Hessleroadstamps - Around The World In 80 Days

History Museum
5 star rating



Photographs by Leanne Clydesdale


Fantastic pics from a lovely day at the Exhibition!! Thanks to Leanne Clydesdale for the photography!


Well, Today, 5 pieces of these luggage crates landed in Hull Minster from all four corners of the Globe with messages and photos inside from communities all around the world in support of our "Postcards to the world - Around The World In 80 Days" to one mighty community in Hull. I can't put into words how grateful I am to everyone of you whom have carried this project in their hearts and minds over this last year. I hope you will enjoy looking at all your contributions over the next 6 weeks @Hull Minster. Today was a wonderful turnout of support and to say Im thankful to you is an understatement. Please keep checking for the photo uploads of todays launch :)


Preview of what you can see at "A Postcard to The World - Around the World in 80 Days" The Exhibition Hull Minster!!!!


This week has been an eventful one! Tool bag in hand the install of our Exhibition at The Hull Minster Trinity Sq. has well and truly begun! Watch out for the updates today and tomorrow before our Launch on Saturday of "A Postcard To The World - Around The World In 80 Days"!!!


UPDATE: The first day of the Exhibition "A Postcard To The World" - Around the world in 80 days will be starting this Saturday 2nd Feb, its running for 6 weeks until 17th March, but I will be there at The minster this coming Saturday 2nd for a couple of hours from 11.00am. I really hope you enjoy seeing the Journey what you have all contributed to and sent around the globe!


https://hullminster.org/…/2019/2/2/hess le-road-stamps-exhib…


I am pleased to announce the forthcoming #hessleroadstamps - Around the World In 80 days Exhibition will be taking place at The Hull Minster from Saturday 2nd Feb - 16th March. More details will follow regarding the launch on Sat 2nd Feb.


#Hessleroadstamps - Around The World in 80 Days - Guys this is our last chance to raise the remaining cash needed to put this Exhibition on, Please share and for those of you who have donated already Huge Thanks, for everyone else here is the link to the Crowdfunding page.
Here is also a sneak peak of what whats to come in the Exhibition on Saturday 2nd February at The Hull Minster!!!! I know its hard to believe but yes, every single city you see named on here our ladies hav...e travelled to via their cards!!
This story Journey is too precious for it not to be told!!
https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/r oy-smallbone…
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Its in guys!! Thankyou Roy Bev Smallbone for rallying the local community to get financial support on this, we wouldn't have got to here without you and the rest of the community whom have given, I cannot tell you how touched I am - You have been with me from the start and you're going to see this through with me to the end.
Watch this space for further details!!!
https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/…/incre dible-postcards-hess…


I just don't know how to thank all the people of Hull for the kindness in you all for setting up this Just giving Page for the Exhibition to happen. I'm speechless. This exhibition is for the people and by the people in every inch of it. I have no words for how you have all believed in me in getting this project done. Thankyou is all I can say. The pride I feel for being Hull girl today is palpable xxx https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/r oy-smallbone…


Exhibition Update!!!! The Wonderful Hull Minster have confirmed they would love to feature "Around The World in 80 Days" The Exhibition for a 6 week run! From 2nd February 2019. Its now in the Minster Events diary! - All we now need is sponsorship!!!! I never thought after 12 months of relentless emails, letters, phone calls and even resorting to getting on the train at Kings cross and rolling up in person on numerous occasions and quite literally knocking on doors to Local... Companies, Councils etc.... we would still be here without the funding heading to the end of the year. But, alas Im not giving up until the last day of this year. That is my deadline!!!! Please share and speak with all the companies you wonderful people work for and spread the word. It would be such a shame for us to not take the Minster up on there fantastic offer of hosting us!!! Thanks for staying with me on this everyone, we need you now more than ever!
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#Hessleroadstamps - Around The World in 80 Days - Hi All, Im reaching to you all as I have spent the last 8 months trying to obtain funding for the Exhibition to take place, I have collected around 230 photographic images and messages from 75 Cities in 26 Countries across 6 Continents of communities of people holding up the Hessle Road stamp cards in support of your community and the Headscarf revolutionary movement. Unfortunately after all this time I have still been unabl...e to get support from any local firm, (my calls and emails have been relentless :) ) Im looking for a local company/companies to sponsor it, and what with the project core values having people and local community at its heart I feel this project may be something a Hull company would be pleased to align themselves with, especially with such a strong international message of strength at its heart. As some of you will know, I am Hull girl but I live and work in London so I'm spending most of my leave travelling back up to Hull to try and obtain local support for this Exhibition to happen this year. We only have 3 more months left of this year and when I started this project back in December Last year I never anticipated it would be so successful and reach the places it has! With all this in mind I can’t think of giving up yet but Im running out of people and places to contact! My shout out to you all is if any of you know anyone whom could help in terms of sponsorship then please reach out to me. Thank you all. We can’t close on 2018 without this Exhibition happening!!!!
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Hessleroadstamps - Around The World in 80 days - 75 Cities, 24 countries, 6 continents ALL IN 80 DAYS!! Well, the last day of our Globe trotting has come upon us, but this is where the real hard work starts (well for me anyway). The following posts will show you just how incredibly successful our project has been. The countries we have reached and the communities we have connected has been incredible. Our Hessle road stories have walked the Globe via Land, Sea and Air and th...e city that needs to host this Exhibition needs to be Hull! I can tell you, I am and will continue to pester through emails and phone calls all the people whom I have been doing since January this year to sponsor this Exhibition!!! The Global online following we have been curating over the last 8 months is certainly worth it for a few of the Local large companies to give their name to our Exhibition. It is through the legacy of these incredibly strong and tenacious people of Hessle Road that I wanted to inspire communities around the World and to connect these stories and Ladies from 50 yrs ago as their ethos is as relevant today as it was then in any walk of life no matter where you are in the world. The funny thing is, it has been these values that the people of Hull have used to carry their message around the Globe for the last 80 Days and for that I cannot Thank You enough. I need you all to stay with me though and I ask you to support the Exhibition when it happens in a couple of months time by coming and visiting it. If I have to camp out at a few of these companies in Hull after the hundreds of emails and calls Ive sent to them over the last 8 months I will do. I wont let you guys down, we've come too far now !!!! - and remember, "Who needed the Post Office anyway" 😉
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#Hessleroadstamps - Around the World In 80 Days -On the Final day of our 80 Day Voyage, I decided to take my selfie to Downing St. where our Hessle Road ladies journeyed down to meet with a Government Committee 50 years ago to fight the cause.


#Hessleroadstamps - around The World In 80 days - Some final wonderful Selfies from the island of Madeira!!!