Heart Failure Aware

About Heart Failure Aware

Be positive about Heart Failure Awareness with the Pumping Marvellous Foundation, the UK's patient-led heart failure charity. Advocacy for heart failure patient care, and support for families and carers. We provide resources to help you live well with HF.

Heart Failure Aware Description

The Pumping Marvellous Foundation, the UK's patient-led heart failure charity, was founded in 2010 to inform and help both heart failure patients and carers.

We are the leading resource for aiding heart failure patients to challenge their current situation, create positive situational outcomes and to improve wellbeing.

Awareness and knowledge can be the start of positive change.

Heart Failure Aware is our charity's campaign page, to raise awareness and promote positive outcomes. We need your help, globally heart failure is underestimated as a health problem.

Please help us to reach those who need us. Spread the word & support our growing community of supporters.

For our closed support group for heart failure patients, family, and carers please request to join here: www. facebook.com/groups /helpforhearts /

For more information about heart failure, our patient experiences and how we can help, please visit:

www, pumpingmarvellous, org

www. PatientsInspire. me (our new hub)

www. justgiving.com/pumpingmarvellous



REMINDER: Have you received your Flu Jab this autumn? Flu season is almost here!
This week, the Daily Mail reported a 1.3 million drop in the number of over 65s receiving vaccinations so far, blaming the staggered roll out 'fiasco' of a new type of vaccine.
For 2018, there are 2 types of adult flu vaccine: a quadrivalent vaccine for under 65s, and a adjuvanted trivalent vaccine for over 65s (found to be more effective in this age range.)
... NHS officials insisted that by November 17th the final batches will have been delivered to GP surgeries and pharmacists. We hope this was the case?
If you live with heart failure or care for a loved one with the condition, please ask your GP about getting your jab done. It's still your, and theirs, best protection > https://www.nhs.uk/cond…/vaccinations/f lu-influenza-vaccine/
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Enzo can't rest until his 'Pull Up Your Positive Pants' Folding Shopper is released from its handy pouch!! Luckily, our bags are built to last! Buy yours here, and give help for heart failure charity! ❤ 🎅🏼 🐕
https://pumpingmarvellous.org/product/fol ding-shopper/


NEWS: Depression is common for people living with heart failure and their carers. In a systematic meta analysis, of 21 randomized control trials involving 4,563 heart failure patients with depression, Exercise Training and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has been found to offer significant therapeutic benefits in comparison to usual standard of care in treating depression in Heart Failure patients, for example with Anti Depressants.
Depression is an independent prognostic facto...r in HF patients and is associated with greater mortality. Heart failure patients are 3 times more likely to have clinically significant depression compared to the general population.
Comparison of treatment options for depression in heart failure: A network meta-analysis. What is the comparative efficacy of Antidepressants (AD), Exercise Training (ET), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in treating depression in heart failure patients? More here > https://www.sciencedirect.com/‚Ķ/artic‚Ä ¶/pii/S002239561830774X
via Journal of Psychiatric Research Volume 108, January 2019, Pages 7-23
The review concluded that future randomized clinical trials are warranted to compare the therapeutic effects of ET, CBT and AD in such patients.
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OFFER: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Get almost 50% off our charity's exclusive Christmas cards, and give Ho Ho Hope for heart failure. Just £2 for a pack of ten! ❤ 🎅🏽


