Herbal Abode Medical Herbalist

Monday: 18:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 18:30 - 20:30
Thursday: 18:00 - 20:30
Friday: 18:00 - 20:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 15:00 - 17:00

About Herbal Abode Medical Herbalist

Do you care about your health? Well so do we!
Ar Herbal Abode we will do our best to ease your health concerns with individually blended herbal medicines.
After we have a health consultation with you and make a forward plan together. . View herbalabode.com

Herbal Abode Medical Herbalist Description

Herbal medicine is great right! well, we at www. herbalabode.com provide health consultations and examinations using the art of Herbalism, the traditional practice of herbal medicine.
Then you will recieve your unique blend of medicinal herbs selected especially for your requirements.
You can book online, or call for info, or even buy a gift certificate, see on the left of main page to view
Based in London, https://goo. gl /yeeTjN
you may book online for a clinic appt, or call for a skype consult. Also, we selectively provide home or work consults.
Know that herbs benefit so many conditions so message us if you need information. So take heed a herbalist knows! Meet your herbal practitioner at herbalabode.com/service. html



If a celebrity is good for something let it be herbal medicine. Many of us have this belief already. Medicinal herbs used for generations and surpasses all boundaries and creeds View herbalabode.com for practitioner appointments


A great idea, please share!


Roots of Medicine 2000-BC Here eat this root 1000-AD That root is heathen, here say this prayer. 1800-AD That prayer is superstition, here! drink this potion. 1900-AD That potion is snake oil, here! swallow this pill.... 1950-AD That pill is ineffective, here! take this antibiotic 2000-AD That antibiotic is artificial, here eat this root. By Lakota-Dr Donald Warne What once was, will be again
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I have to ask, are you and your family STILL brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste?, Is it in your local water supply? or are you on SSRI drugs? If so get in the know...Fluoride is hazardous waste, don't believe us! do your research and watch this video, the extended version on the link. https://goo.gl/aX8S1D The number of ways by which the human brain and body can be damaged by fluoride are innumerable. Fluoride poisons enzymes. !!
It is alleged that fluoride ma...y lower IQ in addition to causing many health ailments. This fluoride is not the naturally occurring fluorine it is the by-product of hazardous waste. During world war 2 fluorine was used for Uranium production Uranium refining for nuclear energy is still today a major use for elemental fluorine. Cancer, bone diseases, arthritis, undiagnosed conditions, including hyperthyroidism are just a few of the many negative effects of human ingestion The origins of fluoridation in water is riddled with unethical fluoride tests, deceit and lies. Follow the money trail and follow up with research.
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Cancer treatments certainly have their downside, fortunately current research is making new strides in Cancer therapies. Scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx-NY utilized a new approach by inciting apoptosis, deservedly causing cancer cells death, triggered by a new compound which was tested on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) cells. Importantly this compound leaves the healthy cells uninjured in contrast to chemotherapy by activating the bodie...s own executioner protein known as BAX. This works by honing in on the mitochondria, then puncturing the outer membranes followed by cell death known as apoptosis. The potential of this is huge in addition to co-existing with integrative medicines such as Herbal Medicines, Acupuncture and other modalities. Read more detail here https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/â €¦/aeco-ntc100317.php
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Mind control,! LOL, you may laugh. Some have seen personality changes with infection. Awareness of how our pets, parasites and other little creatures affect our health is critical. Sometimes you may have consistent health issues with no idea what it wrong. Washing vegetables, keeping cats away from pregnant women, simple things can play a major role. Many mainstream health providers may not recognise a need, assuming transmission is so rare you are being overly cautious. Take a peek at this video made by Else-Vet (no affiliation to us) who explains nicely. All we are saying is keep your awareness up, all good health is connected to many aspects we take advantage of. herbalabode.com


Words for the wise. Sometimes a herb has "paradoxical effects" meaning doesn't quite do what was expected or totally the opposite. Example Withania sominifera (Ashwaganda) makes me extremely short tempered and snappy (not usual for my calm demeanour) and Red raspberry a herb used for gynaelogical reasons sometimes causes more or longer menses, as opposed to its usual actions. So the point is, not all is written in stone, we are so individual as are the herbs. Therefore when c...hoosing a herb or reading the lastest trend keep your awareness up. Remember herbal remedies work on many pathways all at once, so if there is an underlying disbalance the outcome may be different to that expected. Hence why we herbalists are here for you if needed, with our expertise and we love what we do. Keep striving for health and contentment in these trying times around the world. Your health is your wealth
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Humbling review, so grateful when people take the time to review


