Headcorn Aerodrome (Official)

About Headcorn Aerodrome (Official)

Headcorn Aerodrome is one of the few remaining grass strip airfields in Kent. There is always something happening whether it be the parachuting or the Training Aircraft, Spitfires and helicopters taking off and landing.

Headcorn Aerodrome (Official) Description

This page is updated with News and Information and Updates for Pilots, Parachutists, Enthusiasts and the General Public on all the goings on at Headcorn Aerodrome.
This includes Events at the Airfield, Info on Resident Aircraft and Updates on Airfield Info.



Bank Holiday Weekend Pictures – Pictures Richard Foord


Wednesday’s pictures - Richard Foord


Headcorn Parachute Club’s Islander left today for the last time. The end of an era.
It’s gone back to its maker, Britten-Norman at Lee-on-Solent. It first flew from Bembridge on 13th October 1969. It then went to Nigeria for service with Bristow Helicopters until it returned in 1980.
... It’s been at Headcorn dropping parachutists for 39 years!!.
Cheers Bertie, it’s been fun. 😢
See More


A few pics from the airfield – Pictures Richard Foord


A number of items have been handed in to the office over the past few days. If anyone has lost anything on the airfield over the Easter weekend, please contact 01622 890226


Easter Sunday Classic Car Meet at the airfield – Pictures Richard Foord


A very busy Easter Saturday – Pictures Richard Foord


One from today loads more to follow – Richard Foord


Today’s flying – Pictures Richard Foord


The new fence is complete and the field is open again
We just ask that you look after the new fence please


a few more from the weekend


Thanks to the occupants of Grigg Farm who telephoned the airfield last Saturday to say that a ‘cut away’ parachute had landed in their field. The parachute was collected and was being repacked within 30 minutes. That’s a record!!!
A ‘cut away’ is when a parachute gets tangled up so that the parachutist has to deploy the reserve parachute.


More Aerolegends action today – Pictures Richard Foord




We are currently replacing the fence in the spectator field so a large portion of the field is not in use at the moment. We aim to have all of this work done by middle of next week.
So it will be be ready for the classic car meet next weekend !!!


A very nice Bucker Jungmann visiting today – Pictures Richard Foord


A few from today – Pictures Richard Foord


what a fantastic day we had at the combined ops show on sunday first class thank you


We attended the battle of Britain show this year and we are so looking forward to the combined ops event. The event organizers have gone above and beyond so that our wonderful father battling cancer can attend by allowing us to bring our own gazebo so he can stay out of the sun. We will be attending every event that we can.

I'm am so thrilled that we are able to come as a family and enjoy such a wonderful day out. I highly suggest you purchase VIP tickets like we did for the battle of Britain. We got to meet all the pilots. Talk to the paratroopers. First class service. Every aircraft flew over out heads and we got to touch a spitfire. I can not praise this event enough. Everyone is so super friendly and we have never enjoyed a day out as much as we did.

We have attended before but not brought VIP tickets and it was a fabulous day out but with my partners back troubles we always left early. With VIP tickets we were supplied with seating and we stayed even after the event finished. So for those a little older and looking for extra comfort I highly recommend the more expensive option.

Thank you to Malcom and the wonderful team that put on these shows. They are outstanding. Long may they continue. We are very much looking forward to the August Combined Ops event.

See you there :-)


Popped in today to do some circuits. Stopped for a cuppa , what a friendly happy place to visit. A jewel of aviation . Well done all


One of the UK's best GA airfields. I grew up about 2 miles from it at Bounds Cross. One of the Freeman's flying the yellow and red biplane aerobatics overhead helped inspire me into a lifetime interest in aeroplanes and flying them.


My dad had a tandem skydive for his birthday presents he loved it thanks to all the staff this was our first time of doing didn't know what to do the waiting 5 and half hours for him to actually do the skydive wasn't like good don't like that bit but apart from that was brilliant he said he will come back and do it again highly recommend a skydive to anyone and thanks to the person my dad was with mike my dad is still alive lol thanks to you all ���


Microlight flight with the wonderful Chris! Everyone was so lovely and helpful, Chris was charming and calm and reassuring. Even went to the museum which was splendid! Weather was definitely on my side! Would thoroughly recommend ...


I was brought a parachute jump for my 18th birthday and it has to be by far the best experience ever.

