Ho-Ja 好呷

Monday: 11:30 - 23:00
Tuesday: 11:30 - 23:00
Wednesday: 11:30 - 23:00
Thursday: 11:30 - 23:00
Friday: 11:30 - 23:00
Saturday: 11:30 - 23:00
Sunday: 12:30 - 23:00

About Ho-Ja 好呷

Taiwanese street food, bubble tea, freshly made bento and Karaoke room service. Follow us for great value deals and promotion, don't miss out!

Ho-Ja 好呷 Description

Ho-ja means tasty in Taiwanese. We provide famous Taiwanese street food and different types of bento freshly made on site by expert staff /chef everyday.

* Our popular dish: chicken popcorn, beef noodle soup, bubble tea, tofu dishes.
* Ho-ja Shepherd's Bush have two Karaoke private rooms for customers get together, enjoy food, drinks and sing together!
* Other services: group meal for delivery, party event, outside catering.

We are passionate about our food and we know you will love it too! We have created a trendy and warm welcoming environment for you to sit in enjoy the meal. Welcome to enjoy the "Ho-ja" food!

Ho-ja Shepherd bush
39 Goldhawk Road, W12 8QQ

Ho-ja Holloway Road
Unit 10, Nag's Head Market, 22 Seven sister Road N7 6AG



­čôŹšĆŹňąÂňë¬Úź«ŔÂ┤ Kriz Úź«ň×ő Pop Shop ŠşíŔ┐ĊƬŠťőňĆőńŞÇŔÁĚńżćňÉâÚ╣╣ÚůąÚŤ× ňľŁšĆŹňąÂ ňë¬ňąŻÚáş ŠÖéÚľô 11~12 Aug 10:30AM ~18:00 PM ňť░Ú╗× Ho-ja ňąŻňĹĚ Putney 62 West Hill, SW18 1RU
... ­čôŹňë¬Úź«Ŕ▓╗šöĘ ┬ú35 per person (Kids uner 12 ┬ú20 / Kids uner 6 ┬ú10) šĆżňá┤ŠĆÉńżŤšĆŹňąÂńŞÇŠŁ»(ŠłľňĆ»ŠĆŤÚľőňľťš âĆÚżŹŔîÂ, ŔśőŠ×ťŔą┐ŠëôšşëňůÂń╗ľÚú▓ňôü)
­čôŹŠĽČŔźőŠĆÉňëŹÚáÉš┤ä´╝îŔźőňÉĹ Kriz ÚáÉš┤ä 07383568972 Jolin19890704@gmail.com ŔźőňëŹńŞÇňĄęŠ┤ŚÚź«ńŞŽňő┐ńŻ┐šöĘń╗╗ńŻĽÚź«Ŕć áÚź«ŔáčšşëÚÇáň×őšöĘňôü
ńżćŔç¬ňĆ░šüú Eros Salon ň░łŠąşÚź«ň×őňŞź Šťëňůźň╣┤šÂôÚęŚ ­čôŹŔłçšťżňĄÜŠśÄŠśčňÉłńŻť´╝łŠ╝öňö▒ŠťâŃÇüM VŠőŹŠöŁ´╝ë ­čôŹňĆâŔłçŠÖéň░ÜÚŤťŔ¬î ŠőŹŠöŁVogueŃÇüšżÄÚ║ŚńŻ│ń║║...šşë ­čôŹňĆâŔłçšäíŠĽŞŠČíFashion show ­čôŹSebastian šĘ«ňşÉŔČŤňŞź ­čôŹ2014ňťĘŠ│ĽŔśşňůőšŽĆňĆâŔ│ŻŠő┐ńŞőńŞľšĽî ňćáŔ╗Ź­čĆ抳ɚé║ňĆ░šüúňĆ▓ńŞŐšČČńŞÇńŻŹńŞľ šĽîňćáŔ╗Ź #kriz #Eros #Hojaputney
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Free gift for kids in Ho-ja Putney ÚÖÉÚçĆšőŚšçłš▒á ňůŹŔ▓╗š┤óňĆľńŞş Ho-ja putney SW18 1RU #freegift #putney #wansworth #sw18 #sw18mums


Free gift for kids in Ho-ja Putney ÚÖÉÚçĆšőŚšçłš▒á ňůŹŔ▓╗š┤óňĆľńŞş Ho-ja putney SW18 1RU #freegift #putney #wansworth #sw18 #sw18mums


#goldhawdroad Notice:
We will be closed for refurbishment from 20 Aug 2018 to 30 Aug 2018 (both dates inclusive) and will be opened as usual from 31 Aug 2018.
... We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to seeing you again.
Hoja-shepherd bushň║Śń╝ĹňůČňĹŐ´╝Ü
ŠäčŔČŁŠéĘšÜäŠö»ŠîüŔłçŠäŤŔşĚ ŠťČň║ŚňŤáňůžÚâĘŔúŁń┐«ŠĽ┤šÉćń╣őŠĽů Šľ╝8Šťł20ŠŚąŔç│30ŠŚąň║Śń╝Ĺ 8Šťł31ŠŚąŔÁĚŠüóňżęŠşúňŞŞšç芹ş ŔőąÚÇኳɊéĘšÜäńŞŹńż┐´╝ČŔźőŔŽőŔźĺ
See More


Ŕ│╝Ŕ▓Ěń╗╗ńŻĽňĽĄÚůĺ2šô´╝îňĆ»Ŕ┤łŠîçň«ÜńŻÉÚ ůĺň░ĆňÉâ(ň░Ćň░ĆÚůą)ńŞÇń╗Ż
ŠóŁŠČżŔłçš┤░ňëç´╝Ü... ÔÇóň䬊âኝ늼łŠťčŔç│2018ň╣┤8Šťł31ŠŚą´╝îň ░Ćň░ĆÚůąÚÇüň«îňŹ│Šşó ÔÇóň䬊âáńŞŹňĆ»ŔłçňůÂń╗ľń┐âÚŐĚň䬊âá/ŠŐśŠ ëúňÉîŠÖéńŻ┐šöĘ ÔÇóňůŹŔ▓╗ň░ĆňÉâńŞŹňĆ»ňůîŠĆŤšĆżÚçĹ ÔÇóŠ»ĆŠČíń║ĄŠśôňĆ»ňůîŠĆŤńŞÇń╗Żň░Ćň░ĆÚůą ÔÇóň┐ůÚáłňťĘńŞÇŠČíń║ĄŠśôńŞşŔ│╝Ŕ▓ĚňůęšôÂňĽ ĄÚůĺ
Cheers up! Buy 2 beers to get a free Mini Rice Cracker snack (Light spicy)
Terms and Conditions: ÔÇóOffer is valid until 31 Aug 2018 or whilst stock lasts ÔÇóOffer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offer / discount ÔÇóFree snack is not exchangeable for cash ÔÇóOne Mini Rice Cracker can be redeemed per transaction ÔÇóTwo beers must be purchased in a single transaction
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ÚĽĚŠŽ«Ŕł¬šę║ŠęčńŞŐÚŤťŔ¬î´╝îŔâŻňťĘHoja Úľ▒Ŕ«Çňł░ń║ć´╝îŠëżńŞÇňĄęňŹłňÉÄ´╝îńżćňąŻňĹ ĚňÉ╣ŔĹŚŔłĺŠťŹšÜäňćĚŠ░úŃÇüňôüňĹ│ňĆ░šüúŔíŚ Úáşň░ĆÚúč´╝îÚľ▒Ŕ«Çš▓żň┐âšĚĘŔ╝»šÜ䊌ůŔíîÚ ŤťŔ¬îŃÇéšżÄňąŻšÜäńŞÇňĄęń╣čň░▒ňŽéŠşĄ´╝Ü´╝ ë#evaair #hoja


