Holistic Cleaners

About Holistic Cleaners

Holistic Cleaners is an extraordinary cleaning company. The word Holistic came from the Greek word Holos, meaning entire or all. Clean house=Good-vibes.



We agree images of #toilet not so flattering to share however today once again one of our client asked us to use #bleach . We totally disagreed and took this photos of before and after to prove all you need is #toiletbombs 🙂 #giveupbleach #saveenvironment be #chemicalfree


The Holistic Cleaning Art Service is a platform where artists can show their pieces and get exposure whether they are emerging or established artists.
Here is a special item from Ley Loosh (www.leyloosh.com)
MinMundi Momentum Cubes
... — Products shown: MinMundi Momentum Cubes (medium), MinMundi Momentum Cubes (large) and MinMundi Momentum Cubes (small).
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It is a stone of protection dealing with the lower part of our energetic body and repelling negative energy of any kind. On the ground of it, reiki masters consider shungite as powerful root chakra healing stone. Root chakra or Muladhara is known as our “survival center”.


Hematite is known for absorbing negative energy and calming stress or worry. Hematite also works with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration. Its cooling and calming effect is ideal for situations where one needs to develop concentration and focus. Hematite brings quality and powerful grounding. It works with one's mind by calming it and clearing the unnecessary clutter. Ideal for desk, storage, closet and shelf.
— Products shown: HEMATITE.


Hold a piece of wood slightly upside down and light the tip until there is a small flame. After 1 minute, blow it out so only smoke is produced. Place it on an angle embers-down in a fireproof bowl in a way that will allow it to continue burning and gently blow on the embers when needed. This is called smudging. It may need to be re-lit several times so it will continue to release its essential oils and energetic properties. Some prefer to keep small rocks in a fireproof bowl... and the put the embers into the rock bed in order to put it out when finished. The stick can be reused several times until it is all gone. The aroma is similar to tree resin.
There are several ways to enjoy palo santo sticks and benefit from their properties. The most common way is to burn it as incense, but the sticks can also be cut into shavings and added to a resin incense blend. Another popular way to enjoy the aroma is to put the sticks in a satchel and place them in a drawer or closet.
— Products shown: Palo Sento (3 sticks).
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Today, many people are worried about how we treat the planet we already have. The alarming data surrounding climate change and depleted resources has forced the average person to consider their own footprint and ability to change.
Every person who wants to preserve our nature should take the first step on this issue.
Changing your cleaning habits can be a nice first step and this cleaning kit is created for you...
... — Products shown: Kit 2 (Home Cleanse Kit).
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Regular use of cleaning sprays has an impact on lung health comparable with smoking a pack of cigarettes every day, according to a new study.
The research followed more than 6,000 people over a 20 year period and found women in particular suffered significant health problems after long-term use of these products.
Lung function decline in women working as cleaners or regularly using cleaning products at home was comparable to smoking 20 cigarettes a day over 10 to 20 years.
... The scientists who carried out the study advised that such products should be avoided and can normally be replaced with simple microfibre cloths and water.
"While the short-term effects of cleaning chemicals on asthma are becoming increasingly well documented, we lack knowledge of the long-term impact," said Professor Cecile Svanes, a medic at the University of Bergen and the senior author of the study.
"We feared that such chemicals, by steadily causing a little damage to the airways day after day, year after year, might accelerate the rate of lung function decline that occurs with age."
The research was published in the American Thoracic Society's American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
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Can be placed anywhere you need to re-energise your space. You can use it near devices which emit radiation, to block these waves. Also, it is beautifully built as an art object to harmonise your visual space. Please let us know which you prefer.


Citrine Points
Solar quality of energy. Helps strengthen self-esteem and a positive, vibrant flow of energy in your house.
... Citrine is associated with the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras. By connecting with the sacral chakra, the citrine healing properties are most effective in stimulating an increase in sexual and creative fertility.
— Products shown: Citrine Points.
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HOLISTIC CANDLE FACTORY #Hand-made #soy-wax #lavender # scents # smells #candles. Sweetest gift ever with flower petals and aromatic herbs such as sage and lavender. All are made in #re-cycled #glass pots giving each candle a new #purpose and opportunity to fulfil a new #intention. Prices range from £5-£25. Please do not hesitate to contact us for purchasing. #candlefactory #shop #london #holistic #healing #craft #home-made @ London, United Kingdom


HOLISTIC CANDLE FACTORY #Hand-made #soy-wax #lavender # scents # smells #candles. Sweetest gift ever with flower petals and aromatic herbs such as sage and lavender. All are made in #re-cycled #glass pots giving each candle a new #purpose and opportunity to fulfil a new #intention. Prices range from £5-£25. Please do not hesitate to contact us for purchasing. #candlefactory #shop #london #holistic #healing #craft #home-made @ London, United Kingdom


HOLISTIC CANDLE FACTORY #Hand-made #soy-wax #lavender # scents # smells #candles. Sweetest gift ever with flower petals and aromatic herbs such as sage and lavender. All are made in #re-cycled #glass pots giving each candle a new #purpose and opportunity to fulfil a new #intention. Prices range from £5-£25. Please do not hesitate to contact us for purchasing. #candlefactory #shop #london #holistic #healing #craft #home-made @ London, United Kingdom


HOLISTIC CANDLE FACTORY #Hand-made #soy-wax #lavender # scents # smells #candles. Sweetest gift ever with flower petals and aromatic herbs such as sage and lavender. All are made in #re-cycled #glass pots giving each candle a new #purpose and opportunity to fulfil a new #intention. Prices range from £5-£25. Please do not hesitate to contact us for purchasing. #candlefactory #shop #london #holistic #healing #craft #home-made @ London, United Kingdom


HOLISTIC CANDLE FACTORY #Hand-made #soy-wax #lavender # scents # smells #candles. Sweetest gift ever with flower petals and aromatic herbs such as sage and lavender. All are made in #re-cycled #glass pots giving each candle a new #purpose and opportunity to fulfil a new #intention. Prices range from £5-£25. Please do not hesitate to contact us for purchasing. #candlefactory #shop #london #holistic #healing #craft #home-made @ London, United Kingdom


EM1 is very effective in cleaning as well as protecting the nature.
Spray over the surface area in need of cleaning and wipe with microfibre cloth. For reflective surfaces, spray and double wipe with a clean cloth. You can use a few sprays each time. Home-made and carefully packed in London, UK. Planet lover product and friendly. No toxic residue. Refillable bottles.
... — Products shown: EM1 EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISM.
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Late night #candle factory. Scents, smells and smudges on the way watch out for various ways to #clear and #cleanse your #space . Holistic Cleaners @leylooshone @berrakdamla Psy-Boutique Festival #love #light & #bliss #lavender #holistic #candlemakers @ Holistic Cleaners

More about Holistic Cleaners

+44 7444141557