I originally was booked on the day of my birthday but unfortunately I had to re-book due to poor weather conditions, however I wasn't kept waiting for a long period of time and I was able to jump the following day. The staff were professional and safety conscious but also were very humorous and were great at communicating their passion for skydiving. I was extremely nervous especially while traveling up to the sky, I was convinced that I was going to 'chicken' out but my tandem buddy reassured me and talked me through each stage which instantly boosted my confidence. If in any doubt, do it, you won't regret it!!!!�


I was bought a parachute jump for my 60th birthday and I have nothing but praise for all the people at Headcorn. They were professional and safety conscious but also communicated their passion for skydiving and made it a fun experience. I was very nervous and thought I might chicken out but my tandem buddy Simon talked me through every stage and made me feel confident enough to jump. If in any doubt, do it!


I had the pleasure of accompanying my son on a trial lesson today. Although we had a thunderstorm first thing all was good by the time of our flight. Nick our pilot was brilliant and we were immediately put at our ease.

A bit of a cross wind made for some interesting buffeting but on the whole a brilliant experience.

Good to see the security team as we vacated the plane.


I had a skydive yesterday (5/11/17) and it was fantastic. Great, friendly staff. And the guys doing the jumps were great, too. Shout out to Dave Hartley for being excellent with me, it was much appreciated. Also to Chad for the amazing photos and film. Couldn't recommend it anymore ��


Had a fantastic day on Saturday at the Battle of Britain airshow. Would highly recommend.


Best experience of my life. The staff are so lovely and make you feel very comfortable. Would do it again tomorrow!


Absolutely love this place!

I came along the weekend before last for the Battle of Britain Air Show and was thoroughly impressed! I never knew I had such a love for planes! You really get up close with all the goings on. The food and drink available was second to none and there was something for everyone.

There was clearly a lot of thought went on into planning the event. I really enjoyed watching the parachute jumpers in between the planes flying, so much so that I decided to book a tandem jump for the following weekend.

I came for my tandem skydive last weekend and again, was thoroughly impressed. From booking to jumping, I knew exactly what was going to happen from the minute I arrived.

The safety talk at the beginning really put me at ease and allayed any fears I might have had. There wasn’t that much of a wait to do the jump, but I did arrive super early and was 3rd in the queue out of the tandem jumpers.

My instructor Dave was really nice and friendly and seemed genuinely happy to be sharing his passion with someone new. He again put me so at ease and by the time I was ready to leave the plane, I could just enjoy it as I wasn’t scared at all. In fact, I felt incredibly safe.

The jump itself was amazing - I’d say once in a lifetime, but I’m definitely doing it again. Dave really made it count - he pointed out all of the sites and even let me steer the parachute.

The video afterwards was the icing on the cake - Lee the photographer great. Again, making me feel really at ease and adding a nice bit of humour. He done a great job of the video and photos - quite a feat when you’re plummeting to the ground at 120mph. I wasn’t given a hard sell to pay for the video either, which was nice. I get a bit of a wally in the free fall as I couldn’t catch my breath, but he did a bit of a circle and by the time he came round for my photos I’d caught my breath and was ready for the photos - nice photos where I didn’t look like I was about to die �

I suppose I should give a little thanks to the pilot too as even the 15/20 minute flight up was fun. It was all part of the most amazing experience.

Overall, I’d give it a solid 10 out of 10.

The only bad experience was someone passing wind on the plane just before we jumped �


A wonderful and much used example of local land being used for all of us to enjoy, whether you fly, Parachute ,or just want a chill out watching the comings and goings , with cafe and bar that both serve great food ,who could ask for more. Onward and Upward Headcorn Aerodrome.


The toilet facilities at the Battle of Britain air show on 11th July were totally inadequate and disgusting. The Air show was brilliant but it was a shame the commentator couldn't announce which aircraft were next up rather than constantly plugging the programmes. Also stating Steam Engines was untrue as there was only one. Plus having valuable runway viewing space allocated to a static war display and a model railway was a waste, both those activities could have been much further away from the airfield to allow more people to see the planes


The place was lovely! I liked the museum only thing I can fault is I got food poisoning from one of the cafes on sight.


Terrible organisers at this place , everyone doing a skydive for the day is asked to check in at 12pm and they basically keep you hanging around all day and your jump can be anytime between 1 and 7pm. So the cafe on site has jacked up prices for hideous food given in mouse size portions that you have no choice in buying because you are stuck here for up to 6 hrs .. cheeky when you consider the price of a jump anyway...


