
About Helidecks

Providing Superyacht aviation services to the worlds most prestigious yachts.

Services include:

Helicopter Operations, Embarked Operations, Helideck Team Training (HLO / HDA), Helicopter procurement, Helicopter Charter, Safety Management & ISM, DG.



Just to say a very merry Christmas to all our friends and clients. Its been another whirlwind of a year and time seems to go more and more quickly!
Anyway, thanks for so much for your continued support and business and we very much look forward seeing you all over 2018!


Training has just about finished for the year as everyone winds down for the festive season and the yachts go off for their charters.
So, it was off to the Monaco Yacht Club to give a heli-ops presentation.... Made it by the skin of my teeth due to the weather problems effecting both Heathrow and Nice airports! It was my longest ever journey to Nice with cancelled flights, change of airports, delayed trains and last but not least aborted landings due to crosswinds.. The travel gods where definitely against me this week! Uber most definitely saved the day!
Anyway, many thanks to everyone who took the time to come and listen to the presentation and it was very nice to catch up with everyone for a few festive drinks afterwards. Look forward to working with you all next year.


Not very often we get to operate the deck integrated fire fighting systems (DIFF) on the yachts during our training drills as they generally don't like salt water going everywhere...
But not the case on this yacht.. DIFF and charged hoses all the way. And some nice moody dark skies to boot.
Nice to see the spray pattern and once mixed with foam would help knock down a fire very effectively.


Just a quick visit to Genoa for some crew training. I don't think its unfair to say its not the most prettiest place, but still nice to escape the rain in the UK for a few days.
It was also my 7th anniversary with Helidecks during my visit and a little bit of a co-incidence, Genoa was my first ever training job. Time flies... :)


Malta last week... Wow it was hot! 40 degrees out on deck. Big hats and sunscreen all round was the order of the day!


Just to let you know if you are applying for Heli-surface permits for either the French Mediteranean or French Carribean we have just received updated contact details for both applications. -
Applications for French Mediterranean should be sent via email to liliane.pegliasco@intradef.gouv.fr or liliane.pegliasco@premar-mediterrane e.gouv.fr
... Applications for French Carribean should be emailed to adjaem-comsup.faa@faa.defense.gouv.f r for the attention of M.Thibault Pinoti. By mail send the competed applications to the address below. –
Division de l’action de l’Etat en mer Fort Desaix BP 606 97261 Fort de France cedex
We have updated our website to reflect the above changes and you can also download a template application from our permits page.
See More


Hello everyone... Firstly a huge apology for not updating the Facebook page for a while. Its been a very busy season for us with lots of visits to both our regular yachts and new builds. We have definitely put some air miles in over the last few months!! You know you have been busy when the Border Agency Officer at Heathrow remarks how 'used' your passport looks...
Anyway we promise to post a lot more... Especially on the run up to Monaco!


The new omni directional Typhoon by Tiger Tugs... Looks pretty handy for those tight spaces...
Can't wait to have a go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFZ6my5sA ok


Been a case of east and west this month with trips to both Phuket and Antigua for training and safety assessments. Very busy trips but nice for a bit of relief from the UK winter weather...
The next few won't be so tropical... Lots of yachts coming out of build and refits so its our yearly trips to Holland and Germany next! Time to pack away the shorts and dig out the thermals!


Back from a very nice few days at Kemble airfield for some under-slung load training.
Weather held off quite nicely for January in the UK. Also fascinating watching the old airliners getting stripped and recycled across from the dispersal.


They just keep getting bigger and bigger..... Project Jupiter at 123m. Lovely looking yacht with some nice sporty lines..


Very nice looking concept yacht.... At 190m it would be huge! Lets hope it gets built one day.


Guess what we will be wearing around the office next week..... :)
Just wanted to say very Merry Christmas and hope you all have a great time over the holiday period. For those of you on charter or working, safe travels and best wishes from all of us here at Helidecks.


Not often we get to go to North Africa with the yachts... Just back from a nice few days in Tangiers for training just before the yacht disappears over the Atlantic for the Carribean Christmas season.


Latest Training course done in Malaga... Very hot out on the helideck, much nicer in the evening on the beach! Also first time working with the Airbus H145 T2... very impressive machine.


Things often change lastminute.com here at Helidecks... A trip to Venice changes to Antibes as the yacht moved at the last minute..
But its still lovely and warm here in the South of France.


Back in the saddle now the summer season is starting to wind down and its training time for the yachts again. This week its a visit to Caribbean and the Turks and Caicos islands, next week its Venice.
Also getting ready for our yearly pilgrimage to Monaco with the launch of our new website and advertising campaign.

More about Helidecks

Helidecks is located at Tremough Innovation Centre, TR10 9TA Penryn, Cornwall
+44 (0)1326 567208