Healthful Healings

About Healthful Healings

Healthful Healing sums up perfectly what my clients say happens to them during and after their visits. Open up your body's own natural healing resources.

Healthful Healings Description

I am not the type of healer who crazy people go to for help, I am the one that normal people need when the world around them is going insane.

My aim is to always help you to feel good both on the inside and the out. Why not book your appointment today and join my other clientele who describe their visits as leaving them feeling awesome, amazing and de-stressed. I always use an intuitive selection of Reiki, Crystals, Chakra Balancing with pendulums along with a gentle professional approach and gifted healing talents.

Are you looking for open and honest guidance where no false hope or expectation is given? Why not arrange a one to one private tarot reading where you can gain insight into your life and those around you.

Why not try one of my sessions to find your own little piece of magic.

Workshops are also organised for Psychic Development and Tarot reading. Keep an eye out for all updates



What was the first thought you had this morning? Does it need changing? Peta 💜


I know it's short notice but a lady has just had to rearrange her appointment that was booked for Monday afternoon. If you would like to take her place and enjoy a reading where you can seek guidance through the tarot cards send me a message and we'll get you in the diary. Readings are done face to face, via Skype or messanger, which ever suits you. Peta 💜


Let's unpack those cases and put everything we have been carrying around inside in its proper place. Peta 💜


This lovely lady has 2 job interviews lined up over the next couple of weeks. So, after her crystal healing session we spent a moment together passing her dreams along to the wishing stone. Both positions are suitable for her future career path so let's see what the universe has in store for her. Good luck 🍀 Peta 💜


Looking for inspiration. Which books have helped you the most? And which were most memorable that you would recommend everyone reads? Thank you Peta 💜


As you know healing works in the most mysterious of ways and as a reiki healer it is always best to ask the energy to flow and to work where it is needed the most. Over the years I have had many requests to send on reiki healing from a distance and I'll be honest I do try my best to help everyone, if I can. Tonight's request had me worried though as i received a message from a young mum asking if I could send reiki to her as her children were hyper and she was pulling her h...air out as in her words she 'can't cope any longer with the noise and mayhem'. So I asked that the healing be sent to the house and everyone in it, to work for the family peace as only it knows how. I've just received a thank you message letting me know all the children are now fed, bathed and finally asleep. Can you feel her relief as much as I can? Nobody ever said being a parent was easy. Being a mum to 4 under the age of 6 must be doubly hard at times. Peta 💜
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Today is the day, Go on, let's do it Peta 💜


Depression affects men just as much as women. Social status, creed, colour or religion isn't important. It can strike at any time in so many different ways and it is so refreshing to watch a programme where true honesty is evident. We need more opportunities for all of us to be honest with our emotions when we need it the most. Peta 💜 795qqw/man-up


What an amazing lady and what a fabulous, eye opening, honest programme. Is anyone else watching this with me? We need a lot more programmes like this one in my opinion.
Depression and anxiety can affect so many of us, at different times in our lives, and help can be found in many different ways but many of us don't know where to look. Reiki, crystal healing and EFT have all helped me and my clients when it was needed. If this programme has woken something up in you and you w...ould like to chat, please get in touch. It's good to talk
Peta 💜…
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The sun is shining, it's Sunday afternoon and I just thought it was a perfect opportunity to share my wishing stone with you again. Feel free to make your very own wish and then share the post with your family and friends who may also want to make a wish for themselves. Peta 💜
#sharingiscaring... #wishingstone
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Woohoo 🌞 The sun is shining and it's today my development group come together to work on strengthening their mediumship abilities. I wonder what spirit will have them creating on a page like this. Results to follow Peta 💜
... #mediumshipdevelopment #psychicreadings #letsdoit #petagelder
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Happiness is .....
Peta 💜


And relax Peta 💜


I'm not an artist by any means but the faces are coming at me today. The lady in the top corner has been claimed already but if the other 2 resonate with you then get in touch, I've been having a lovely chat with them both. On the left is a brother who wants to say hello to his sisters And bottom right is dad who now wants to say sorry as he didn't know how when he was here Peta 💜


A finger painting completed in 2017 and today the face stands out a clear as day. We sat and had a lovely chat about his life working in the ticket office meeting and greeting all the train passengers. He made an appearance early as was impatiently waiting for his granddaughter to come see me for a reading. Luckily his energy was strong enough to stay close so she could talk to him too. Some days I just love my work Peta 💜
#spiritualwisdom #mediumshipreadings


A day in Ilkley today in my therapy room and as is the norm the day has started with a blank sheet. As I opened my room door I just felt the need to grab the pencils and paper so let's see who is going to fill my page. Anyone else feel like this today? Just doing things off the cuff, just as you feel the need. Let's do it Peta 💜
... #Psychicart #Spiritualdrawings #petagelder
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Companionship, a perfect word for me today. This morning will find me at the Cancer Support Yorkshire centre in Bradford leading the weekly meditation for cancer patients before heading in to Ilkley for my reiki and tarot reading clients. What do you think of my newest deck of Oracle cards? These are designed and produced by the very talented Chris Aldous and there is a strong connection already with them. Wishing you a wonderful day of loving companionship too Peta 💜
... #tarotreadings #oraclecards #petagelder
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More about Healthful Healings

Healthful Healings is located at Ilkley