent spread of sneeze droplets landing on anything and put the tissue in the bin.
... 2) Coughing - water droplets from your cough can travel 4-5 ft - cough into a tissue or your elbow to prevent the spread of cough droplets and put them in the bin.
We pick up sneeze and cough droplets with our hands and then touch every day items leaving little bits of sneeze and cough droplets everywhere for others to pick up both in public and in our own homes.
We then touch our eyes, nose and mouth (often without even realising) where we transfer the sneeze and cough droplets and give the virus a way in to our bodies to start their reproduction cycle all over again.
think SNEEZE, think COUGH, think TOUCH
In any public place you touch lots and lots of things picking up a magnitude of bacteria and then others touch behind you and will touch their face.
If you touch you should wash hands thoroughly using soapy water, soap does not have to be anti bacterial but it needs to be soapy and thoroughly worked into between the fingers, tips of fingers including nail beds and underneath, the full length of fingers and thumbs, palm of hands, back of hands and believe it or not the wrists too. A quick wash will leave the bacteria and you may infect yourself with someone else's nasty.......do it properly for a minimum of 20 seconds, find a catchy tune and wash to the beat for the length of the beat.
Keep a safe distance from other people, 2 meters is considered a minimum safe distance for coughing and sneezing purposes and to prevent us touching each other.
These simple measure will go a long way to reducing the spread.
Light switches Toilet handles Door handles Fridge, freezer and cupboard door handles Kettle, mops, broom handles
Take wipes when out in public and DONT touch unless you have too but if you do, clean with your wipes
1) Shopping trolley handles where everyone touches 2) Shopping basket handles 3) YOUR phone and purse before and after touching
Covid 19 can survive longer on metal surfaces and in YOUR fridge then you think.....have a google and see for yourself
Protect one another with;
A) Space - safe distance 2 meters at least B) Sneeze and cough into a tissue or elbow and bin it C) clean clean clean and don't touch until it is clean
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*****UPDATE****** Due to private messages asking about supply of these masks, we are not able to produce these for others and are prioritising our own staff. Please note that a lot of research went into producing reusable masks to ensure that the right density fabric was used amongst other variables and correct cleaning advice was given and to ensure that masks fit correctly. Please do your research before producing your own if like us you are simply unable purchase them. Ple...ase also note that our customers also wear masks to further protect from us whilst we are in close proximity to them.******
Covid 19 is increasing daily but at Havant Homecare we have already taken action. All staff have been trained and issued with masks, safety glasses and hand sanitiser. All customers have masks and information to help them understand our actions and we have escalated our actions to keep contact between team members to a minimum. Our training manager has made face masks as the country faces a national shortage so that we continue to offer protection. Well done every one at Havant Homecare for being so proactive and offering the best protection that we can.
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Due to the current increase in Covid 19 cases we have taken the decision to operate from home and limit contact between people. We have put safe working practices in place and have provided training to all employees and information to all customers. We appreciate that Covid 19 may take some considerable time to peak and then decline and throughout this time we will continue to monitor and take any actions necessary to protect both staff and customers. We thank our staff for their dedication and commitment and our customers for their patience and understanding throughout this period of so many unknowns.


Havant Homecare have spent since December monitoring, watching and planning for the UKŌĆÖs Covid 19 outbreak. Today we put our plans into action, all of our staff have been issued with reusable masks that took some considerable research and cost to produce. They were also issued with other protective equipment for the protection of our customers from our activities. We have written to all of our customers providing information about our plans for their protection. We continue t...o monitor and will take all necessary actions to educate about infection control to protect the people we care for. Well done team on being proactive in your approach and for taking it all in your stride to provide the safest care that we can. A massive thank you to Carol Clay for the research and production to ensure that our customers are as protected as we can possibly make them.
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So so proud of the Havant Homecare team for all their efforts today. Seeing the team do their absolute utmost for some of our customers and their families in difficult circumstances today made me feel immensely proud. All I can say is a massive THANK YOU!!!!


Today we held the first of our monthly day services for our customers with dementia. We had lots of staff available and had activities, tea, biscuits, cakes, a fish and chip meal and sandwiches to take home with a snack, it was a fantastic day. Huge thank you and well done to Derry for making all the arrangements and running the event. There was lots of laughter, singing and people smiling which is exactly what we had hoped for. Thank you to all of the Havant Homecare team for your valuable time today and continued support for our new service.


Our staff are at it again!!! Lorraine made such a difference the family sent her a lovely gift and thank you card. It is not just care we give it is compassion and it makes a huge difference. A huge thank you Lorraine, we are proud of you!

More about Havant Homecare Ltd

Havant Homecare Ltd is located at 18 Park Parade, PO9 5AD Havant
0330 043 1535
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -