Health Means Happiness By Anna Chabura - Personal Trainer & Nutritionist

About Health Means Happiness By Anna Chabura - Personal Trainer & Nutritionist

I am here to help you get into the best shape of your life. Training and nutrition advice to help you accomplish any fitness, athletic or health goals. Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritional Therapist.



▪️If you’re starting training and the only reason is that you NEED TO ➡️ you’ll give up quickly ▪️If you’re starting training because you want to have a QUICK RESULTS, ➡️ you'll not get any
Girl! As soon you’ll understand that working out is not a punishment but something that helps you to live longer, healthier and stronger, finally you’ll start to enjoy the process! ❤️💪🏼
... Let yourself regular activity be a part of your lifestyle! (p.s. I’m not counting walking to work or moving at work)
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❗️Wow, it’s so real that it makes me scared. Please watch it ❗️
People start to lose their own identity nowadays. WE LIVE FOR WORK, NOT WORK TO LIVE.
In last to 2 months I heard so many times during consultations, from my clients or from close to me people that they have depression or anxiety. A lot of my clients is using medication because of stress😰
... And alcohol? That’s so real. I always say to my clients that they need to cut down on drinking and you know what? For most of the people, it’s not even possible to survive one weekend without a cocktail. I hear this all the time “Just enjoy life Anna,” and I'm wondering if people are repeating popular slogans or they indeed associated alcohol with happiness... that’s depressing 🥺
Guys, please take care of yourself. Self-care is essential, especially self-care from the inside. You need to know who you are and you need to do things just for yourself to feel good and to make sure that you’re an individual human being.
That’s why I’ll always promote activity and healthy lifestyle because that’s one of those things which you’re not doing for your boss, husband, kids, boyfriend, family but just for YOURSELF❗️❗️❗️ N0
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Back to the roots Tony Robbins 🙏🏻
Self discipline is a key to everything... and I’ll repeat that over and over again.
Please watch it 🙏🏻❤️
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BOOK NOW and you can start from January!
When if not know? 💪🏼😊🔥


BOOK NOW ➡️ you can start from January!
20% OFF for current personal training packages and online workout & nutrition plans ! 💪🏼 line-plans


The typical conversation with my new clients:
➡️Me: "You know that diet is a key, and it's 70% or more of your success?" ➡️Client: "Yes, but I don't have time for cooking."
... I'm super lazy when it comes to preparing my food. I hate spending to much time in the kitchen 😉 But to keep it #fit and #healthydiet you don't need to spend hours in the kitchen. Just KEEP IT SIMPLE!
➡️create your meals based on a good source of :
▪️PROTEIN- free range eggs, organic meat: beef, chicken, turkey, liver, bacon, fish ( salmon, tuna, cod, prawns , mackerel ) nuts/seeds, protein powders, spirulina powder, chia seeds, red bean, chickpea, red and brown lentil, pea, broad bean, optional curd cheese/ greek yogurt
▪️CARBOHYDRATES- brown rice, white rice, basmati rice, brown rice pasta, oats, couscous, quinoa, bulgur wheat, buckwheat, millet, tapioca, amaranth, sweet potato, white potato, fruits, vegetables
▪️FATS- coconut oil, olive oil, almond butter, cashew butter, cashews, walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, seeds, Fish ( salmon, mackerel), free range eggs ( yolk), avocado, animal fat, hummus, coconut milk, coconut yogurt, chia seeds
➡️add time to time some probiotic foods like kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, apple cider vinegar, gherkin pickles, tempeh
➡️for seasonings add some pepper or Himalayan sea salt, I always add to everything organic pesto or hummus ( you can add much more)
And that's it! Your meals don't need to look like from a 5-star restaurant, and you don't need to use hundreds of ingredients. Of course, you can 🙂 , But if you always give up because you think that something is too complicated and you don't have time, believe me, it's not.
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BOOK NOW ➡️ you can start from January!
20% OFF for current personal training packages! 💪🏼


It’s all about mindset.
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Love Yourself ❤️ vs. Self-Discipline 💪🏼
I make a lot of posts about self-discipline, and sometimes I get comments like “you need to love yourself and enjoy life.”
Yes! that's true but who said that one discount the other one?
... Self- discipline is not a punishment it is something that can give you in exchange a long-term self-respect. And ladies self-respect is the first step to loving yourself.
It's not all about your body, it’s all about your mindset! That's why I always say fitness and healthy lifestyle change your mindset, and the better-looking body is the only side effect.
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Research shows that you can reduce your chances of cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and back pain, all with one simple lifestyle change: reduce the time you spend sitting.
Avoiding too much sitting can be quite a task, particularly for people who commute to office-based jobs. But when you look at the statistics — that physical inactivity is now blamed for 5 million deaths a year — it’s clear we need to get up and moving, however — and... whenever — we can.
It’s not all or nothing. Even if you can’t exercise an hour a day, doing any form of physical activity can help blunt some of the damage done by excess sitting.
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In my opinion self-confidence is the biggest attitude which a woman can have. Unfortunately, too many females feel so insecure about their body and because of that, they're losing all of the self-confidence which can have a negative effect on their private and working life.
I think the reason behind it is quite often that deep inside some of you ladies exactly know that it is your fault you feel that way.
How can it be your fault?
... Because you know that you didn’t stick to your healthy eating when you had to. You know that you didn’t go to the gym for a while because of this or that. You know that you had to many drinks or snacks over the last few weeks/months and now you feel awful. You don’t keep the promises you made to yourself!
Probably if you would manage your time a little bit better, you would find time to take care of yourself and take an action towards your goals.
That's why you feel unhappy because deep inside you, you know that you could be better.
Instead of building right habits that serves you. You’re choosing the ones that DESTROYS YOU.
But girl you have to become your best friend, not the enemy! Healthy eating and being active is not something negative, that's a positive thing. It's not an obsession, it's a SELF CARE.
You shouldn’t prioritise the way you look but the way YOU FEEL! And you need feel great!
Whatever it means 😊❤️
Photo by. Visuable
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Girl if you don't know where and how to start, I'm happy to help you 💪🏼


I always say to all my client's DISCIPLINE IS A KEY TO SELF LOVE! ❤️
From min 1:00-1:42 that's exactly my point of view.
... Will Smith you're the best.
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Dear clients, That’s your abs workout for tomorrow’s session! GOOD LUCK 💪🏼😅


Currently my favourite lunch 🥗 Keep it simple.
▪️bulgur wheat ▪️prawns ... ▪️stir fry vegetables ▪️a little bit of garlic and pesto
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Girl be your best friend not the worst enemy!
Only you can make yourself happy. You can get some support from another people but it’s you who needs to put work! So stop complaining and start doing 💪🏼 #MotivationMonday


YEAH! Enjoy your day 😁 #motivationmonday


Tip of the day:
Plan your cheat meals (one month in advance) ➡️Pizza on Friday plus glass of wine to celebrate a weekend➡️alcohol on Saturday because we meet up with friends➡️beer, roast or burgers on Sunday plus chocolate cake which your mum baked to celebrate day with the family.
... Ladies you need to understand that 3 days celebration week after week definitely will not help you with achieving your goals! Plan your cheat meals in advanced and choose the events which really deserve for that.
➡️Do you really need to drink when you’re meeting with your family? Definitely not. It’s your family, you don’t need alcohol to enjoy the time which you spend with them. ➡️Do you really need to celebrate each Friday with alcohol? Maybe celebrate with a hot bath, do your nails, put the face mask on your skin.
➡️Do you need to celebrate anniversary with your partner? Yes! that’s in my opinion a good reason!
So choose wisely days when you would like to have a cheat. And trust me... results will be amazing!
Photo: Visuable
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If you need personal trainer, and you are ready for change Ania is the best person to contact! She is professional, knows how to motivate and helps you to rich your goals!! Thanks again Ania I can't wait for our next session ���


I trained with Anna for 3 months. I enjoyed every session. Extremely professional, very motivating and knowledgeable both in training and nutrition. Transformed the wine&sofa slob into a healthy eating, 8kg lighter, exercise enjoying mid age lady :) thank you!!


I have previously done some PT with Anna and it was fun yet she pushed me enough to make me feel a difference. That is why I have gone back to Anna for more sessions when I felt that I was not getting anywhere with my own training. Anna listens to what you hope to get out of it and makes the exercise interesting and relevant. It's hard work but then I wouldn't have done this if I wanted an easy ride and didn't want to see any changes. I would recommend Anna to anyone looking to improve on their fitness and learn things that you didn't think your body could do �


I did PT sessions with Anna for 3 months and I really enjoyed them. Anna is an excellent PT and super supportive! Unfortunately, due to my busy schedule I struggled arranging fixed timing with her, and I have therefore decided to enrol her online programme! I requested three months gym workout plan and I got a tailored plan in just three days which I am really pleased with. I still train at the same gym, and I always ask her for advise or if I am doing the exercise correctly and she is always really nice and helpful. I couldn’t recommend her more, she is amazing and always goes over and above her duty! �


If you need personal trainer, and you are ready for change Ania is the best person to contact! She is professional, knows how to motivate and helps you to rich your goals!! Thanks again Ania I can't wait for our next session ���


I trained with Anna for 3 months. I enjoyed every session. Extremely professional, very motivating and knowledgeable both in training and nutrition. Transformed the wine&sofa slob into a healthy eating, 8kg lighter, exercise enjoying mid age lady :) thank you!!


I have previously done some PT with Anna and it was fun yet she pushed me enough to make me feel a difference. That is why I have gone back to Anna for more sessions when I felt that I was not getting anywhere with my own training. Anna listens to what you hope to get out of it and makes the exercise interesting and relevant. It's hard work but then I wouldn't have done this if I wanted an easy ride and didn't want to see any changes. I would recommend Anna to anyone looking to improve on their fitness and learn things that you didn't think your body could do �


I did PT sessions with Anna for 3 months and I really enjoyed them. Anna is an excellent PT and super supportive! Unfortunately, due to my busy schedule I struggled arranging fixed timing with her, and I have therefore decided to enrol her online programme! I requested three months gym workout plan and I got a tailored plan in just three days which I am really pleased with. I still train at the same gym, and I always ask her for advise or if I am doing the exercise correctly and she is always really nice and helpful. I couldn’t recommend her more, she is amazing and always goes over and above her duty! �

More about Health Means Happiness By Anna Chabura - Personal Trainer & Nutritionist

Health Means Happiness By Anna Chabura - Personal Trainer & Nutritionist is located at PureGym Harbourside, BS1 5TY Bristol, United Kingdom