Šľ░Ŕ▓ĘńŞŐŠ×´╝ü #ňąçšżÄňîůňşÉ#ŔŐőÚáşňîů#ÚŽÖšşŹňîů#ÚźśÚ║ŚŔ Ćťňîů´╝ü ň┐źńżćňąŻňĹĚŔ▓Ěń║ćňîůňşÉ´╝îňĄęŠ░úšć▒ńŞŹŠâ │ňÉâÚú»´╝îŔĺŞňÇőňîůňşÉńŞŹŔćę´╝üŠľ╣ńż┐šÜä ŠŚęÚĄÉŃÇüňşęňşÉŠöżňşŞňżîšÜäÚ╗×ň┐âŃÇüŔÇüň ůČšÜäň«ÁňĄťÔŁĄÔŁĄÔŁĄ


a little tip for you to protect your baby from overheating, or you can come to Ho-ja for nice food, drink and air con. :)
Ŕ┐ĹŠŚąňÇźŠĽŽňĄęŠ░úšéÄšć▒ňĄžň«Âň░Ćň┐âńŞŹŔŽ üńŞşŠÜĹń║ć´╝íŔ┐ÄńżćňąŻňĹĚňÉâÚú»ňľŁÚú▓ ŠľÖňÉ╣ňćĚŠ░ú´╝îšąŁšŽĆňĄžň«Â ňĄĆŠŚąŠäëň┐ź´╝ü
A simple and safe way to protect your baby from overheating, no special equipment required just a muslin and a few pegs to secure it to the handles ­čĺĽ


Hoja Putney support local school! Nice weather and nice charity sale!!! Our chicken popcorn and bubble juice are so popular!!!!
#charity #charitysale #putney


Local supermarket starts in Ho-ja putney #taiwanesefood #koreanfood #japanesefood #supermarket #local #putney Ŕą┐ňŹŚňąŻňĹĚŔÂůňŞéÚľőŔ│úňŤë´╝ü @ Ho-ja ňąŻňĹĚ Putney


ňąŻń╣ůŠ▓劝ëňŤ×ň«Âń║ć´╝îÚéäňąŻŠťëÚÇÖńŞÇňĹ │ÚÖ¬ń╝┤ÚüÄš»Ç´╝îšąŁšŽĆňĄžň«ÂÚüÄš»Çň┐źŠĘé ´╝ü Soybean drink from Taiwan, Vegetarian and healthy drink! #healthyfood #taiwan #vegan #vegetarian #taiwanesefood #soyabeanmilk #soya


ňąŻń╣ůŠ▓劝ëňŤ×ň«Âń║ć´╝îÚéäňąŻŠťëÚÇÖńŞÇňĹ │ÚÖ¬ń╝┤ÚüÄš»Ç´╝îšąŁšŽĆňĄžň«ÂÚüÄš»Çň┐źŠĘé ´╝ü Soybean drink from Taiwan, Vegetarian and healthy drink! #healthyfood #taiwan #vegan #vegetarian #taiwanesefood #soyabeanmilk #soya


ňŻęňŽŁšĽîšÜäŠëŤŠúĺňşÉ Vicky Lin Š×ŚÚčőšÂ║ ÚÇáŔʬŔą┐ňÇźŠĽŽHo-jaňąŻňĹĚ šťčšÜ䊜»ŔÂůš┤ÜŠŽ«ň╣ŞňĽŐ´╝ü
VňžŐńŞŹńŻćŠś»ňŻęňŽŁňŐčňŐŤňąŻ ŠőŹšůžňŐčňŐŤŠŤ┤Šś»ňąŻ´╝ü ŠŐŐŠłĹňÇĹÚĄÉň╗│ŠőŹňżŚŔÂůšżÄšÜä
... ŠşíŔ┐ÄňťĘňÇźŠĽŽšÜäŠÁĚňĄľÚüŐňşÉ Šâ│ň«ÂšÜäŠÖéňÇÖńżćŠłĹňÇĹÚĄÉň╗│ňŁÉňŁÉ ňôüňĹ│Ú╣╣ÚůąÚŤ× ńżćŠŁ»šĆŹšĆáňąÂŔî ń╗ÖŔŹëŔťť ŔüŐŔüŐňĄę ňĄžň«ÂńŞÇŔÁĚŠâ│ň«ÂŠ»öŔ╝âńŞŹň»éň»× >///<
ňŞîŠťŤňĄžň«ÂňťĘňÇźŠĽŽšÜ䊌ąňşÉÚâŻňĆ»ń╗ąň╣ ŞšŽĆšżÄňąŻ
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Magic black mask from taiwan! Very popular in Asia market, top sale in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan, hope you like it! ňťĘňĆ░šüúňżłňĄ»šÜäÚ╗ĹÚŁóŔćťńżćňŤëŃÇüŠĽŞÚç ĆŠťëÚÖÉ´╝îň┐źńżćňąŻňĹĚŠîľň»Âňľö´╝ü#mask #beautycare #blackmask


Best tip for smart mom ( or lazy mom :-p) Frozen Taiwanese pancake is your best choice for breakfast or tea for your son! Veg, fast cook and super easy! Bring one home and pan fried few mins!! So so delicious!!! ňĆ░šüúňąçšżÄŔöąŠ▓╣ÚĄů šÖ╗ňá┤´╝üŠťëÚŽÖŔöąňĺîÚčşŔĆťňĆúňĹ│´╝îň┐źÚÇ čŃÇüŠľ╣ńż┐ŃÇüň«ëň┐âŃÇüňąŻňÉâ´╝ęÚĄÉŃÇü ň«ÁňĄťŠťëŔĹŚŔÉŻń║ć´╝üŠÁĚňĄľň¬Żň¬ŻŔ╝ĽÚČćŔ é▓ňůĺ100ŠőŤ-2 ň┐źńżćňąŻňĹĚŔúťŔ▓ĘňĽŐ
#pancake #pancakes #taiwan #healthyfood #vegan #vegan #taiwanesefood #breakfast #nightsnack #kidfood


Feel boring about crisps? Please try our Taiwanese crisps as watch tv snack, prepare for FIFA!! ÔÜŻ´ŞĆ­čĆÇ­čĆł­čąů ňťĘňąŻňĹĚń╣čňĆ»ń╗ąŠëżňł░ščąňÉŹňĆ░šüúÚ╗×ň┐ âÚŤÂÚúčňľö´╝îŔ▓ĚńŞÇňîůŔ«ôňĄľňťőňĆőń║║ňÜÉ ňÜÉňÉž´Ż×ŠťÇŠúĺšÜäňťőŠ░ĹňĄľń║Ą! #crisps #snack #snack #hometown #taiwan #potato #foodie #foodies


Put some Tuna fish floss on rise, with a fired egg, will be a transitional Taiwanese street rice dish ÚşÜÚČćÚú»ŠşúňĄ»´╝ü
ŠëżńŞŹňł░ŔéëÚČć´╝芳ĹňÇĹŠťëŠşúň«ŚňĆ░šüúŔú ŻÚÇáňąŻňÉâÚ«¬ÚşÜÚČć´╝üÚüęňÉłňůĘň«ÂňĄžň░Ć ŃÇüŔ╝ĽÚČćÚůŹÚú»ňÉâ´╝îŠÁĚňĄľň¬Żň¬ŻŔü░ŠśÄŔ é▓ňůĺ100ŠőŤ-1 #fishdish #fishfibre #tuna #rice #taiwan #taiwanesefood


Šľ░šÜäÚú▓ŠľÖńŞŐŠ×ÂňĽŽ´╝üŠťëňľŁÚüÄšÜ䊝őňĆ őŔĚ芳ĹňÇĹňłćń║źńŞÇńŞőňľö´╝ü New drinks on board, try something different? Oriental taste soft drink, tell us how you feel! #grapejuice #pearjuice #plumjuice #plumdrink #icedcoffee


ŔČŁŔČŁŔÂůš┤ÜňĆ░šüúń║║ňŽ╗ňł░ŔʬňąŻňĹĚHo-ja Putney ňťĘňÇźŠĽŽšĽ░Úäë ňŐ¬ňŐŤŠëżňł░ÚüęňÉłšÜäÚúčŠŁÉ ŠĆÉńżŤňĄžň«ÂńŞÇÚ╗׊ǣÚäëšÜäŠäčŔŽ║ ŠĆÉńżŤńŞÇňÇőŔłĺÚüęšÜäňť░Šľ╣Ŕ«ôňĄžň«ÂŠşíŔü ÜńŞÇňáé
... ňŽéŠ×ťŠ▓劝ëÚüöňł░ňĄžň«Âň┐âńŞşšÜä100ňłć ŔźőňĄÜňĄÜŔŽőŔźĺňĽŽ ňŞîŠťŤňĄžň«ÂŔâŻňťĘŠłĹňÇĹšÜäÚ╣╣ÚůąÚŤ×ŃÇüšë ŤŔéëÚ║ÁŃÇüŔ▓óńŞŞŠ╣»ńŞş´╝îŠëżňł░ň«ÂšÜäŠäč ŔŽ║­čç╣­čç╝­čç╣­čç╝­čç╣­čç╝
https://www.facebook.com/1675533209209677 /posts/1689271864502478/
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Mandarin and Music class for child in Putney, first class is free, welcome to join us! ňÇźŠĽŽŔą┐ňŹŚňť░ňŹÇŠťëŠľ░šÜäňůĺšźąńŞşŠľçŔł çÚč│ŠĘéŔ¬▓šĘőŃÇüŠőŤšöčńŞş´╝ü


Wow!!!!!! This place is absolutely delicious! The Prawn pancake was incredible! The service from Summer was great. We cannot wait to go back!! The place was so busy with takeaways as well, so everyone knows it's really good and affordable. I'm so excited to come back!!!! Thank you thank you ´┐Ż´┐Ż´┐Ż


We went to ho-ja in putney , it was great space for eating and a great space for kids to play. Of course they also offer great food good price´╝ü

There are also a chef to show us the fresh dumping, and very yummy!! I will definitely come back!!


We went to Putney brunch. The staff are very friendly to my kids and food are excellent! Highly recommended! Will definitely visit again soon.


Very tasty food, very friendly staff and great value for money!


So so so good. Great real food. Greeted with big smiles. Packed on a Saturday night, but really quick service. Food so fresh and yummy. Clever menu & lovely people. Yum.


My favorite place for lunch. Good value for money and HOJA bubble tea is so nice!


Lovely little place. Food was yummy and service was reasonably fast. Will be back.


Love the simplicity presented on the dishes and at the restaurant vibe. Don't underestimate the taste. It is just so yummy! My 3yrs old son is a very fussy eater but he just can't stop nibbling those yummy chicken popcorn and spring rolls! We will definitely come back again! :)


Karaoke at downstairs plus delicious food only around £15 per person.


I would say the bubble tea in Hao-Ja is the best among all the bubble tea shops in London . I have tried lots of bubble tea in many chain tea shops in London. None of the bubble tea can compare with the one in Hao-ja, which reminds me of home. The bubble is perfectly cooked and soaked with brown sugar. The milk tea tastes exactly the same as the milk tea from the breakfast shops in Taiwan. I also highly recommend the fried popcorn chicken and fried green bean here. Great place to go for a quick lunch or snack.


I had lovely banto in there! Staffs were friendly, pearl bubble tea was just like they do in Taiwan.


I had a delicious lunch today - freshly cooked and the only issue was it was too hot to eat straight away!


Have been there few times, and none of them disappointed me.

Good food, nice decoration, and quality services...

Will definitely go there again!


Had lunch here with my friend on Saturday. The interior is really nice and bright. I had beef noodle and chicken popcorn and my friend had chicken katsu bento with curry sauce. We both really enjoyed our food. Plus we both only paid under a tenner! Definitely will come back again!


Great little family place, friendly staff and the handmade dumplings are to die for


Great Taiwan style food at last, like to see a bit more fat and juice on the Taiwan Prok rice Š╗ĚŔéëÚú» (Lo Ba Bung) the beef noodle (Niu Ro Mein) was excellent


First time here even though we live up the road, caught us by surprise, food was fresh and tasty, good service and reasonably well priced. Will definitely be back.


Best tofu meal of my life (tofu bento). Delicious, great and quick service xx


After visiting Taiwan many times in the last year, I've grown to love Taiwanese food. So, on a recent trip to London I decided to visit Ho-ja. It was fantastic, with many authentic dishes to choose from. The availability of Taiwan Beer and Bubble Tea made an excellent meal even better.

More about Ho-Ja 好呷

Ho-Ja 好呷 is located at 39 Goldhawk Road, W12 8QQ London, United Kingdom
Monday: 11:30 - 23:00
Tuesday: 11:30 - 23:00
Wednesday: 11:30 - 23:00
Thursday: 11:30 - 23:00
Friday: 11:30 - 23:00
Saturday: 11:30 - 23:00
Sunday: 12:30 - 23:00