Hippy Hippy Shake



Go Super You is now launched!!!! Whoop :) https://www.facebook.com/gosuperyou/


Monsanto possibly one of the most evil companies in the world, have finally lost in court! Convicted because their product has been proven to have caused Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in Johnson which is killing him. He was awarded $289 million in damages! 8,000 more cases pending against Monsanto, here's hoping they will all be successful too
https://articles.mercola.com/…/health-e ffects-of-glyphosate…


Go Super You's superfood mixes are great added into smoothies or juice. Here's some great smoothie ideas to add yours to:
https://www.facebook.com/michael.barraclo ugh.7543/posts/1847345098865815


The surprising benefits of sleeping naked
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMvrXmg58 1s


Pretty much everywhere we look there are stories of climate change, weird weather, animals facing extinction, etc. Sometimes it can seem hopeless. We may be making progress towards switching to greener energy but how are we going to remove the existing carbon dioxide from our atmosphere. This is the first optimistic book I have read, backed up by real science, with practical tips on how all of us can make a tangible difference and actually remove the carbon from the air and store it in the soil.


Bought a Nutribullet for Christmas it's awesome. Gonna be creating some yummy smoothies :)


Following on with topic of how to spend your money wisely on nonorganic and organic fruit and veg, here is a list of Best and Worst food tested for pesticide residue. I found it fascinating that Raspberries are one of the best fruits but yet Strawberries are one of the worst fruits for pesticide residue.
http://www.pan-uk.org/…/best-worst-food -for-pesticide-resid…


Organic food can be incredibly expensive and I think supermarkets often way over price organic products far more than the actual cost difference of producing the thing organically, because they know that people who care about the food they eat are willing to pay more. It's a minefield of choice out there, there are things that ok to buy non-organic (therefore cheap) and some things that should definitely be avoided unless they are organic. How do we choose? Here is a good place to start....the Dirty Dozen, 12 of the most contaminated fruit and veg that should definitely be avoided if possible unless organic. I will be sharing with you some more lists like the clean 15, fruit and veg which is fine to eat non organic and will save you some ££££


It's been so nice this summer being able to pick lunch straight from the garden


Have you heard about the importance of maintaining a healthy colony of gut bacteria? Scientists are finding more and more evidence showing how a healthy guy can provide a multitude of health benefits. Most of us at sometime over the course of our life have taken antibiotics (which I'm not knocking as they can be really helpful when your really sick), but they do knock out your healthy gut bacteria in the process. So the question is how can we repopulate our gut? You can buy s...ome natural yogurt from the supermarket, but this commercial yoghurt is pretty low on good bacteria or we can buy some probiotics and the good ones are expensive. The great news is that we can make our own sources of good bacteria and very cheaply. Wild Fermentation shares easy to follow recipes from around the world, I highly recommend this book. If you're concerned about the word ferment (it's not often used in the English language), just think that we enjoy a glass of beer because hops have been fermented and the yeast that makes bread rise is a process of fermentation.
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Get your happy on!!!