Holistic Transformation With Phoenix

About Holistic Transformation With Phoenix

Reiki | DragonStar Healing | Ka Ba Sum ® | Coaching | Meditations | Astrology Natal Charts.

Bristol, UK.

Holistic Transformation With Phoenix Description

Reiki | DragonStar Healing | Ka Ba Sum ® | Courses | Meditations | Astrology

Book in for an energy therapy session in person (at Enso Healing Rooms) or I can visit you at your own home. Skype sessions also available.

I work with high frequency energy to help people cleanse and reintegrate personal power, soul energy and raise high vibrational energy shifts. Huge connection with Dragon energy and Egyptian energy.

Meditations held at the Spirit Tree -Bristol , RSVPing on Meetup.com/the-spirit-tree-bristol.

Learn Reiki or Ka Ba Sum in your own home (Bristol area only)! Contact me for details.



Interesting Lion's Gate so far (8/8). It has all been about sharing love. The biggest gift we can give.
Through opening up our hearts and being somewhat vulnerable, we can change our alignment, our resonating frequency. We can, but it is a choice or option. It's no failure if you don't, won't or can't.
Changing us changes everything. It's the cornerstone of ascension, imo. Each step we take towards our goals, can enlighten. Allow yourself to observe, to open.
... Happy Lion's Gateway ✴🦁🦁🎁
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Lunar Eclipse Magic Time!
An auspicious time! There's plenty of energetic help around today, whilst we deal with the void of the moon (eclipses).
Void is nothing to be afraid of, it is space. Space to work things out, space for healing, space to breathe in and space to allow new opportunities and enegies in to.
... It may seem quiet, or chaotic, but it is part of the process- and the gift of this time. Another opportunity. Highly Sensitive People (HSP) may need to take care- invoke protection if you feel you need it, allow those that you need into your inner circle. Hide if that feels right.
If you're open, you might get what you're looking for.
Personally, I've already had many pieces of different puzzles resolved today. Using the connection with Dragons has certainly helped bring this together. If not Dragons, connect in with what works best for you.
Injoy, inlight and inlove Phoenix
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Been spending another weekend with the Dragons, hoping to blog about it very soon. Big helpers at hand 🐉🐉🐉


There's five planets retrograde right now, causing some to freak out because of the R word.
Retrograde doesn't mean bad, it means a different perception of reality.
The recent trials and tribulations give us an opportunity to see beyond/through the fog and fix things that aren't working.
... You can really make your magic now, you can change things now. What hasn't been working for you- try and see the hurdles from a different perspective. There may be a different approach to doing something.
You may just need to see it. Relax, nothing is under control, lol.
P xx
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The full moon tonight (well tomorrow morning, UK time) gives us a potential dillema- what are you willing to do to get where you want to be?
The Capricorn moon wants a grounded steady, yet determined go for it. The Cancerian Solar powers are irritated and ready to pinch (or deluge) anything that stands in its way. The other aspects show obstacles are in your way.
Your choice is how to move through this.
... You have the resources, you have the power. Do you have the will? Is it what you really want?
You are being tested, so know you can ride through this.
Good luck!
Phoenix 🌕🌠
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It has been a tough week for many, and I see the astrology gave some insight- a time for grounding yourself and releasing what you need to take you through the full moon this week.
This turbulence is only temporary.


Happy Solstice everyone. Have a fab longest day 🌞🌞🌞


Our thoughts run like echoes throughout the universe.


As we muddle through this journey, know that 'mistakes' are a necessary part of the learning.
Just looking back at a few of mine from a few years ago, reflecting on the growth that has come from it. Seeing it in new light releases it from my timeline.
Big love to you and your journey. Take each step forward knowing that you've got this.... and you are supported. 👍🌐🌞


Happy Beltane everyone. It is a good day for healing. Following the full moon's (scorpio) shake-up, allow the settling and acceptance, the healing and the sense of balance to return. If you got knocked off balance, allow yourself to fall back into line. Things return, you are still very much 'you'. Foundations have not been destroyed.
The Moon moving into Sagittarius has brought a cheery optimism and accelerated learning opportunity. Up to you if you take that up or not.
Inj...oy, inlight and still very much inlove,
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If you're still clearing away the snow, it might not have hit home yet, but today is the first day of spring!
The Equinox also marks the start of the solar zodiac as the Sun moves into Aries to begin that journey once more. Aries is a doer, so if you've procrastinated or hibernated through the winter- it's wakey, wakey time!
As we will also be coming up to the second blue moon in three months, it will also be a time of completion of the cycle of things that you started on January 1st (when the first full moon occurred). whether it has been of development, goals and/or shedding our wounds and baggage - it is coming up for completion. Well done! You are almost there!


