Helpage International

About Helpage International

HelpAge International is a global network working for older people's rights in over 90 countries. From small grassroots to large international organisations, the group supports older people to live safe, dignified and healthy lives.



We look back at how over the last year we've been helping 10,000 older people who have fled violence and conflict in Myanmar to refugee camps in Bangladesh.


Many older women and men are isolated and at risk in the wake of the floods in Kerala - HelpAge India need your help to help them!
Find out how they are reaching out to the affected communities. πŸ‘‡


Lauren, our intern with Jersey Overseas Aid, has begun a six-month placement with our Myanmar team - read about how she has already been hard at work supporting the office's flood response outreach.


Our humanitarian staff work tirelessly to make sure older people around the world are not left behind when disasters and conflicts grip. On World Humanitarian Day, we want to thank everyone who helps to deliver our emergency response work across our global team, our network members and our partners for the time they dedicate and the enthusiasm with which they reach out to help older women and men in need.


Humanitarian agencies are not responding fast enough to the needs of older people when disasters strike and conflicts erupt.
Two new studies we have launched with the Overseas Development Institute explore the extent of the problem in east Africa:


"The idea focuses people on the possibilities β€” it makes them realise that they could continue living for decades, and it makes it easier to imagine what needs to be done and how they need to plan their lives."
One book - The 100-Year Life - has changed how Japan is thinking about ageing, with all the implications and opportunities it entails.


"When the beat drops, even I nod my head."
What an inspiring story from Kenya! πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺπŸš—πŸ“»


On the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, discover how we have helped the AwΓ‘ in Colombia stay safe and healthy in their community while conflict and violence surrounded them.


Today, Clotilda Kokupima is speaking out at The International Federation on Ageing about how older people in Tanzania struggle to access health and care services.
In this short clip from her speech, hear her talk about the impact of the ageist attitudes of health staff.


Growing up with a disability in Kenya, Jane Miano's rights have been frequently denied. She had no access to assistive devices, struggled to find employment with companies reluctant to hire someone with a disability, and her independence has been curtailed as she has aged.
Last month, she came to the UK to tell audiences at the Global Disability Summit. Read about the experience in her blog.


"Venezuelan media outlets have published images and accounts of older people queuing for hours to buy food or basic supplies [...] There have been some reports of older people who died while queuing for their social security payments."


You're never too old to learn! A heart-warming tale showing that you can embrace the power of social media at any age. πŸ“±


From begging on the street to multi-million dollar business owner, this Chinese grandmother is still going at 98 - she just opened a supermarket and donates the profits to run an orphanage! Bravo Jiang Naijun! πŸ™Œ


Beautiful photographs from a 900-year-old Orthodox Christian community in Ethiopia. πŸ“Έ


Member states of the United Nations have finally started talking about what older people's rights look like.
Find out what happened at last week's OEWG in our blog πŸ‘‡


Everyone has the right to autonomy and independence. But for many people around the world, this right is denied as we reach older age. πŸ“½οΈ


Older people with disabilities are among those most at risk of being left behind when communities flee danger. Those who do reach safety often find themselves excluded from humanitarian assistance and protection. We as a community must work together to end this.


Older women from Cambodia and Rwanda travel to New York to speak out at the UN about why ALL older people must have the right to independence and autonomy.
Find out about their trip πŸ‘‡


excellent job by you!!!, we are hoping to start something related to this in Nigeria


We must be prepared for the upcoming changes in global health. Latinamerican countries should develop an earth base policy to support and prevent the natural consequences of the etarian distribution among the nations.


The International Community is ready for a New Convention on the Rights of Elderly !!!!


It is a helpful page for all old age persons throughout the world. I like. Thank you


It is a gr8 effort 4 old ppl. I as co ordinator of an Eye Cheritable Hospital at Qasimabad Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan offer our free services for cure of preventable blindness like Cataract Surgery for poor old ppl especially women. Contact +923003035598


I think just to renounce ageism as a disgusting social behaviour is not enough social action at global level should be taken make the world convenient with full esteem and prestige to old as asset as dividend bulge and practically give them the sense of useful part of world to last sign of life


I live in Amajuba District KZN (SA) working close with older people...what I can say is that..they should be treated fairly and equally with respect


I like this page and wish I could help our elder or old age person here in my country Solomon Islands. Would like to join this Organization and empower older people and promote their well being.


