Hm Coastguard Bacton

About Hm Coastguard Bacton

Coastguard Rescue Teams covering Happisburgh & Mundesley co-located in Bacton, Norfolk.




Team paged at 16.17 to a 20 foot object drifting north off Happisburgh Cart Gap, reported by Happisburgh Coast Watch. Happisburgh lifeboat also paged. On arrival the objects in question was located using binoculars and the lifeboat investigated, once nearby it was reported that the objects were a twelve foot string of sixty yellow and green balloons. The balloons were taken a shore and disposed of. All teams stood down. ... Many thanks to Happisburgh RNLI and Happisburgh Coast Watch. 35/19
To Search To Rescue To Save
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HELP US, HELP YOU - TAKE A SELFIE Today is National selfie day.
When you’re heading to the beach take a selfie with all the family as soon as you get there.
... An up to date photo of your children, including what they are wearing that day, will be a massive help to the Coastguard and other Emergency Services if you report your children as missing.
Children are notorious for wandering off and going on adventures without telling anyone.
They are usually only missing for a very short period of time but seconds count so please #KnowWhoToCall if someone goes missing at the beach or along the coast.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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Team paged at 11.50 this morning to a missing female that could be in the Bacton area on the beach. Mundesley lifeboat also tasked. The team started a beach search and found out the lady in question was safe and well. Team stood down and returned to the station. #34/19
... To Search To Rescue To Save
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Team paged at 17.30 to object in the water off Happisburgh new slip. Happisburgh lifeboat also tasked. Bacton 09 directed the lifeboat from the cliff top to the object in question, the lifeboat confirmed it was a wave marker bouy. False alarm with good intent, team stood down and returned to the station. #33/19
... To Search To Rescue To Save
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The team was paged at 12.13 today to possible ordnance at Happisburgh Cart Gap. On arrival the person who found the object had carried it off the beach and handed it in to Happisburgh coast watch. The item in question was photographed and measured, the personnel in coast watch was asked to leave the premises while it was determined what the object was. The photos and details were sent to EOD who decided it was not ordnance and not dangerous. The team were stood down. Many th...anks to Happisburgh coast watch for their help. If anything suspicious is found on the beach please do not touch it and call 999 and ask for the Coastguard. #32/19 To Search To Rescue To Save
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Following the recent heavy rain, please be careful of the cliffs being unstable, the link below was this morning at Sidestrand. If you see anything dangerous on our coastline, please call the Coastguard. , ountryside/permalink/2337104733037260/

More about Hm Coastguard Bacton

Hm Coastguard Bacton is located at Pollard Street, NR120LB Bacton, Norfolk