Holbrooks Health Team

Monday: 07:00 - 18:30
Tuesday: 07:00 - 18:30
Wednesday: 07:00 - 18:30
Thursday: 07:00 - 18:30
Friday: 07:00 - 18:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Holbrooks Health Team

We’re proud to offer you excellent NHS and non-NHS health services in our brand new, purpose-built practice, conveniently located to the north of Coventry

Holbrooks Health Team Description

- Dr David Evans
- Dr Bettina Kleine

- Dr Preetha Thulasidasan
- Dr Razia Khan
- Dr R Raguram
- Dr Alison Smith
- Dr Andrew Barclay (long term locum)

- Melissa Keeshan

- Afshan Ghaffar

- Skylar Crutchlow
- Kerrie McCrystal
- Sunita Kalair

- Judy Shaw
- Di Harrison

Kerry J Crutchlow



Congratulations to our lovely Judy, who has just had confirmation from the NMC that she has now qualified as a Registered Nursing Associate. Judy has worked extremely hard over the last 2 years and her commitment to her studies and ongoing professional development has been outstanding.
Well done Judy, you did it!


Farewell to Ali Salzman!
After 16 years Ali is leaving the practice and moving on to take up a job in Stratford. Ali has been a loyal part of the Reception team opening up early and over the years locking up very late! Ali has tried other positions across the practice but always returned to Reception which she has enjoyed the most.
The staff at Holbrooks Health will not only miss her rushing around making sure ‘everything is right’ but Christmas Parties will not quite be the same! We wish her tons of luck!


DELAYS IN RECEIVING SMEAR RESULTS Ladies that have attended to see a Nurse/GP for a smear test will have been advised results can take up to 8 weeks. We have since been notified by the laboratory that due to the increase in smear samples being taken accross Coventry, Warwickshire & Rugby these results will now be taking between 10-12 weeks.
The results come directly from the hospital and are released to practices at the same time they are sent to patients. Ladies, if you are ...still waiting for the result from your smear test, please note the extended delays. If however, it has been over 12 weeks, please give us a ring and we can chase this up with the lab.
Many thanks for your co-operation.
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NHS Prescription ordering direct (POD) service is the easy way for you to order your repeat prescription!
Patients are advised to:
- Please check your medication cupboard before ordering... We ask patients to order their prescription when they have 5 days of medication left If you have a build up of medication please let us know so that we can adjust the quantities, so that everything falls in line Please do not order ‘just in case’. If you need the medication in future then you will still be able to request it - Let us know if you have stopped taking any of your medicines
(024) 7624 6072 Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm
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GP Extended Access We and many other practices in Coventry, Rugby and Nuneaton offer GP and Nurse appointments in the evening and at weekends – and even on BANK HOLIDAYS.
This means you will be able to see a GP or practice nurse at a time which is most convenient for you.
... To book an appointment or find out more, please speak to a Receptionist TODAY!
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Red Nose Day 2019 Pip & Andrew, our Practice Volunteers and members of our Patient Group are in Reception this morning providing Tea, Coffee, Toast, Toasted Tea Cakes and a selection of cakes.
Please pop along and help us support Red Nose Day!


Help Stop Cervical Cancer – before it starts
On Tuesday 5th March, Public Health England (PHE), with the support of NHS England, launched a new national campaign to encourage all eligible women to not ignore their cervical screening invite or if they have missed their last cervical screening, to book an appointment with their GP practice.
... Two women die every day from cervical cancer and we need your help to reduce this number. Cervical screening can stop cancer before it starts, attend for your screen save an estimated 5,000 lives per year, which is why it’s vital we encourage women to attend.
The number of eligible women attending their tests is at a 20-year low and coverage is at its lowest amongst women aged 25-35.
We will be offering appointments at a dedicated Saturday morning each month. Please ask Reception for details.
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Farewell & Thank you! Today we say ‘goodbye’ to Tina Yardley, Patient Services Support Manager, who has been with the practice for almost 22 years. Tina has worked in a variety of roles across the practice since she started as a Receptionist, including Finance and Dental until she settled into the Administration department.
Tina has decided to take some time out from the workplace altogether and spend some quality time with her family and dogs!


