Hip Hop Pop

About Hip Hop Pop

Offering an incredible ONLINE service via our Virtual Studio http://www. hiphoppop.net/

Hip Hop Pop Description

We provide Hip Hop and Street Dance Education Platforms as well as dancers for professional events.

www. hiphoppop. co. uk
07817 774757
jenny@hiphoppop. co. uk



Know anyone in #Fleet? Tell them @24kbrunoshow and @hiphoppopdance are coming this Half-Term!


It‚Äôs time to get this lot back! When I (Jen) ask the team to ‚Äėfilm a routine/rehearsal‚Äô this is the kind of thing I get left with on my phone as well as the videos ūü§¶ūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ.. well it‚Äôs time to post a few of em.. ha ūüėāūü§£ūüĎć


#ThatsAWrap on the 1st half of this term. (No classes Mon 17th-Sat 22nd for half term break) See you all back from the 23rd onwards ūüĎčūüėéūüí™




If you‚Äôd like to what‚Äôs app it if you‚Äôre not sure on other ways, then no problem - 07817 774757 ūüí™


We're not always a fan of tricks in routines, as sometimes the 'dancing' comes second to it - BUT when it's added in SO WELL like this - it's incredible! YES!ūü§©


Do you LOVE Hip Hop Pop? Do you want to be on the big screen ?
We’d like our members to send in a 10-20 second video to us telling us what YOU love about Hip Hop Pop, or what your favourite memory is or what you’re excites about at HHP? We also want to hear from parents too - as a parent what you love about HHP?
... A random selection of videos sent will be shown on the big screen between routines at our LIVE performance showcase in March.
How to do it: - record your 10-20 second video in the best quality you can in LANDSCAPE -record in a quiet place so we can hear you clearly, speak up and deliver it the best you can with conviction - send to jenny@hiphoppop.net or send Dropbox or we transfer link. (Please do not text or what’s app it as quality will be lost)
Look forward to receiving your videos
Please remember we’d love to feature them all but there will be limited time/space. Happy Filming!

See more


Here‚Äôs a snip of the end section of our Adult Groove Crew performing our piece ‚ÄėSTRENGTH‚Äô last night at #CelebrateHarlow What‚Äôs incredible about the adult team is even though the age range of the group is between 17 and 36 with different backgrounds at different stages in our lives... when we‚Äôre dancing we are ONE ‚ėĚÔłŹ. One passion, one goal, one team #teamwork
Thank you again Harlow Playhouse and Harlow Council for having us ‚̧ԳŹūüėéūüĎć


ūüí™ūüí™ūüí™ūüĎÄūüĎÄūüĎÄūüėéūüėéūüėéūüĎĆū üĎĆūüĎĆ The age 12-17 Groove crew performed last night at #CelebrateHarlow an adaption of our ‚ÄėFEAR THE PEAKY BLINDERS‚Äô routine and they absolutely killed it! Here‚Äôs a snippet!
Well done to all involved Special shout out to Harlow Playhouse and Harlow Council for putting this on ūüėÉ




#SHOTOUT to Harlow Playhouse and Harlow Council Looking forward to some of our teams performing on #hometurf this evening in #celebrateharlow


We‚Äôre excited to #CelebrateHarlow tonight and share the stage with lots of Harlow talent. We will be performing 2 pieces at @harlowplayhouse tonight: ‚ÄėSTRENGTH‚Äô by our senior Groove Crew and ‚ÄėFEAR THE PEAKY BLINDERS‚Äô by our Age 12-17 Groove Crew ūüí™ūüĎćūüėé Harlow Playhouse Harlow Council


Wonder what else HHP dancers get up to at the weekends.. they gig all over the country with a few shows, last weekend they flew ‚úąÔłŹ to #Badalona in #Spain with #24KBruno to perform ūüí™


There‚Äôs one place that you can escape everything apart from the music, the movement and the people... step on the dance floor ‚̧ԳŹ
Here’s tonight’s adult class, fun with @willsmith #Will2k
Choreo @jennybater
... (We do not claim to own the rights to this track)
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HHP Members information: Classes are open this week regardless of the weather (assuming venues keep their doors open) HOWEVER we must stress, your safety is paramount - please do not put yourselves at any risk travelling to class venues. If we see you then fab, if not then there‚Äôs always next week ūüĎć


Be careful team when travelling to/from rehearsals today #safejourney


Exactly 1 month to go! HIP HOP POP - A CLASS SHOWCASE 2020 7th and 8th March Harlow Playhouse TICKETS: https://playhouseharlow.ticketsolve.com/s hows/873609949


Do you LOVE Hip Hop Pop? Do you want to be on the big screen ?
We’d like our members to send in a 10-20 second video to us telling us what YOU love about Hip Hop Pop, or what your favourite memory is or what you’re excites about at HHP? We also want to hear from parents too - as a parent what you love about HHP?
... A random selection of videos sent will be shown on the big screen between routines at our LIVE performance showcase in March.
How to do it: - record your 10-20 second video in the best quality you can in LANDSCAPE -record in a quiet place so we can hear you clearly, speak up and deliver it the best you can with conviction - send to jenny@hiphoppop.net or send Dropbox or we transfer link. (Please do not text or what’s app it as quality will be lost)
Look forward to receiving your videos
Please remember we’d love to feature them all but there will be limited time/space. Happy Filming!

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More about Hip Hop Pop

07817 774757