Sometimes we have to do the things we don't want to do. Not because the world is cruel or has an agenda against you, but because it is time for it to happen.
If you stop and look at the reason(s) why you don't want to do it, you may see why you need to do it - or rather, it would be good for you to do it.
If it is out of fear, it may be that you are holding it in shadow. If it comes from lazyness, it may be being held in shadow. ... If you are apathetic, it too may be held in shadow.
It is not always the case, as you may be experiencing someone else's will, or someone else's shadow. It can really help to challenge yourself with the 'why' and be honest.
It doesn't mean you have to do all the things you don't want to... nope! I'm not going to go and see Justin Beiber any time soon!
Just quickly and honestly see why you don't want to.
Injoy, inlight and inlove,
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I've been spending less time on facebook whilst I transition through my new work phase- shining light in dark places. I've felt like this has not been a time for me to share anything.
Enjoy the Leo supermoon on 31st, just remember that Leo and Aquarius energy can be drama magnets. Also wishing everyone a happy imbolc on the 1st.
See you on the other side. Injoy, inlight and inlove, Phoenix


Growth always comes from accepting that change is not only inevitable but important to our development. Nothing ever stays the same.
Sorry Calvin, I think Hobbes has a point here. It doesn't have to be new year resolutions - we can opt in for change at any time. Kudos to all those who are inviting change and positivity into their lives this cold January. ♥️✨⭐


2018 starts off with two blue moons in the first three months, with the year of the Dog starting in mid February. 🌕🌕 🐶🌕🌕
http://phoenixamethystreiki.com/…/2018- two-blue-moons-in-t…/


Happy Christmas everyone, almost the end of 2017 now, what are you planning on manifesting in 2018?


Happy Solstice, the sun moves into Capricorn today as the mercury retrograde has begun to slow. It's also a significant time from the 12:12 portal. Nine days marks the ennead of this energy flow, a completion of the pattern of separation and reintegration.
Happy days!


From my other page (and youtube)


Thanks to lovehaswon again!
https://www.lovehaswon.org/…/message-fr om-arkadia-those-see…
Note: there's a missin m in message and p in Phoenix! No idea why.


Phoenix is an extraordinary and truly gifted healer and teacher. I have attended his meditation groups on a number of occasions had an Astrology reading, and numerous Ka Ba Sun healing sessions which he is the founder and creator of. All of which are extremely powerful and the reading was a fabulous insight and tool to which has been most beneficial. I can highly recommend this amazing and very genuine chap. I am truly grateful to be working with Phoenix and will continue to visit for further healing/relaxation sessions. Thank you.


Phoenix is a very healing person to be around. That's even before he gives you a treatment.

He's convinced a skeptic. Impressive!


Only recently introduced to Phoenix. He is a very gentle and loving soul. I had a brilliant Reiki session with him and will have more I am sure. He got me painting again! Certainly I'd reccomend him to anyone.


Meditation, astrology and healing. He is very good at it all. I've had some insights from him and also some NLP which was really very inspiring. He's a really nice guy to boot.


I have had Reiki from Phoenix on several occasions. He mixes holistic therapy with a great sense of humour to get you relaxed and the Reiki is the best I have ever had!


I absolutely love working with Phoenix. He is thoughtful, takes his time, and is ready to have the big discussions. He's knowledgeable, thorough, and just all around great at what he does. As a practitioner myself, I have quite high standards and I must say, Phoenix meets and exceeds them. I look forward to more with him in the future.


Genuine person, knowledgeable and very gifted. Ka Ba Sum Sound healing is amazing, Reiki is divine. So glad to have been introduced to him.

More about Holistic Transformation With Phoenix

0775 872 4919