Here For Rushmoor

About Here For Rushmoor

A page for all those interested in making Rushmoor a better place and for keeping up with new ideas and developments. Set up by local Labour branch members.

Here For Rushmoor Description

It has been set up by local members of Aldershot and Farnborough Labour branches with the intention of listening to local residents and discussing ideas.



Leave and Remain – a short survey on visual presence
Please would you help a student by completing the nine questions?


Rushmoor Voluntary Services - April Newsletter…/4 5780_NHW_RVS_April_2…


Nearly one million older people are one big bill away from financial ruin
Age UK says many pensioners on low, fixed incomes spend extra on health items, heating and travel due to illness, disability, insecure or poor housing and living far from their families.
Aldershot town centre is particularly affected because it includes the area in the UK with the highest proportion of elderly surviving on Pension Credit.
...…/lr-6064-age- uk-financial-hardshi…
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Aldershot woman jailed in Wales


Our streetlights are now being switched off between 1.00am and 4.00am.
Will burglaries and vehicle crime be on the rise now that residential roads are being plunged into darkness, especially since government cuts have seen police numbers slashed over the last 9 years.


Labour selects Abby King as General Election candidate




Well done to Prospect Estate Big Local (PEBL) for recently installing these welcoming signs as you enter the Prospect Estate area of Farnborough. Hopefully, they will enhance the pride that residents have in their local community.
PEBL writes:
"On a beautiful spring morning, it’s not just the daffodils that have sprung up on the Prospect Estate. PEBL's 'Welcome to the Prospect Community' signs were installed this morning. The sign was chosen by Prospect Estate residents from collated by the PEBL Partnership. The mosaic behind the main text was drawn by local children and the signs have been strategically placed to welcome residents home.
This project has been led by hardworking volunteers who gave freely of their time for the benefit of Prospect Estate residents.
If you live on the Prospect Estate and would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch."
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Visit to Aldershot Lido
I recently paid a visit to the lovely lido, to have a look around behind the scenes and see what exactly goes on, writes Keith Bean on Historic Aldershot Military Town.
At the moment the pool is drained and being cleaned, before a repaint and refill. As we all know, the pool was constructed in the late 1920’s, and officially opened in 1930. The construction back then was a simple formula, dig a huge hole, line it with sand and then apply a concrete bas...
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Visit to Aldershot Lido


Amended plans for car park at Aldershot Centre for Health
Reconfigure parking layout - reducing number of disabled spaces from 32 to 16, separating entrance and exit to multi-storey car park and installing 6 brand new bays in landscaped area of car park (amended plans received) at Aldershot Centre For Health, Hospital Hill, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 1AY.
Mr Paul Beach has submitted amended/additional details in respect of the above proposal.
... We want to hear your views on the amended plans/description/additional details. All comments must be made in writing.
You can view and comment on the application online through the website at…/a…
You can also write in or send an email to quoting your name, postal address and reference 18/00848/FULPP.
Please contact us as soon as possible. The period for submitting your comments ends on the 11 April 2019.
If your comments are received late you may miss the opportunity of having them taken into account before a decision is made.
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Rushmoor will share £204,500 with Basingstoke and Deane, Hart and Winchester.


What an excellent page for keeping up to date with the current key issues in the Rushmoor area. The focus is on supporting the people of the borough, which is a very mature and responsible approach, indeed.


This Page was set up by local members of Aldershot and Farnborough Labour branches with the intention of listening to local residents and discussing ideas.


I think this page is fabulous, Thank you so much for always keeping us in the loop of local events and things that are happening in our community. It's wonderful to see the Labour party is always in action and helping where they are needed, whether it be cleaning up areas, helping families or helping in the community Keep up the great posting on this page xxx For the many not the few .


labour party only.... very one sided and do not consider all off rushmoor just those who agree with their views.


This is a Labour Party group, not a community group. It should be renamed to be more honest.


Labour pfft Yeah dream on literally they'll totally ruin Great Britain


I really liked this page.

But know it's all a labour campaign it's meant to be a community page not an advertising link


Facebook page for Corbynites;

He will replace Trident.

Remain in the EU? didn't we vote to leave...

He believes in a United Ireland... That's against the people to North Ireland's right to self-determination.

He wants to hand away the Falklands Islands and Gibraltar both of whom voted to remain British.

He will open our borders wider then they already are... 63% of BRITS claim migration is too high according to a YouGov poll.

You're desperately out of touch.

This man is no democrat...

Corbyn is a light Commie and you all know it. :)

More about Here For Rushmoor

Here For Rushmoor is located at 17 Cargate Avenue, GU11 3EP Aldershot