Went two years ago and it was fantastic, plane after plane. So disappointed today, only saw 2 spitfires and 2 other planes couldnt call it an air show really ready peed off as was looking faward to it for ages probably wouldn't go again, also never seen so many people leave an event like that soo early. Calling it an air show this time and charging that amout for it was wrong and deciving.


Went to the Combined Ops show a while back and thought it was superb. So we went back for a visit on Sunday to see the museum and have breakfast. Firstly the breakfast, though nice, was very expensive for what you get, I would recommend eating somewhere else if you need to come here. And the museum wasn't really a museum, more a pile of old scrap bits of aircraft, with a shop at the end. Outside was the cockpit of a very unloved Lightning, and a dilapidated Super Sabre and a Mystere on a patch of grass, that looked ready for the scrapyard. All in all a bit of a disappointment, especially as my son who loves planes, didn't really get to see any.


Thanks to the occupants of Grigg Farm who telephoned the airfield last Saturday to say that a ‘cut away’ parachute had landed in their field. The parachute was collected and was being repacked within 30 minutes. That’s a record!!!
A ‘cut away’ is when a parachute gets tangled up so that the parachutist has to deploy the reserve parachute.


what a fantastic day we had at the combined ops show on sunday first class thank you


We attended the battle of Britain show this year and we are so looking forward to the combined ops event. The event organizers have gone above and beyond so that our wonderful father battling cancer can attend by allowing us to bring our own gazebo so he can stay out of the sun. We will be attending every event that we can.

I'm am so thrilled that we are able to come as a family and enjoy such a wonderful day out. I highly suggest you purchase VIP tickets like we did for the battle of Britain. We got to meet all the pilots. Talk to the paratroopers. First class service. Every aircraft flew over out heads and we got to touch a spitfire. I can not praise this event enough. Everyone is so super friendly and we have never enjoyed a day out as much as we did.

We have attended before but not brought VIP tickets and it was a fabulous day out but with my partners back troubles we always left early. With VIP tickets we were supplied with seating and we stayed even after the event finished. So for those a little older and looking for extra comfort I highly recommend the more expensive option.

Thank you to Malcom and the wonderful team that put on these shows. They are outstanding. Long may they continue. We are very much looking forward to the August Combined Ops event.

See you there :-)


Popped in today to do some circuits. Stopped for a cuppa , what a friendly happy place to visit. A jewel of aviation . Well done all


One of the UK's best GA airfields. I grew up about 2 miles from it at Bounds Cross. One of the Freeman's flying the yellow and red biplane aerobatics overhead helped inspire me into a lifetime interest in aeroplanes and flying them.


My dad had a tandem skydive for his birthday presents he loved it thanks to all the staff this was our first time of doing didn't know what to do the waiting 5 and half hours for him to actually do the skydive wasn't like good don't like that bit but apart from that was brilliant he said he will come back and do it again highly recommend a skydive to anyone and thanks to the person my dad was with mike my dad is still alive lol thanks to you all ���


Microlight flight with the wonderful Chris! Everyone was so lovely and helpful, Chris was charming and calm and reassuring. Even went to the museum which was splendid! Weather was definitely on my side! Would thoroughly recommend ...


I was brought a parachute jump for my 18th birthday and it has to be by far the best experience ever.

I originally was booked on the day of my birthday but unfortunately I had to re-book due to poor weather conditions, however I wasn't kept waiting for a long period of time and I was able to jump the following day. The staff were professional and safety conscious but also were very humorous and were great at communicating their passion for skydiving. I was extremely nervous especially while traveling up to the sky, I was convinced that I was going to 'chicken' out but my tandem buddy reassured me and talked me through each stage which instantly boosted my confidence. If in any doubt, do it, you won't regret it!!!!�


I was bought a parachute jump for my 60th birthday and I have nothing but praise for all the people at Headcorn. They were professional and safety conscious but also communicated their passion for skydiving and made it a fun experience. I was very nervous and thought I might chicken out but my tandem buddy Simon talked me through every stage and made me feel confident enough to jump. If in any doubt, do it!


I had the pleasure of accompanying my son on a trial lesson today. Although we had a thunderstorm first thing all was good by the time of our flight. Nick our pilot was brilliant and we were immediately put at our ease.

A bit of a cross wind made for some interesting buffeting but on the whole a brilliant experience.

Good to see the security team as we vacated the plane.


