Hm Saddles

About Hm Saddles

HM Saddles - saddles, bridles and accessories designed by Heather Moffett. Flexible saddles, including the Vogue SoftTree saddle and FlexEE leather-treed saddle.

Hm Saddles Description

International Classical Seat trainer, Heather Moffett recognised many years ago that the vast majority of saddles were the biggest hindrance to the correct ear /shoulder /hip /heel alignment, the only position of balance, when on a horse. The stirrup bars on saddles were too far forward to allow the rider to just sit in balance, without having to hold the stirrup leather back at an angle of about 30 degrees, if the leg was not to be too far forwards too.

Moving the stirrup bars back so that the leather hangs perpendicularly under the thigh, as well as having a seat that cushions the seatbones so that the rider can sit on them without pressure and discomfort, means that the rider no longer has to fight the saddle and can get on with the business of learning to ride and training the horse!

Heather has worked with a number of manufacturers over the years, in both treed and treeless designs all of which have been ergonomically designed to assist the rider to sit with ease, as well as affording comfort and freedom of movement for the horse.

Attention is paid to the best possible materials for the price, so that the saddles remain excellent value for money as well as superbly designed to accommodate as many horse and rider shapes as possible!