Heart Of Well Being

About Heart Of Well Being

I'm Marina Broadley. Heart of Well Being offers transformational learning, discovery and direct experience of mindfulness, meditation and the way we work.

Heart Of Well Being Description

I'm Marina Broadley, and the founder of Heart of Well Being. I'm a dedicated Mindfulness teacher /practitioner, and a very experienced professional counsellor in Hinckley, Leicestershire.

Conscious or not, you've found me, and therefore Heart of Well Being, for a reason. It's interesting - I often find that if we pay close attention we notice that our hearts tend to lead us towards what we need.

Your heart lead you here. Welcome Home.

Here you will discover classes / sessions, an understanding, and uncovering that resonates. On my website you'll find the schedule of the current sessions and classes. These offer you a wonderful opportunity to ease your way towards a whole different way of being in life!

If you’re new to Mindfulnessor Meditation, then Heart of Well Being could be your perfect first experience.

Current Classes / Sessions

Mondays fortnightly 'A Peaceful Place': Mindfulness for Beginners 6. 30pm - 7. 45pm at The Atkins Building in Hinckley

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