I had a skydive yesterday (5/11/17) and it was fantastic. Great, friendly staff. And the guys doing the jumps were great, too. Shout out to Dave Hartley for being excellent with me, it was much appreciated. Also to Chad for the amazing photos and film. Couldn't recommend it anymore ��


Had a fantastic day on Saturday at the Battle of Britain airshow. Would highly recommend.


Best experience of my life. The staff are so lovely and make you feel very comfortable. Would do it again tomorrow!


Absolutely love this place!

I came along the weekend before last for the Battle of Britain Air Show and was thoroughly impressed! I never knew I had such a love for planes! You really get up close with all the goings on. The food and drink available was second to none and there was something for everyone.

There was clearly a lot of thought went on into planning the event. I really enjoyed watching the parachute jumpers in between the planes flying, so much so that I decided to book a tandem jump for the following weekend.

I came for my tandem skydive last weekend and again, was thoroughly impressed. From booking to jumping, I knew exactly what was going to happen from the minute I arrived.

The safety talk at the beginning really put me at ease and allayed any fears I might have had. There wasn’t that much of a wait to do the jump, but I did arrive super early and was 3rd in the queue out of the tandem jumpers.

My instructor Dave was really nice and friendly and seemed genuinely happy to be sharing his passion with someone new. He again put me so at ease and by the time I was ready to leave the plane, I could just enjoy it as I wasn’t scared at all. In fact, I felt incredibly safe.

The jump itself was amazing - I’d say once in a lifetime, but I’m definitely doing it again. Dave really made it count - he pointed out all of the sites and even let me steer the parachute.

The video afterwards was the icing on the cake - Lee the photographer great. Again, making me feel really at ease and adding a nice bit of humour. He done a great job of the video and photos - quite a feat when you’re plummeting to the ground at 120mph. I wasn’t given a hard sell to pay for the video either, which was nice. I get a bit of a wally in the free fall as I couldn’t catch my breath, but he did a bit of a circle and by the time he came round for my photos I’d caught my breath and was ready for the photos - nice photos where I didn’t look like I was about to die �

I suppose I should give a little thanks to the pilot too as even the 15/20 minute flight up was fun. It was all part of the most amazing experience.

Overall, I’d give it a solid 10 out of 10.

The only bad experience was someone passing wind on the plane just before we jumped �


A wonderful and much used example of local land being used for all of us to enjoy, whether you fly, Parachute ,or just want a chill out watching the comings and goings , with cafe and bar that both serve great food ,who could ask for more. Onward and Upward Headcorn Aerodrome.


The toilet facilities at the Battle of Britain air show on 11th July were totally inadequate and disgusting. The Air show was brilliant but it was a shame the commentator couldn't announce which aircraft were next up rather than constantly plugging the programmes. Also stating Steam Engines was untrue as there was only one. Plus having valuable runway viewing space allocated to a static war display and a model railway was a waste, both those activities could have been much further away from the airfield to allow more people to see the planes


The place was lovely! I liked the museum only thing I can fault is I got food poisoning from one of the cafes on sight.


Terrible organisers at this place , everyone doing a skydive for the day is asked to check in at 12pm and they basically keep you hanging around all day and your jump can be anytime between 1 and 7pm. So the cafe on site has jacked up prices for hideous food given in mouse size portions that you have no choice in buying because you are stuck here for up to 6 hrs .. cheeky when you consider the price of a jump anyway...


Went two years ago and it was fantastic, plane after plane. So disappointed today, only saw 2 spitfires and 2 other planes couldnt call it an air show really ready peed off as was looking faward to it for ages probably wouldn't go again, also never seen so many people leave an event like that soo early. Calling it an air show this time and charging that amout for it was wrong and deciving.


Went to the Combined Ops show a while back and thought it was superb. So we went back for a visit on Sunday to see the museum and have breakfast. Firstly the breakfast, though nice, was very expensive for what you get, I would recommend eating somewhere else if you need to come here. And the museum wasn't really a museum, more a pile of old scrap bits of aircraft, with a shop at the end. Outside was the cockpit of a very unloved Lightning, and a dilapidated Super Sabre and a Mystere on a patch of grass, that looked ready for the scrapyard. All in all a bit of a disappointment, especially as my son who loves planes, didn't really get to see any.

More about Headcorn Aerodrome (Official)

Headcorn Aerodrome (Official) is located at Headcorn Aerodrome, TN27 9HX Headcorn, Kent
01622 890226