Hertford Buddhist Meditation

Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:15 - 21:45
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 19:15 - 21:45
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Hertford Buddhist Meditation

Part of the Triratna Buddhist Community. All welcome, including newcomers to meditation and non-Buddhists.

Tuesday evenings: 7. 15pm for 7. 30pm start.

Hertford Buddhist Meditation Description

If lately, you have been feeling like you need to practice a relaxation technique, or find some peace of mind and make it a regular part of your life, why not try meditation?

Meditation is a tried and tested method of achieving calm and concentration.

At the Millbridge Room in Maidenhead Yard we practice meditation techniques that were taught by the Buddha in India over 2, 500 years ago. Yet these same practices are just as effective today as they were then.

Regular practice of the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Development of Loving Kindness will enable you to stay calm, feel less stressed, be more patient and more understanding of others.

Newcomers are welcome at our free Tuesday evening meditation meetings to try meditation and ask for advice from experienced meditators. You can come along to the first session which starts at 7. 30pm (doors open at 7. 15pm) and is designed for people who are new to meditation as well as people who have some experience.

You can stay for the tea break which provides a chance to socialise and discuss any questions that come up. You are free to leave or stay on for the second session which begins about 8. 30pm. This often consists of a talk and a discussion of an aspect of the teaching of the Buddha - the ethical path, meditation practice and the development of spiritual wisdom.

We do not seek to change you - if you practice meditation you will change yourself. Friends may say that you are different, that you have changed for the better. Meditation will provide you with a means to grow and develop, perhaps releasing previously unrealised talents, perhaps even changing your life. So meditation is best practised in contact with a society or Sangha who can offer you the essential support to continue and develop your practice.

At the Hertford Buddhist Sangha we have strong links with the Triratna Buddhist Community and especially with the Cambridge Buddhist Centre which offers a full and varied programme for anyone interested in meditation and Buddhism.



For anyone doing our mindfulness course, you might be interested in seeing other presentations of the material online, especially if you have missed a week or so.
There are some youtube videos of the author of the course and book (Maitreyabandhu) presenting the course: https://www.youtube.com/playlist…
Also Meredith pointed out that there are some mp3s of talks online from when the course was presented at Brixton Buddhist Centre
... https://www.freebuddhistaudio.com/series/ details…
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This is one of my favourite suttas.
It is a welcome relief from other religions or gurus expecting us to believe outrageous things with zero evidence.


Hi there,
We have recently started a really interesting and vibrant mindfulness and meditation course. It is 8 weeks long, and we have just completed the third week.
But it is fine to join the course at any time. It does not matter if you have missed previous weeks, and if you want you can always catch up by reading the book “Life with Full Attention” by Maitreyabandhu (although you don’t have to).
...Continue Reading


By the way, the London Buddhist Centre have an excellent Buddhist channel https://www.lbc.org.uk/…/communicating- the-dharma-online.ht… . All the podcasts are also available as videos on their youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAwcmCW7 nQ7Y2nlq0506xXQ
Recent podcasts and videos have been guided meditations for mindfulness of breathing and metta bhavana
If you sign up to https://thechallengelbc.com/ you will get emails when they release a new one.


Just to let you know that Leah has been invited to go on a three month retreat in Spain starting in April. During this retreat she will be ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order.
She will be our first "home grown" order member at Hertford, and it will have a very positive and deepening effect on our group.
She has created a page https://www.gofundme.com/f/ordination-at- akashavana with more information, and where people are able to give money to help fund her retreat if they wish to.


Just to let you know that the yoga starts again from Tuesday 28th January 2020
Yoga for the Sangha Every Tuesday 6 to 7 pm
... At the Quaker Meeting House 50 Railway Street Hertford SG14 1BA
All Levels Welcome Bring your own Yoga mat £5 per session Contact Amber 07942612117
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This was taken at the end of the class on Tuesday.
Come along and join us next Tuesday for our Mindfulness and Meditation course.
It does not matter if you are totally new, and missed week 1, you can just start the course at any week, (and just catch up later by reading the book if you want to).


The London Buddhist Centre have created a one off “6 week meditation challenge” starting next Tuesday (although there is a warm up week that started yesterday).
There is no charge, and you can sign up for it at https://thechallengelbc.com/
By the way the website suggests that you come to the London Buddhist Centre every week, but I have checked with them, and they have confirmed that coming to the Hertford Buddhist Group on Tuesday evenings instead is an acceptable substitu...te.
The blurb states: “The Challenge: > Come to the London Buddhist Centre once a week > Meditate everyday We’ll support you with: > Meditation classes on Tues and Weds evenings at our home in Bethnal Green. > Bi-weekly emails with guided meditations, helpful tips and inspirational videos. How to take part: > Sign up by entering your email in the box > Commit to Tues or Weds evenings for your weekly meditation class. > Join us for the warm-up week: Tues 7 or Weds 8 Jan (7.15pm-9.30pm) > Six-week challenge kicks-off: Tues 14 & Wed 15 Jan (7.15pm-9.30pm)
The Challenge is free but we’ll ask if you’d like to make a donation. “
Happy meditating!
p.s. The LBC are having an open day on 19th Jan with free refreshments. 11am to 5pm, but you can drop in and out during the day. It will be a great day out especially if you have not been to the LBC before http://www.lbc.org.uk/event-details/-1332
p.p.s. Don’t forget our 8 week mindfulness course starts next Tuesday in Hertford. This is a great thing to come to especially if have not been before, or for a while
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Hi there,
Happy New Year!
Another decade has come and gone.
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By the way, there are no classes until 7th Jan. Have a great Christmas break.
If you feel the need for some meditation, the London Buddhist Centre https://www.lbc.org.uk/ is open pretty much as usual, and has several meditation days over this period.


There is a Buddhist exhibition at the British Library covering 2,000 years and 20 countries that you may in interested in.


Hi everyone,
These are some photos taken at Sangha Day at Cambridge Buddhist Centre a couple of weeks ago. They show our new mitras with the rest of our sangha who had gone to Cambridge to support them, and also by themselves.
We have three more Tuesday night classes before we take take a couple of weeks break. There is no class on the 24th Dec or 31st Dec.
...Continue Reading

More about Hertford Buddhist Meditation

Hertford Buddhist Meditation is located at Mill Bridge Rooms, The Wash, SG14 1PX Hertford, Hertfordshire
07754 - 930902
Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:15 - 21:45
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 19:15 - 21:45
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -