
About Hawiyya

Hawiyya Dance Company is based in London. Exploring cultural resistance through performing and workshopping Dabke and Comptemporary Dance.


Hawiyya Description

Hawiyya is a women’s dabke group who explore identity, culture and resistance through dance. The culturally diverse dancers from all over have come together to unite and share their commitment to the Palestinian cause.

Hawiyya draws upon traditional folkloric Arab-dabke with a twist of contemporary dance through their skills and experiences in other dance forms, narratives and musical influences. The members of Hawiyya have been performing Dabke for many years and have now formed the new group to bring Dabke to various platforms and audiences. The members choreograph their own dances as well as learning exchanges with Dabke groups from and in Palestine.

Hawiyya can offer workshops and performances to all who have an interest in experiencing Dabke, whether it be as part of an event, festival, performance or private event.

Hawiyya will share their dances and events as part of significant dates and events that are important to their beliefs and values such as Nakba Day, Women’s International Day, Refugee Week, Apartheid Week and many more.

As part of the outreach program Hawiyya will be hosting a free refugee women's dabke workshop. All women are welcome to the workshop in support of refugee women.

Thank you to our sponsors and supporters:
Palestinian Stitches
Amos Trust