Holistic Counselling/Inner Man-Inner Woman Work

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -

About Holistic Counselling/Inner Man-Inner Woman Work

Supporting Personal Growth, Inquiry, Understanding, Healing, Transformation, Integration, Connectedness, Presence, Awareness, Conscious Relating, Harmony, Inner Peace, Mindfulness, Meditation and Wellbeing.

Holistic Counselling/Inner Man-Inner Woman Work Description

It is my greatest passion to facilitate a warm and loving environment for understanding, healing, transformation and relaxation. I offer various sessions to support clients to live a life that is meaningful, harmonious and fulfilling to them.



Such a great reminder from Adyashanti: "It is not the pursuit of greater and greater states of happiness and bliss that leads to enlightenment, but the yearning for Reality and the rabid dissatisfaction with living anything less than a fully authentic life."
May this new month bring an uncompromising yearning for authenticity and clarity. May you feel fully supported by the fiery forces of the summer to speak your Truth and move/interact with grounded presence, courage and st...rength.
Blessings to us all 🙏
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Dear Ones,
I am so grateful to be able to share the healing gifts of therapeutic work and witness the profound transformations taking place in my clients' lives session after session.
Currently i am offering holistic counselling sessions via Skype, or in person in Corfu, Greece. ... We have tested with some of clients and we are very happy to see that Skype sessions also work perfectly fine.
If you think you need some support along the path of self-discovery, or looking for a warm and welcoming field to share what is going on inside, please feel invited to get in touch (devamanijacinta@gmail.com).
It is my genuine inspiration and joy to support individuals to rediscover and come home to the wholeness and beauty of their hearts.
"If your realised how beautiful you are, you would fall at your own feet." Byron Katie
I wish you all the courage to be authentic, real, vulnerable and live with an open heart even in the midst of challenging times.
With loving gratitude, Devamani Jacinta
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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?" Marianne Williamson
RED Essence is full of vitality, passion, freedom, aliveness and presence. It loves to live, expand, vibrate, radiate and experience. It gives you the capacity to take risks with an inherent sense of strength and courage. It feels that 'YES, I c...an! I am fully capable! This is me!' It is essential to be in touch with this force in order to live a life that is truly authentic, meaningful and REAL to YOU (not to the environment around you but to you individually).
In Red Latifa we work with anger, which is pure red essence, understanding its roots and transforming the stuck energies back into strength and vitality.
It is important to understand that healthy anger is very much needed to break free of limiting structures and beliefs. It gives us the power to burn up whatever is untrue.
Let the flames of red essence set you alive, burn up what is false and reveal your truth. It's worth inquiring into these questions: What is it that makes you fully ALIVE? What would happen if you showed up just 10% more in your life? What parts of you have you been hiding in the cupboard? Who are you? What is your true essence? What would it be like if you fully allowed yourself to be alive?
Wish you all a fiery and passionate weekend full of truth, vitality, joy and presence, Devamani
Artwork: Rassouli
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'And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk to bloom.' ... Marc Nepo
I know nothing more inspiring, fulfilling and rewarding than to hold a safe place for individuals to go deep into their fears, befriend the frightening chambers of the past, discover their courageous strength to break free of limiting ideas, and step into their true and full potential. There is nothing more beautiful than to a see a human heart blossoming, taking risks and shining in its true essence.
It is a gift to give counselling sessions and witness this healing process day after day in so many of my clients' life. If you feel that your time has come to take the risk to bloom and need some support along the path, do get in touch. Skype sessions work just as well. It is my greatest joy to facilitate healing and integration.
With loving inspiration, Devamani
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"Let no one keep you from your journey. Let nothing dissuade you from seeing what you see or feeling the winds that make you want to dance alone... or go where no one has yet to go.
You are the only explorer. Your heart, the unreadable compass. Your soul, the shore of a promise too great to be ignored." _Marc Nepo
I have returned to the beautiful island of Corfu where i feel in deep harmony and peace with existence. Such profound relaxation and exquisite joy in my heart! Giving thanks to everyone and everything in my life, including all the uplifting and painful lessons, that brought me right here. Bowing down with reverence and gratitude. Life itself is the greatest gift and miracle.
I can only encourage you to listen to what you know to be true in your heart and just follow that. Remember, 'you are the only explorer'!
Wish you all a beautiful Sunday filled with presence and joy, Devamani
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Such a beautiful reminder from Osho. Wishing you all a silently alive weekend! ❤️🙏


So wonderfully put. "And in all this continual risking the most profound courage may be found in the simple willingness to allow ourselves to be happy along the way…"


Such a great reminder! 'Be a true friend to yourself.'


Massage Therapy and Reiki support us to stay lose, flexible, nourished, connected, attuned, rejuvenated and peacefully balanced. Come and embark on 2018 with a deeply relaxing and healing experience.
I look forward to sharing the rewarding gifts of these complimentary therapies.


Holistic Counselling, Relationship Counselling and Inner Man/Inner Woman Work serve as powerful and life-changing catalysts on the journey of self-discovery, personal growth and integration. They help us open up to sincere vulnerability and become conscious of the unconscious mechanisms. Thus, we can be more of who we truly are and live a fulfilling, authentic, harmonious and peaceful life.

More about Holistic Counselling/Inner Man-Inner Woman Work

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -