Hedge Herbs

About Hedge Herbs

Medical herbalist in Walthamstow, east London

Hedge Herbs Description

Medical herbalist based in Walthamstow, east London.

Herbal medicine practice encompassing consultations and treatment, plant-gathering and medicine-making, community activity including practical workshops and herb walks, and vital connections with people and organisations working in peace and productivity with the earth and universe.



For Herbalists Without Borders


for those in and around oxfordshire - a few places left for this cosy course this weekend at beautiful Braziers Park if you want to join us for crafting and making


Skin nourishment with soothing seasonal herbs...
Join Charm Elakil of Wholistic Medicine, fellow herbalist and good pal of Rasheeqa who is coming in for a special visit from Margate bringing fresh sea air and her skilled balm making hands!
Charm’s a great maker of luscious herbal skin preparations and at this Hornbeam Herbals session you can delve deeper into the art and craft of therapeutic oil-based remedies. A beautiful and sensory application of plants for healing purpose...s, balms can be soothing, anti-inflammatory, healing, cooling, heating, insect-repelling and much more depending on the herbs infused in them – they can reduce inflammation, counter infection, increase circulation locally and warm muscles and joints.
Learn the method and then you can adapt it to your health needs and situations using local abundant herbs and kitchen spices, accessible natural materials and infinite variation. A balm for each part of the body! Experience different preparations and make a jar together to take home with herbs gathered from our local wild places.
All welcome; beginners and balm-makers alike. £10 per person including recipe sheet & balm to take home
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More about Hedge Herbs