Can you help Lead Heart Failure Specialist Nurse Silapiya at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust reach his goal for his 10k at the incredible Angor Wat in Cambodia?
"Well we are 44% of the way towards the target! That’s amazing in just 3 weeks. With 2 weeks to go I can now run without my hand going numb (which is nice)."
"It’s been a year since our last fundraiser. We ran for the Pumping Marvellous Foundation last year. Perhaps we can establish a tradition! So I felt it... was time to put the time in again and do what little I can to support our patients."
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/si lapiya-smith
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QUESTION... This week, our patient panel at the Marvellous Mentors Patient Symposium wowed our audience of Greater Manchester primary and community care practitioners with their lived experience responses to a series of questions. But how would you respond to heart failure? [Don't Google]
1. What should you do if you or a loved one were diagnosed with heart failure tomorrow?
... 2. How would you be most likely to react to a heart failure diagnosis? Fight, Flight or Freeze?
3. How might your family's life change following a heart failure diagnosis?
Please comment below if you'd like to.
Once you're done, please do pop over to find out more about living with heart failure. And do share. We are making heart failure clearer for everyone > www.pumpingmarvellous.org
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EVENT: Not one to allow the dust to settle, this afternoon, our Pumping Marvellous charity's Clinical Lead and heart failure specialist nurse, Angela was invited to talk at the 2-day, British Congential Cardiac Association Annual Conference in Liverpool, with around 300 attending delegates with an interest in adult and paediatric congenital cardiology from across the UK.
Angela did a great job explaining how we, the patients, are able to activate the power of the patient voic...e, our range of support networks and excellent resouces, and why its so important to empower patients to take an active role in positive self care.
See the video shared at the end of her presentation, with marvellous Sam who lives with heart failure, and is determinedly creating a new story for herself and others > https://youtu.be/xSzi48yxTjE
Remember to visit our website for more help with heart failure > www.pumpingmarvellous.org
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PHILLIP'S BIRTHDAY FUNDRAISING: Please join us to say a BIG thank you to Phillip Shep McCarron from Northern Ireland for choosing our charity to create a facebook fundraiser to celebrate his birthday with us, to give help for hearts ❤️ He's starting his planning early this year, so let's make it a good one! Thank you Phillip!
"Instead of buying me birthday prezzies this year, I would rather people donate the money to this charity close to my heart. So do you want to join me i...n supporting a good cause? I'm raising money for Heart Failure Aware and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate a little or a lot. Anything helps. Thank you for your support."
If you have a big day coming up, or even if you don't, please consider asking your friends and family to support our heart failure charity with a celebratory fundraiser, to enable vital support for people living with heart failure. We are making heart failure clearer for everyone.
To create a fundraiser for Heart Failure Aware...
From your smartphone, tap here: https://m.facebook.com/fundraisers/heartf ailureaware
From your desktop or tablet, tap or click here: https://www.facebook.com/fundraisers/hear tfailureaware
Find out more about living with #heartfailure and access our free, patient-authored, healthcare-professional recommended resources on our charity's website, utilised by NHS heart failure nursing teams across the country and beyond > www.pumpingmarvellous.org
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CONGRATULATIONS to our amazing friends at Royal Papworth Hospital, whose pioneering DCD [donation after circulatory death] heart transplant programme has reached a significant milestone, after using the new life-saving technique on the 50th patient!! This enabled a new group of organ donors.
After many years of research, the Royal Papworth team successfully performed Europe’s first heart transplant using a DCD in 2015!


Our Patient Symposium Panel this afternoon had a captivated primary and community healthcare practitioner audience, who listened intently to our activated Marvellous Mentors, sharing their heart failure patient stories and insights, followed by an open Q&A. The footprint these teams cover includes 2.8 million Greater Manchester residents. #MarvellousMentorsGM
Patient Stories - "It was difficult to find others in a similar situation. Pumping Marvellous not only helped me, but also helped me help my husband," says Kirsty, carer of her husband who is living with heart failure. https://pumpingmarvellous.org/marvellous- mentors/


INTRODUCING our Marvellous Mentors: Earlier today, our marvellous panel of heart failure patients took to the stage at our #MarvellousMentorsGM launch pad event in Bolton for a patient symposium, bravely sharing their insights and experiences with generalist primary and community care health professionals across Greater Manchester. This demonstrates Mentorship in action, and was an emotional highlight of the day for many of our wonderful delegates. Thank you to Dan, Julie, Sa...rah, Kirsty & Derek! https://pumpingmarvellous.org/marvellous- mentors/
Today was the last event in our #Atrium51 series, the launch of a pioneering collaboration with the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and the Pumping Marvellous Foundation.
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Marvellous Mentors is a patient-led initiative to promote early detection of heart failure by generalist healthcare teams, to provide appropriate patient materials for self care, and to promote the concept of mentorship to help communities across greater manchester to manage heart failure better, delivered by the Marvellous Mentorship Kite Mark Programme.


UPDATE: A Marvellous morning at our Bolton Marvellous Mentors event, with our great practioner team of speakers to help upskill heart failure awareness among our audience who we are helping to disseminate basic heart failure knowledge and insight across Greater Manchester generalist teams.
This afternoon, our incredible patient panel will lead the way.


MARVELLOUS MENTORS: As our delegates arrive, we're ready to rock at Albert Halls, Bolton, for our final Marvellous Mentors launch pad event to upskill heart failure awareness.
Our patient-led programme is for both clinical primary and social care community teams across Greater Manchester in partnership with the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership > https://pumpingmarvellous.org/marvellous- mentors/


CATCH UP: Did you miss OPERATION LIVE last night, showing heart surgery, in 'real time', with consultant cardiothoracic surgeon Mr Kulinder Lall and his team at Barts Health NHS Trust? Watch at your leisure on My5, the UK Channel 5 player > https://www.my5.tv/operation-l…/season- 1/episode-1-2-2-2-2-2
Episode 1: Aortic Valve Replacement. 2 hours 5 minutes.
... *Guidance: Contains scenes from the operating table. May not be for everyone. Many of our heart failure community watched with intrigue.
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CINDERELLA APPEAL: Did you know around 26 million people live with heart failure worldwide, but awareness remains low? It`s time to shine a light on heart failure, the Cinderella Syndrome.
You can help by adding your support to our facebook charity appeal, - every donation matters - and also share with your friends and family. [Click to read more, here: https://www.facebook.com/donate/698751960 497936/]
Vital work from our charity, the Pumping Marvellous Foundation, helps peop...le to live well with heart failure by ensuring they and their families receive the best information, resources and support to self manage their condition better, improving quality of life and reducing avoidable hospital admissions, in partnership with their hardworking healthcare teams.
Thank you to everyone supporting our Cinderella Facebook Appeal for Hearts ❤️ #CinderellaAppeal4HF #CinderellaAppeal4HeartFailure
#heartfailure #charitytuesday #appeal
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NEWS: Freshly published results from the Royal Brompton Hospital and the NHLI (National Heart and Lung Institute) TRED-HF clinical trial show that controlled withdrawal of pharmacological heart failure treatment for 'recovered' dilated cardiomyopathy patients [DCM] led to a relapse of 40% of the 51 enrolled patients.
"A practice-changing trial."
[*TRED - Therapy withdrawal in REcovered Dilated cardiomyopathy.]
... via The Lancet
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UPDATE: We're not the only ones excited to bring our pioneering, patient-led, Marvellous Mentors launch pad to Bolton this week, to elevate heart failure awareness among community & primary care teams, across the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership footprint. The countdown is on!
Find out more here > https://pumpingmarvellous.org/marvellous- mentors/
Follow Marvellous Mentors #MarvellousMentorsGM for more


COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: We would like to express our enormous pride and thanks to community member and heart failure patient Paula, and partner Gary and the incredible Strictly Wheels sports club team, who tonight have won Team GB 4th place in the Para Dance Sport European Championships, Poland! CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!
This year, determined Paula, who is four years on from her heart failure diagnosis has had major surgery, and periods of acute heart failure, but remains one of ou...r brightest sparks. "Dancing is everything," she explains. "I love it... I define my body, not my labels!!
"A diagnosis of heart failure does not define you.
"I am many things, amongst them i am a dancer, a wheelchair user, a dog lover and a member of Para GB, I also happen to have heart failure which I fight. This weekend, I am a dancer representing Team GB as a Para Athlete. Today we danced Freestyle [La La Land] and tomorrow we dance Latin. My dancing is my exercise, I love it My heart failure does not define me I define it!"
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This page is a good resource about keeping your heart healthy.


Such a marvellous way to make HF friends & find helpful info xxÔøΩ


Only became aware of Pumping Marvellous at the ISCOMAT event today. What a great organisation!


It's amazing,always good to be able to ask advice and speak to other people that have been through or going through same things as you. To know your never alone and don't have to suffer in silence. Thank you all ÔøΩ


I love pumping marvellous ' heart failure aware because of the positivity 'Hope good feed back on on any queries I've ever had. great amount of support from private group, to the open page, & from patients to the adim team and made lots of heart friends along the way.


Had ice

Had OCD fitted jan2014 feel better slnce had it done


Great community you finally feel part of something with people who understand and have gone through things that concern you.


Any imformation is nice to know; learn something new everyday,trouble is remembering it....


Amazing wonderful group.

Because I have no family left , I get advice about my heart from all the lovely people on there.

The group makes you feel very welcome. And if it wasn't for them , I don't think I would of coped . X

More about Heart Failure Aware

Heart Failure Aware is located at Pumping Marvellous Foundation, Suite 111 Business First Millennium City Park, Millennium City Road, PR2 5BL Preston, Lancashire