Healthy Eating Academy Msc

About Healthy Eating Academy Msc

dietetyka, suplementacja, wsparcie zywieniowe, nutritionist, healthy eating support, food balance, disease prevention, healthy living, supplementation

Healthy Eating Academy Msc Description

Konsultacje prywatne w Plymouth z dyplomowana specjalistka majace na celu osiagniecie ZDROWIA i wymarzonej sylwetki:
- konsultacja zywieniowa z analiza skladu ciala
- konsultacja z opracowaniem indywidualnego planu zywieniowego ( 7, 14 dni)
- analiza i korekta bledow zywieniowych
- analiza skladu ciala
- zdrowe zywienie dzieci, wsparcie zywieniowe kobiet w ciazy, osob aktywnych
- suplementacja i zywienie w profilaktyce chorob cywilizacyjnych (alergia, refluks, cukrzyca, osteoporoza, miazdzyca, nowotwory)
- konsultacje w celu eliminacji chemicznych skladnikow zywnosci, itp.
Private consultations, online consultations. More details go to: healthyeatingacademy. co. uk



Wybieraj madrze zywnosc bogata chemicznie - chemia zywnosci to podstawa procesow biochemicznych w organizmie, to podstawa zdrowia - nie pomyl chemii zywnosci z zywnoscia bogata w chemie przemyslowa i syntetyczne dodatki chemiczne - takiej plastikowej zywnosci unikaj jak ognia !! Jedyna madra inwestycja w siebie jest inwestycja w prawdziwa zywnosc - Nie badz zywieniowym ignorantem - nie badz leniem - nie kupuj gotowcow, kup dobrej jakosci skladniki i rusz tylek w strone kuchni - o swoje zdrowie mozesz zadbac tylko Ty - gotuj dla siebie i rodziny - twoje dzieci polegaja tylko na tobie - nie oczekuj, ze beda zdrowe, jezeli nie dbasz o ich posilki, bo "czym skorupka za mlodu nasiaknie...".....


Jaja..jedz na zdrowie..bez ograniczen..najlepsze sniadanie dla kazdego..


Happy Easter !!! :)


Dobre i madre smakolyki..



Merry Christmas everyone !! Have a real Christmas with real - home made menu. If you serve ready to eat dishes, that for sure you are food ignorant, who doesn't care about yourself and your family. You will be double or triple sorry after eating all that artificial, packed in chemical additives and full of trans fat food which you bought in a shop to have the easy life. Maybe you have saved the time to spend in hairdresser or SPA but you definitely damaged your health and you...r reputation. Calling all Ladies - come back to the kitchen and cook and cook and cook !! With the pleasure and confidence that you look after your family and your Christmas time will have your spirit. And even you eat a lot over the festive time, but it is a home made with proper ingredients menu - you will stay slim and healthy. Your body will take all nutrition from it. Best wishes! Merry Christmas and Happy New 2019 Year!!!
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Great example how to use the chemistry in our life. Well done!!!


do You want a bigger house or maybe a better car? do You need a better job or maybe the holiday in Spain? do You think these are the most important decisions to make every day? The most important decisions of your life? You don't really know..You don't really realise..that.. the most important decisions are these about Your food!!
... The decisions about the type of food You put on Your plate every day are the most important decisions You make!!!!!!!!!!!!! To have a life, to fuel Your body, to be stronger and healthy, to be able to enjoy and explore the world and to be able to stay independent to the last minute. Do NOT ignore the food, FOOD MATTERS. Make only good choices and show others, that the real food makes You happy, bright, creative and free. Be You - Buy only the real Food!!
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User Food Matters Managed by MSc qualified. Contact via website or Facebook