Car Park Closure – 6 March 2019
The car park located at 71-73 Wheelwright Lane will be closed until lunchtime on Wednesday 6th March 2019. Contractors will be on site to finish white and yellow line markings to resolve ongoing safety concerns with cars incorrectly parking in the driveway.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


#KeepAntibioticsWorking #AntibioticGuardian


Cold Weather Alert – Friday 18 Jan 2019
The Met Office has issued a level 2 weather alert for severe cold weather/overnight frosts/icy conditions from this Friday 18 Jan 2019 and over the weekend, with some wintry showers potentially on Thursday 17 Jan 2019.
Cold kills, even in places where temperatures are not at their lowest. Most of the health impacts caused by cold weather occur at moderate outdoor temperatures of between 4oC and 8oC.
... Remember to check in on vulnerable neighbours and support them with clearing snow and ice from driveways/walkways to allow access; and making sure people dress for the weather and avoid exposing themselves to cold or icy conditions if they are at higher risk of cold-related illness or falls.
If you are concerned about somebody who is unable to adequately heat their home, for advice about keeping energy bills down, benefits entitlements and qualification for loft and cavity wall insulation and other heating measures (please note these are not emergency numbers), please contact:
Coventry Residents – The Affordable Warmth Team on 024 7683 2330
Warwickshire Residents – The Act on Energy helpline 0800 988 2881
You can find further information on our council websites: www.coventry.gov.uk and www.warwickshire.gov. uk or our emergency planning website http://www.cswprepared.org.uk/home
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Mess Room!
With the increasing clinical team now working within the practice it has been agreed that a designated room is needed for their exclusive use. Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists and Paramedics will be able to meet informally to talk about distribution of work, peer support or even take their lunch!
The new room will be created within the waiting room and works will begin on Saturday 26 January 2019; it is expected that completion will be between 7-10 days.
... There will be limited disruption to patients but the appropriate Health and Safety considerations will be in place.
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Dry January
Why do DRY JANUARY? If you are reading this you are thinking about your drinking. Lots of us feel like we are drinking a bit too much, or a bit too often, or just like we could do with some time off. Dry January is the perfect way to reset your relationship with alcohol. It only take THREE WEEKS to break a habit, so this could be your route to a healthier drinking long-term!
Find out more benefits of DRY JANUARY or speak to a GP or Practice Nurse at the prac...tice.
https://alcoholchange.org.uk/…/why-do-d r…/why-do-dry-january
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Love Your Liver January is Love Your Liver month, and the Love Your Liver campaign is a national awareness initiative about liver health by the British Liver Trust – the UK charity for adults with liver conditions.
The Love Your Liver Roadshow embarks on a tour of the UK each January, offering pop-up liver health clinics to get your liver health assessed and tested if necessary.
... https://www.britishlivertrust.org.uk/
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1. Keep stocked up on your medicines making sure you get prescription medicines before Christmas Eve (Monday 24th December) 2. Eat well – enjoy Christmas and the lovely food but eat everything else in moderation! Even on Christmas you can try and eat 5 fruit and veg a day (parsnips, carrots, cranberries and even brussel sprouts count!) -and drink plenty of water (really does taste better withou...t the alcohol!) 3. Drink alcohol in moderation – yes, even at Christmas men and women should not drink any more than 14 units a week. If you are unsure of unit consumption visit calculating-alcohol-units 4. And after all that…….get out into the daylight for a light walk! Remember to wrap up warm; wrap a scarf loosely around your mouth to keep the air warm, add a hat and wear shoes with good grip. 5. However, if you have a heart or respiratory condition, stay indoors during very cold weather. If the temperature does fall below 8 degrees it can impact on your health if you are over 65, have long term health conditions or are pregnant 6. Don’t forget the family, friends or neighbours. If they are older, not well or vulnerable check they are ok. 7. Don’t forget the pharmacist for coughs, colds, sore throats and none urgent illness – they will be working around the city over the holiday period! 8. And finally, this is a great opportunity to remind you to have your flu jab. You can STILL protect yourself against the flu by getting the flu jab which is FREE if you are aged 65 or over, or if you have a long-term health condition. Check the practice for our opening hours or visit a pharmacy near you.
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NHS 70 CCG STAR AWARDS 2018 As most of you will know, the NHS turned 70 this year; Public Health England have worked with the Clinical Commisioning Groups (CCG) to recognise health and care staff who have gone over and above the call of duty.
We are very lucky to have had 3 nominees for HHT staff and all 3 have received awards! Congratulations to:... - Abby Jackson - Sylvia Boulton - Skylar R Crutchlow
A 'fake' meeting was arranged so that they could be presented with their awards. Very worthy winners!
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More about Holbrooks Health Team

(024) 7636 6775
Monday: 07:00 - 18:30
Tuesday: 07:00 - 18:30
Wednesday: 07:00 - 18:30
Thursday: 07:00 - 18:30
Friday: 07:00 - 18:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -