Helen Bullen

About Helen Bullen

I help business owners commit to taking effective action to get the success they want.

Full blown motivation and action taking. No excuses just kindly blunt advice with virtual kick butt when needed.


Helen Bullen Description

This page is all about helping you to make your therapy business profitable. To help you get enough clients through your door whilst still having time to do the job you love most.

I am an Osteopath that graduated about 15 years ago with very little knowledge of how to market my own clinic. I thought clients would arrive at my door as soon as I opened up my first 1 room clinic in the back of a dental surgery. I had no training or support during my training years on business. I was a great therapist but business know how was something I just didn't think about or worse think I needed.

This is what I did. . . I sat, waited and hoped. No surprise, that didn't work! !

So Instead I took it upon myself to get myself trained in business. I worked hard, I took on business coaches and I got myself fully up to date in new technology and marketing methods. I changed my way of working and it turned my business around. Eight years on I have a large multi-healthcare clinic with 20 therapists that work out of my clinic. I have won multiple awards including CAM UK Clinic of the year and this year I was recognised as Business person of the year with the chamber of commerce.

My mission now is to teach others the simplest way to making their therapy business profitable. I will guide you around key marketing methods that work and as just importantly help you avoid those that don't. I speak from experience of being a therapist in practice, an award winning and successful clinic owner and experienced business coach. I often say "I have been there, done that and got the T-shirt"

I would like to invite you to join my FREE group, Clinic Essentials, where you can join myself and other like-minded business owners on their journey of creating a profitable "therapy" business.

You will get extra posts in the group set up especially for therapists on relevant subjects to help you grow your clinic and importantly income. Lots of top tips and ideas on what you really need to do to get more clients. No sales gimmicks, no snake oil sales or marketing speak from someone who doesn't understand your type of business but instead information from someone who has learnt over the last 15 years exactly how to make my therapy business profitable.

I will guide you through what works and just as importantly what doesn't Just ask to join Clinic Essentials and I will let you in to learn more.

I am well known in the therapy world both by therapists and business owners. If you need a nudge to start taking action I am also best known for my virtual "kick butt" type of mentoring. Want to see more? Then hop on over to my group. . . . I would love to meet you there. x

General Information
For any type of therapist including Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Masseurs, Sports Therapists, Soft tissue therapists as examples.

This page is run by Helen Bullen a qualified Osteopath, SMA Level 4 practitioner and proven award winning clinic owner. Helen owns a large multi-healthcare clinic so will talk from the heart on how to make your therapy business a success. She is also an experienced lecturer, external examiner and sits and committee member of the General Osteopathic Council.

This year Helen was awarded Business person of the year for both her Clinic and her work coaching others.

More about Helen Bullen