Late night snacking, try a simple healthy one instead. We know how hard it is if you have a sweet tooth, this is filling too, so much better than a whole packet of biscuits. Walnuts: extremely powerful antioxidants, biotin, plant based omega 3's, assists with diabetes, heart disease, prostate cancer and brain health. Blueberries: contains flavoniods, a major antioxidant compound. Pears: Full of flavonoids and dietary fiber. Copper: just one benefit of eating Cashews and Raspb...erries free radical scavengers with the lutein and zeaxanthin. Medical herbalists are trained nutritionally too! visit herbalabode.com in London
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Garlic, Allium Sativum. Why not grow some ! One of our very favourite and personal herbs. It has so many wonderful benefits, We may have mentioned before about its scientifically evidenced potentials going back as far before and 1944 when said "endowed with therapeutic virtues both in legend and in scientific literature" Link below- don't you love the flow of speech back then! A natural broad spectrum antibiotic, blood cleanser. We use in many numerous client formulations. ... Tips: Crush a quarter of a clove, peel, swallow with water as soon as you feel unwell or are bloating. Also, use a little tincture, dropped in the ear for earache associated with infection Growing your own is very easy to do as you will see in the video. Visit with us at:herbalabode.com to acheive enhanced health and wellbeing or share with us on FB Link for scientific info: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ja012 39a048
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Now you know why they are so pricey. I love cashews. Take a look!


When guidance is required, like the old days. https://www.herbalabode.com


15000 people rise up in Italy against the corruption behind vaccinations and the implementation of mandatory vaccines. The Government try to ban the documentary film Vaxxed to prevent people from becoming aware of the dangers of vaccinations and their connections with neurological health issues, gut health and auto immune diseases.


It wasn't that long ago herbalists would have been burned as witches due to fear of their knowledge of herbs and their healing properties. Knowing that a plant can heal and also protect you from negativity doesn't deem you a witch, does it? Personally, I do not cast spells or divination of any kind, but I am aware of the energetic principles of plant matter. So just as low vibration foods (processed foods) debilitate us, eating higher vibration food, grown under the sun in g...ood soil, will enhance us. Plants, herbs etc under the same principle have a specific energetic profile. When a herbalist like myself chooses herbs, we will be guided by the client's energetic field. Call it what you may, vibes, intuition, empathic tuning it all comes down to the same thing. It is not simply a matter of this herb, for this condition, but remember that these complex yet simply beautiful creations have a higher purpose, and if you tune in, you will hear. Speaking of protection, a relative of the deadly nightshade species (Woody) Solanum dulcamura a herb of protection, once used and still today against burglars, no I'm kidding. Actually if hung in bunches in the home it is stated in written traditions to protect from misfortune and negative energies, but keep it to yourself as it's placement must be kept private for it to work, apparently. Culpeper suggested for those suffering from vertigo to wear it around the neck. The nightshade species is very dangerous if not used correctly, so unless you are a stewed home herbalist or professional I highly recommend only external users. Poultices, baths or salves, however, leave it alone when pregnant for heaven's sake, we don't need any accidents. This blessed herb can be found creeping along hedges or old buildings, so look out for it when taking a relaxing walk. www.herbalabode.com to book an appointment
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As part of your wellness lifestyle, I am sharing one of my personal favourites.Peaceful listening or primal style dancing alongside. The power of frequency and vibration the basis for all life. Holistic living with herbalabode.com If this is new for you, have patience with it as your inner being adjusts to the many tones.


Serenoa repens and prostate cancer. Men, hombre, males, this is for you. Possibly you may have heard on the grapevine (no pun intended) the importance of having your prostate checked. In this case, ignorance is not bliss. Early detection of prostate cancer by having a simple blood test known as PSA, (Prostate screening antigen), and a health examination can reduce long-term prognosis via early detection. David Haye and Linford Christie are some of the many well-known individ...uals who have been pro-active and taken positive steps in doing so. However, if you are living with the secondary symptoms of LUTS, lower urinary tract discomfort from urination etc, this herb pictured, Serenoa repens, known as Saw Palmetto is used widely by medical herbalists and is well researched. This herb is approved by the German Commission E, a scientific advisory board specific for BPH (Benign Prostate Hypertrophy) and prostate adenomas. (Blumenthal et al., 1998) Serenoa has strong scientific evidence for usage in treating BPH, Serenoa has been given a grade A-strong scientific evidence determined by the natural standard validation code, an authority on integrative health. Serenoa is used to reduce prostatic inflammation of tissues preventing and guarding against soreness, irritation and improves the flow of urine as exhibited by the bio sterols constituents. The point is many herbs can assist with such health concerns and is evidence based. So whatever your need, you need not suffer in silence, get checked for early detection, and after seeing your GP, remember your medical herbalist can help.
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The herb known as Cilantro or Coriander in the UK, most of us are aware of its high antioxidant content and that it provides vitamin A. But did you know it is ideal for the removal of metals from the body. Due to its bio-sorbency it sucks up metals which are harmful to our bodies and shouldn't be there anyway. Tip: add a little of this herb to your water to help rid heavy metals within the body and any harmful chemicals in your tap water, you can't go wrong, as all of these herb parts are edible and highly beneficial.


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More about Herbal Abode Medical Herbalist

Monday: 18:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 18:30 - 20:30
Thursday: 18:00 - 20:30
Friday: 18:00 - 20:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 15:00 - 17:00