Health Matters Personal Training

Monday: 06:30 - 18:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 20:00
Friday: 06:30 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Health Matters Personal Training

Health Matters Personal Training offers one to one and semi private small group training from Healthworks fitness studio in Stratford Upon Avon

Home training is also available in Warwick, Leamington and Stratford Upon Avon.

Health Matters Personal Training Description

Health Matters Personal Training offers one to one personal training to help you lose weight, improve your health, gain more lasting energy and get the body you actually want.

I offer mobile training, where I come to you with all the kit, or alternatively, I use a small private gym in Stratford Upon Avon. A combination of the two can be used as well.

I place a high importance on achieving results but not at the expense of enjoyment of life, you don't need to implement heavy or harsh dietary restrictions in order to see great results.

***note - my website is currently undergoing a makeover so the link won't work, if you have any questions please just message me through Facebook or send me a text message, thanks***



****You Choose****
It's 3 weeks until Christmas, you have two choices -
1. Wait until after Christmas to get started (pile on more weight, reinforce more bad eating habits, keep seeing fitness as a challenge)
... Or
2. Start now, quit making excuses (how are they working for you by the way?) and actually lose weight BEFORE Christmas. My average client loses 2-3 lbs of body fat a week - x 3 weeks = a minimum of half a stone off.
It's your choice, but seriously I don't buy into this wait until January, and neither should you 💥👊
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****Eating When You're Not Hungry****
If you're trying to lose weight and change your body shape then pay attention to this habit. The idea of eating 3 meals a day is not always necessary.
If you don't feel hungry then don't eat!
... Without wanting to make meal times boring for you, after all food should be enjoyed, do a hunger check - that is on a hunger scale of 1-10, 1 being not hungry at all and 10 being the hungriest you've ever been, you should aim to eat when you're around a 7.
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Don't become a slave to the scales!!
It's a quick measurement that many people use to judge how they're getting on, and it's hurting you!
If the number stays the same, or actually goes up, then most of the time you feel terrible, unmotivated and like there's no point.
... There are so many reasons why the scales don't always reflect your progression.
To avoid this scenario I would advise you take a photo each month, pictures never lie and will show you your progression in terms of your body shape change.
For my clients I also track body fat % and take measurements with a tape measure for two main reasons -
1. It's more accurate than scales alone 2. It is possible to get inches off without the scale weight changing that much
If you must persist in using the scales at least limit it to once a week, at the same time, BUT only use it as a rough guide from now on, not a definitive tool on your self-worth!
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This is really interesting, how many of these cravings do you get?


Please drop the belief that weight & fat loss = restriction and boredom. It's the fastest killer of motivation I've encountered!Please drop the belief that weight & fat loss = restriction and boredom. It's the fastest killer of motivation I've encountered!


Weight loss is rarely linear, expect peaks and troughs in your weight loss journey. The key is to plan longer term (ie longer than a week at a time!!) and then measure how you're performing over a 3 month period.
I also would NOT just rely on scales, they don't tell the full picture. I always take measurements with my clients using a tape measure and also using body fat calipers so we can track body shape changes (this is fat loss btw).
Doing it yourself?
... Then take pictures of your progress every month, it's a quick honest visual of how your getting on.
If you need help let me know!
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Where would you be if you had taken action 6 months ago? Stop putting it off...Where would you be if you had taken action 6 months ago? Stop putting it off...


Motivation isn't a linear upward curve, it will come and go.
When you're at a low point remember to refocus on the bigger picture and think along the lines of the version of you that's already achieved the health goal - what would this person do? How would they get back on track?
Your body will keep trying to take you back to the old way of being, it's tried and tested and doesn't require energy to change. So you must keep on reinforcing this new way, the way you want to be!


The hard truth about weight gain - there is no mystical force out to get you, you're in a calorie surplus (eating more than you're burning off).
That's it.
If you don't know what I mean then have a quick read up on energy balance. until you get an understanding of how this simple concept works your weight will continue to go up, or at best fluctuate.
... If you need accountability to help you stick to it then message me, at the moment I still have 2 spaces left for 1-2-1 clients in Warwickshire - they don't tend to last long though!
Whatever you do, doing nothing is not an option. Unless you're happy as you are, in which case carry on.
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What stops you getting proper help to sort your health & fitness once and for all?What stops you getting proper help to sort your health & fitness once and for all?


Quick way to kick start your weight loss.
Keep an honest food diary of everything you eat and drink for a 7 day period.
We're great at lying to ourselves so you may well find a few surprises. It's so easy to overeat on sugars for instance - excess sugar = weight gain (to put it really simply).
... This will also give you a picture of your weekly eating habits. To make it more powerful you can also add in what caused you to eat certain foods - eg comfort eating as a result of an argument/bad day at work.
Building a clear picture of where you're currently at is the a great first step to making a lasting change.
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I find that nearly all of the clients I work already know the action they need to take to be healthier and to have the body they want.
My question to you is, what's actually stopping you from taking action?


Stop looking for a quick fix. Once you realise real results take time you can plan your progress in a more realistic wayStop looking for a quick fix. Once you realise real results take time you can plan your progress in a more realistic way


Anything is better than nothing.
As far as your results go if you keep doing nothing, then you'll keep getting nothing!
Pretty obvious really.
... Action changes things, it doesn't even need to drastic action. it could be something as simple as making sure you hydrate properly each day, or that you try and raise you general levels of activity - walking around more etc.
What are you going to commit to do this week that will move you closer towards your health/body shape goals?
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****Is It Possible To Get Results From Home?****
Put simply, YES!!
But, there are a few variables. The biggest of which is you.
... It doesn't matter where you train (gym, park, studio, home etc) if you don't commit to the programme and continue to follow the bad habits that caused your weight gain or poor health in the first place.
Gyms don't hold much appeal for a lot of people which is the very reason I specialise in training clients in their own homes, or at a local park. The belief that you need a gym to get results is simply not the case, what you need is the right structure to your workout - the best gym in the world won't get you a result if your programme is hopeless!
You don't need a lot of space and you don't need any kit to get started, especially if you're working with me as I bring everything we need to get you changing.
If you're not quite ready to make the jump into structured training and the results you really want then plan to start small, go for a 20 minute walk daily and look for ways to be more active in general, it all helps!
If you would like to discuss what I do and how it can help you then just send me a message or comment 'discuss' below this post and I'll be in contact :-)
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It can be quite overwhelming when you start looking to lose weight and change shape. Google is awash with ideas, latest trends and diets.
Do you want to know what really gets results?
Consistency. Stick with whatever you choose for at least 90 days.
... Hopping from one diet to the next is a sure fire way to stay stuck and frustrated, or at best get a small result.
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More about Health Matters Personal Training

07525 750 314
Monday: 06:30 - 18:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 20:00
Friday: 06:30 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -