Healthy Lifestyle Forever

About Healthy Lifestyle Forever

Creat a Healthy lifestyle Forever
with Aleo Vera
Healthy Eating
Keeping active
Positive mind
Fitness products

I'm here to help you achieve your goals



Common Running Pain (and How to Fix it)
Running can sometimes lead to aches and pains due to its repetitive nature, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to suffer. you might experience as you accrue mileage — and how to heal them or even avoid them altogether.
... Which I have suffered with a few times over the years, when I don't listen to my body. Patellar tendonitis earned its “Runner’s Knee” moniker because it’s so common — for runners, that is. It’s essentially swelling in the tendon, either above or below the kneecap, though most experience swelling and pain below. “It’s usually from the hip or ankle, from a biomechanics standpoint,” says sports doctor. ''First check to see if the ankle or hip might be stiff, because if another joint like the ankle isn’t handling the impact, the knee is taking a lot of that load.”
Skip it: Avoid running too much, too soon. “If there’s not enough endurance in the tissues, you’re more than likely going to experience joint pain. “Sometimes a runner may not be doing enough strength training, too.”
Be sure to hit the gym at least twice per week, to strengthen quads, hamstrings and calf muscles. “It’s also important to run with proper form. If you’re not soft or agile on the ground,” that also leads to inflammation.
Heal it: “Back off your volume for at least two weeks. “That will change the amount of impact you’re putting on your joint.” (note that how much someone should ease up depends on the individual injury. “If someone can’t tolerate moderate walking for example, advisery for complete rest.”
Foam-rolling the quads and hip flexors and stretching the ankles, to loosen the surrounding areas and release stress on the knee joint. “If quads are overloaded, for example, they can create pressure on the patellar tendon.
What has peen your common Running Pains and what helped for you?
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Just for giggles


To start with I was a bit of a sceptic about the aloe Vera based products, but after using some of the products over the last year I have to say what a difference I have noticed in myself for example

Hay fever � no one likes it but I started taking bee pollen tablets in February and not one flair up this year so I will be continuing this !!!

The Argi sachets I find these good if your tired mid afternoon I had one and it seems to give you energy and tastes like fruit juice �

Lastly a product that Daynor made me start taking was one called Move it's for aching joints muscles ect

I have a number of slipped discs in my back and sometimes in the morning I would wake up and ache as I got up I've been trialling these for a month now and there is a significant improvement in my back.

Thank you


Simple but effective products. The tooth gel, moisturiser, shaving foam and hair gel.

Typical day to day products that I already use but done better by Forever.

I doubted it at first but they really made a difference.

Thanks to Tink for the products and taking me along to see the opportunity!

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