Historians' Workshop: Fundamental Skills Training For History Students

About Historians' Workshop: Fundamental Skills Training For History Students

Informal meetings to discuss skill development and historians' tools.

Historians' Workshop: Fundamental Skills Training For History Students Description

History can be studied and communicated in very diverse ways. These informal meetings are aimed at developing skills, and especially discussing ways to gradually gain them. Sessions often open with faculty members giving short comments on how they have shaped their skill development and are continuing to progress, and then leave lots of time for friendly discussion, tips, and questions. Last year's workshops included topics such as exam paper writing, pitching ideas to the media, and a drop-in session to talk about dissertation topics. We hope to be welcoming many undergraduate and graduates for this year's meetings!



Workshop on How to Give a Talk, led by Daniel Allemann and Tom Simpson.
Open to undergraduate as well as graduate students.
1-2pm, Room 11, History Faculty.


You've done the reading and formed your ideas, now how do you get them onto paper? Are there particular aspects of your writing you would like to improve? This session offers an informal Q&A on essay writing and there will be plenty of time for trouble shooting your own writing practices. Come and join Dr Ceri Law, post-doctoral research associate, for a masterclass on the nuts and bolts of essay writing.
1-2pm, Room 11, History Faculty.


NEW PROGRAMME Historians’ Workshop, Lent 2019 Fundamental Skills Training for History Students
History can be studied and communicated in very diverse ways. These informal meetings are aimed at developing skills, and especially discussing ways to gradually gain new skills. Sessions usually begin with faculty members offering brief thoughts on how they have approached their own skill development and how they continue to make progress, leaving lots of time for friendly discussi...on, tips, and questions. Previous workshops have included topics such as exam paper writing, pitching ideas to the media, and effective note-taking. We hope to welcome many undergraduate and graduates to this term's meetings!
All sessions take place from 1-2pm in Room 11 in the History Faculty:
23 January: Essay Writing Masterclass, led by Ceri Law)
6 February: How to Give a Talk, led by Daniel Allemann and Tom Simpson)
For more information, or if you would like to suggest a topic for a future session, please let us know!
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The Historians' Workshop warmly invites all postgrads and postdocs to our last workshop of the year: 'Bystander Intervention' with Dr Amy Erickson.
'Bystander intervention' is a term most frequently encountered as a technique to intercept sexual violence, but there are much wider applications for these strategies. An institutional ‘climate’ of discrimination is often built from countless small incidents. Sometimes if people can’t or don’t want to invoke an official complaint...s procedure, there can be a feeling that nothing more can be done. Bystander training gives people additional options to stop the behaviour and give support to those who are targeted. This can help change the accepted cultural norms of workplaces and communities – even of a conversation. Come join Amy Erickson as we brainstorm practical ways to challenge discriminatory or harmful behaviour taking place in our daily lives.
For those who would like to do some optional pre-reading on bystander intervention in academic contexts, we recommend Jennifer Saul's article, 'Stop thinking so much about 'sexual harassment'', Journal of Applied Philosophy 31, no. 3 (2014). https://drive.google.com/…/0B7Mxz52bliQ ic19FcEJaZlA4X…/view…
For more information, please contact the convenors, Emma Nicholls (en295) and Sietske Fransen (sf547).
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3 May, 1-2pm, History Faculty, Room 6.
In this workshop we will discuss some techniques to write with greater confidence. These techniques will be of use for your writing in general, but are aimed especially at the writing of exams. Dr Helen Pfeifer will share what she found useful to improve her prose. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing, so discussion and sharing tips will be actively encouraged! This workshop is primarily aimed at students preparing for exam writing.


Please be advised that in support of strike action by staff, two Historians' Workshops scheduled for next week on Tuesday 6th (Publishing Your First Book, with Lucy Rhymer of CUP) and Thursday 8th (Presenting and Public Speaking, with Daniel Allemann and Tom Simpson) have been cancelled. We know there has been a lot of interest in these workshops and advice about a possible reschedule will be circulated in due course. If you have any queries, please contact the convenors, Emma Nicholls (en295) or Sietske Fransen (sf547).


Wonderful to see so many at our dissertation drop-in last week! Thank you all for coming and especially faculty and current and past students for volunteering to talk to prospective students.
Our next workshop for undergrads is on 21 Feb, 1-2pm, and is a very exciting split-session: In Room 6, Lucy Delap will be telling us all about the ethics, practicalities and possibilities of doing Oral History. At the same time, over in Room 9, Stefan Hanss will be leading a hands-on in...troduction to palaeography - exactly how do you go about reading medieval and early modern texts when the handwriting, spelling, habits of abbreviation and effects of time make them almost illegible to modern readers? Two exciting workshops on at the same time, so choose your own adventure!
All undergraduates welcome - especially recommended for those considering doing a part II dissertation or postgraduate study.
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Check out our brand new Easter and Lent term program of workshops!


Thinking about doing a dissertation in the final year of your undergraduate degree? Then come along to to our 'Dissertation Drop-In' session on January 26. It starts at 3pm, immediately following Dr Andrew Arsan's lecture on what doing a a dissertation involves. Lecturers, potential supervisors, current students, and special collections staff will be on-hand to answer all your questions. All undergraduates welcome.
Room 6, 3-4.30pm, January 26


Fantastic to see so many today at our final workshop of the term! In Lent we will be back with with a full program of workshops for undergraduates and postgrads/pdocs. Highlights include:
* For undergrads: 'Dissertation Drop-In'. Lecturers, potential supervisors, current students, and special collections staff will be on-hand to answer all your questions about doing a dissertation.
* For pgs/ pdocs: 'Publishing Your First Book' with Lucy Rhymer of Cambridge University Press.
... More details to follow soon!
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Stop passively replicating the arguments of other people! Note-taking is a vital step between reading and writing: it helps us synthesise the work of others, pick out important points, and organise our own thoughts. But did you know that simply tweaking the way you take notes can help make the time you spend reading more useful to you when it comes to writing? At this workshop, we will share some simple tips and techniques will help turn your note-taking into a more productive exercise and catapult you into writing sooner.
Led by Ceri Law, Sietske Fransen, and Emma Nicholls. All History undergraduates welcome.


Tomorrow: workshop on footnotes and references. Especially for undergraduate students, 1-2pm, in Room 10.


Fantastic to see so many at our Essay Writing Masterclass yesterday! Next up, 'Footnotes, referencing software, and more!' on Oct 31, 1-2pm.
If you would like the powerpoint slides from Dr Ceri Law's Masterclass yesterday, please do email Emma (en295) or Sietske (sf547). And as always, we'd love to hear your feedback or ideas for future workshops!


First Historians' Workshop of the year THIS TUESDAY Oct 17 - an Essay Writing Masterclass with Dr Ceri Law, 1-2pm, Rm 10 in the History Faculty. All undergrads welcome!


This Tuesday, the first session of this terms Historians' Workshops. Come to Room 10 in the History Faculty, 1-2pm, for informal Q&A about Essay Writing. All students welcome!


Hello all! Welcome to a new term and a new series of Historians' Workshops. First up is an Essay Writing Masterclass for undergraduates with Dr Ceri Law on Oct 17, 1-2pm in Rm 10 of the History Faculty. Check out our events tab for more details, and hope to see you there!


Historians' Workshop Michaelmas 2017 - the programme. All sessions take place at Room 10 in the History Faculty.


Have you been invited to write a book review? Are you wondering how to balance the description of the book with your opinions? Or are your wondering how to get on the radar of book review editors? Bring your questions along to this session with Dr Andrew Arsan, Book Review Editor of The History Journal, to learn more about writing and publishing book reviews.

More about Historians' Workshop: Fundamental Skills Training For History Students

Historians' Workshop: Fundamental Skills Training For History Students is located at West Road, CB3 9EF Cambridge, Cambridgeshire