Healthybe Naturopathy

About Healthybe Naturopathy

Nutritional and naturopathic therapies, lab testing, nutritional healing workshops



Try it tomorrow and see how you feel...
#MondayMotivation #NutritionistManchester


The hardest part of anything is starting.
Whatever it is that you want to achieve, just remember this…
#MondayMotivation #NutritionistManchester


Celebrate National Pizza day today, by trying something different.
My raw pizza is low fat, vegan, oil and salt free BUT still tastes delicious and I’m sure the whole family will enjoy it!
Did you know that pizza could be so healthy?
... Head over to my blog to find the recipe … ee-raw-vegan-pizza/
Let me know your thoughts if you try it!
#ManchesterNutritionist #NationalPizzaDay #Healthy
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Do you wake up feeling tired? Are you feeling low on energy?
If the answer is yes, you may be lacking in B12.
There are many sources of B12 available, even for those of you taking part in Veganuary this month.
... Read my blog all about B12 and how you can consume more:< br> #ManchesterNutritionist #B12 #Veganuary
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Here’s your Monday motivation for this week…
#MondayMotivation #NutritionistManchester


In today's society if you’re constantly busy and have somewhere to be you’re seen as successful.
Many often aspire to this lifestyle. Stress has been glamourised.
When your stress level rises, so does your cortisol level. This can prevent you from sleeping, affect your mental health and possibly lead you to gain weight.
... But, do you know how to reduce your stress levels?
You can read my blog all about stress here:
#ManchesterNutritionist #Stress
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Does fat scare you?
It’s a common myth that fat in food causes fat in our bodies. Fat in our food is needed, it is one of the key nutrients for our hormones, good brain function, cell membrane maintenance and our mood.
There are many healthy sources of fat including oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocados. By cutting out fat entirely you could be damaging your health.
... Which healthy fats have you eaten today?
#NutritionistManchester #HealthyFat
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If you're focusing on your health this January, then here's some Monday motivation for you...
#MondayMotivation #NutritionistManchester


Are you taking part in dry January?
After the first working week of the year many of us may be finding the idea of a glass of something alcoholic a little tempting…
If that’s you, then remind yourself that by cutting down your alcohol intake you can expect to feel better.
... When you drink alcohol, it can prevent you from falling into a deep sleep. So, by cutting it out, you’ll have more energy throughout the day and feel brighter when you wake up. Plus, you’ll be better hydrated, and your skin will be thanking you for it.
Remember to make yours a mocktail!
#ManchesterNutritionist #DryJanuary
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With-out knowing it, many of us are walking around in a chronic state of semi-dehydration.
Did you know that stress can dehydrate you?
Every single cell in our body is made up of water including those in the brain. Whilst reading this, your body is using fluids which need to be replaced.
... Hydration is vital to enable your body to perform at its optimal level.
Want to learn more about hydration? Grab a glass of water and check out my blog post.< br> #ManchesterNutritionist #Hydration
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Attract more of what you want in your life…
Joy attracts more joy..
To change your life, you need to change the way you look at it!
... #NutritionistManchester #MondayMotivation #LawOfAttraction
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Are you taking part in Veganuary this month?
Or, have you been considering making the move to a plant-based diet, but are fearful that you won’t be healthy and get everything your body needs to thrive from it?
When carefully planned, it is possible. However, you need to take into consideration where you will get all the correct nutrients from.
... I’ve written a blog post which will educate you on all the facts and leave you feeling confident in what it means to have a healthy vegan diet.
Head over to to check it out.
#ManchesterNutritionist #Veganuary #Vegan
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Happy New Year!
2019 has been a great year, I hope everyone achieved everything they set out to.
Start the year as you mean to go on, by making your health and wellness a priority.
... New year, new you…what changes are you hoping to make in 2020?
#ManchesterNutritionist #HappyNewYear #Goals
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Some Monday motivation to remind you to make a start…NOW! #NutritionistManchester #MondayMotivation


Over the festive period many of us will drink a bit more alcohol than we usually would.
Did you know that for every glass of alcohol consumed your body uses 4 times as much water from your internal water supply to process it?
Intersperse alcoholic drinks with glasses of water to remain hydrated and allow your body to function at its best!
... Your future self will thank you later.
#ManchesterNutritionist #Christmas #Hydration
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A guilt-free version of a festive favourite to indulge in over the Christmas period.
We have a recipe for a healthy version of the traditional mince pie.
Let me know if you give it a try and what you think?
... y-mince-pies/
#NutritionistManchester #HealthyEating #Christmas
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Have you tried writing out your goals for the week? They don't have to be anything "big", just something to aim for.
It gives you a great amount of satisfaction looking back and seeing you have achieved what you wanted to, no matter how "small" your goals might seem - they're your goals! ⭐
#MondayMotiovation #ManchesterNutritionist


Did you know there is a link between what you eat and how you feel mentally and emotionally?…/you-are-what- you-eat-how-nutriti…/
#Nutrition #ManchesterNutritionist

More about Healthybe Naturopathy

07535 270985