I hope the initiatives of togetherness from the governments and the organizations will flourish the life's of older person's around the world.Because their hope is within our hand's we theIR generations


I find helpage as a great and valuable asset for all of us that is the second home for us . I have worked with this organization for 2 years in suleimania _Irag. I learned so many precious experience


Helpage is doing great work, as a volunteer I feel I support the most Vulnerable members of the society


HelpAge International has taken a positive fantastic responsible stand for the aging, and MUST be supported by all . We all need to remember that its a path we all wish to pass through. The saying goes that ' What goes round will come round', therefore do to others as you want done for you.


Every body must past through the stage of older persons, let treate the older persons with care and respect of their right


I has received every update newslatter from this organization. It help me to understand the way we stay on healthy, safe, and hope. I wish I joint/participate with them in Cambodia, another day.


GOOD WORK DONE, thanks for taking lead and charge.

Although more effort is still needed to realize a formidable impact in the lives of the older people, Thanks for setting a president across the Globe


Let's celebrate Seniors-the contributions they have made and continue to make in society on a global level and show our appreciation and respect by lobbying our governments to ensure the health care resources are available to enable them to continue to live the last years of their lives with dignity.


I need help to have a senior citizen center of my 82 senior older people in my place.


This organisation employs foreigners in Kenya and then discriminates against them. The top expatriates work in the country without permits but still receive salaries that are ten times those of local workers.


I think old people should treat very carefully , they should never allow to feel that they are useless and burden of the society , which accelerator their detonation of mental health, specially when it was done by organization or Govt.


excellent job by you!!!, we are hoping to start something related to this in Nigeria


We must be prepared for the upcoming changes in global health. Latinamerican countries should develop an earth base policy to support and prevent the natural consequences of the etarian distribution among the nations.


The International Community is ready for a New Convention on the Rights of Elderly !!!!


It is a helpful page for all old age persons throughout the world. I like. Thank you


It is a gr8 effort 4 old ppl. I as co ordinator of an Eye Cheritable Hospital at Qasimabad Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan offer our free services for cure of preventable blindness like Cataract Surgery for poor old ppl especially women. Contact +923003035598


I think just to renounce ageism as a disgusting social behaviour is not enough social action at global level should be taken make the world convenient with full esteem and prestige to old as asset as dividend bulge and practically give them the sense of useful part of world to last sign of life


I live in Amajuba District KZN (SA) working close with older people...what I can say is that..they should be treated fairly and equally with respect


I like this page and wish I could help our elder or old age person here in my country Solomon Islands. Would like to join this Organization and empower older people and promote their well being.


I hope the initiatives of togetherness from the governments and the organizations will flourish the life's of older person's around the world.Because their hope is within our hand's we theIR generations


I find helpage as a great and valuable asset for all of us that is the second home for us . I have worked with this organization for 2 years in suleimania _Irag. I learned so many precious experience


Helpage is doing great work, as a volunteer I feel I support the most Vulnerable members of the society


HelpAge International has taken a positive fantastic responsible stand for the aging, and MUST be supported by all . We all need to remember that its a path we all wish to pass through. The saying goes that ' What goes round will come round', therefore do to others as you want done for you.


Every body must past through the stage of older persons, let treate the older persons with care and respect of their right


I has received every update newslatter from this organization. It help me to understand the way we stay on healthy, safe, and hope. I wish I joint/participate with them in Cambodia, another day.


GOOD WORK DONE, thanks for taking lead and charge.

Although more effort is still needed to realize a formidable impact in the lives of the older people, Thanks for setting a president across the Globe


Let's celebrate Seniors-the contributions they have made and continue to make in society on a global level and show our appreciation and respect by lobbying our governments to ensure the health care resources are available to enable them to continue to live the last years of their lives with dignity.


I need help to have a senior citizen center of my 82 senior older people in my place.


This organisation employs foreigners in Kenya and then discriminates against them. The top expatriates work in the country without permits but still receive salaries that are ten times those of local workers.


I think old people should treat very carefully , they should never allow to feel that they are useless and burden of the society , which accelerator their detonation of mental health, specially when it was done by organization or Govt.

More about Helpage International

Helpage International is located at Tavis House, 1-6, Tavistock Square, WC1H 9NA London, United Kingdom
+44 20 7278 7778