Food matters. Only well - balanced, home made meals are the way to be healthy and stay here for longer. There is no slimming medicine, there is no quick and easy way, there is the only one rule: garbage in garbage out !! If You eat processed and ready meals, your body will give you the obesity and diseases. Don't try to be clever - always think first and avoid buying any of the "slimming tablets" - they don't exist. Your health is not considered by any of the super slimming... solution makers.
Please read and share with your friends the final FSA result. It's is only the one example of very common incidents: FSA welcomes guilty verdict in DNP trial | Food Standards Agency - The Food Standards Agency welcomes the conviction of a man on charges of manslaughter and supplying an unsafe food supplement, connected to the DNP-related death of student Eloise Parry. The FSAΓÇÖs National Food Crime Unit initiated this investigation playing a key role in identifying and tracing the suspects. The unit then worked with Harrow Council which, as the competent local authority, took the investigation forward.
DNP sold online for profit Bernard Rebelo, 30, of Gosport in Hampshire, was convicted of a charge of manslaughter by gross negligence, and selling unsafe food. This is the first-ever manslaughter conviction of a seller of the industrial chemical ΓÇÿ2,4 dinitrophenolΓÇÖ (DNP) for human consumption.
He was on trial, accused of killing Eloise Parry, 21, by selling her DNP for consumption as a slimming aid. Rebelo operated from a flat in Harrow, north west London, where he put the dangerous pesticide into capsules, then marketed and sold the poison online as a slimming aid, at a considerable profit.
A student at Glyndwr University, Wrexham, Eloise Parry took the DNP before she died at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in Shropshire in April 2015. Conviction sends a clear message Dr Colin Sullivan, Chief Operating Officer of the FSA, said: 'This guilty verdict sends a strong message to anyone seeking to profit from the illegal sale of this toxic substance for human consumption. We will continue to be relentless in pursuing and bringing to justice those who are endangering the public and breaking the law. We acknowledge the great work that Harrow Council, working with our National Food Crime Unit, has done in preparing this landmark case for trial.'
Rebelo will be sentenced in due course.
Death of a young student The court were told that Eloise Parry began taking the chemical in capsule form in February 2015. She died in hospital after having taken eight capsules.
DNP is an industrial chemical which should not be consumed under any circumstances. Doing so can and has been fatal. Selling it for human consumption is illegal under food law. Any member of the public suspecting anyone of selling DNP for human consumption should call Food Crime Confidential on 020 7276 8787.
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Constitution breached. Are sweeteners healthy? Definitely sweeteners are not healthy, but there is no point to talk about it now. It is too late - the government made decision to poison all people in UK before they could even decide. No choice was left. Instead of natural sugar, they must consume the very unhealthy sweeteners. This is against the constitution. Human being law was breached. Additional fact is the sweeteners cause the obesity and we cannot control it. Cancer, e...pilepsy and other are also the result of using the sweeteners. The government took our human rights away, we have nothing to say. Money, money, money..not people's health is under consideration nowadays. We still can try to survive, so: eat simple, check the ingredients, avoid all the chemical additives, drink the water, think about the youngest - teach and show them the risk of plastic food. You are the only one who takes care of your health - all people around want to destroy it.
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🍇🤔🐿️🐿️🐿️🍇🍇🍎 🍒 W Dniu Walki z Rakiem przypominam podstawy, aby chronic siebie oraz swoich bliskich. Wybierajmy swiadomie.
Podstawy zdrowego zywienia: szczesliwa 13 - ka: 1. NIE tluszczowi trans!... 2. NIE syropowi glukozowo - fruktozowemu! 3. NIE olejowi palmowemu! 4. NIE fruktozie! 5. NIE produktom 'light', 'zero' 6. NIE wszystkim slodzikom! 7. NIE kielbasom i wedlinom! 8. NIE wyrobom pieczywopodobnym! 9. NIE sztucznym barwnikom! 10. NIE kawie rozpuszczalnej! 11. NIE karmelowi amoniakalnemu! 12. NIE soli z antyzbrylaczem! 13. NIE butelkom plastikowym!
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Czego najbardziej boja sie producenci zywnosci? Producenci zywnosci najbardziej boja sie tego, iz ktoregos dnia Ty - konsument, dowiesz sie, co tak dokladnie kryje sie w zywnosci. Producenci zywnosci wydaja fortune, aby ukryc skutki uboczne skladnikow uzywanych w produktach spozywczych, aby ukryc ilosc substancji uzalezniajacych nas od jedzenia, a takze aby ukryc prawdziwa kalorycznosc produktu. Niestety organizacje zdrowia tancza, jak producenci zagraja, bo kapital stoi za t...ym ogromny, wiec zdrowie jednostki nie jest warte zbyt wiele.
Nie kieruj sie reklama, nie zwracaj uwagi na hasla umieszczone na opakowaniu. Zawsze czytaj sklad produktu i wybieraj ten krotszy, prostrzy.
Producenci chca zarobic!! Twoje zdrowie nie ma dla nich najmniejszego znaczenia!! Nie ignoruj, Twoj koszyk - Twoje zdrowie.
Smacznego! !
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🤔☠️🤔🍇 kupujesz zywnosc wypelniona chemia = zgadzasz sie na jej produkowanie Przestan byc ignorantem !!! Pokaz, ze potrafisz dobrze wybierac !! Wystarczy 25 % swiadomych konsumentow i plastikowe jedzenie nie przyniesie juz zysku !!!... Jedz inteligentnie. Wez udzial w programie Jedzenie dla przyszlosci ! Buduj swoje zdrowie i nie daj sie oszukac, ze to czym karmisz swoje dzieci dzisiaj, wystarczy, aby byly zdrowe jutro. wiecej chemii w zywnoscic = wieksza zachorowalnosc na raka Przestan ignorowac rzeczywistosc
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More about Healthy Eating Academy Msc

Healthy Eating Academy Msc is located at Devonport, konsultacje i dieta sa rowniez mozliwe online (prosze o kontakt: email lub telefon) Plymouth
+ 44 75 48 381 285