Holistics With Marie -Dreamcatcher

About Holistics With Marie -Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher offer psychic readings, healing and Empowerment and confidence coaching as well as manifestation mindset coaching.



🌊Intention flows where energy goes.🌊
✔When we set ourselves goals we are setting our intention with the universe. In order to do this we need to focus our intentions as shown below;
📝Write down your intention in clear, present-tense language.
... 🌟Connect with how the intention feels.
🎨 Create an image of your intention to help guide you. Develop your own vision board.
⭐Look for thoughts, feelings and experiences that support your intention.
💛Spend time each day focusing on your intention.
🌟When you get off track, refocus on your intention.
💛Spend time tapping into your creative side, listen to music, read, dance or move, draw, colour or paint. When we tap into these energies this helps us manifest these intentions.
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🌍Today's Daily Guidance🌍
Today's guidance is brought to you from the Angels regarding learning.
This could be applying learning you have learned from life lessons, it could be that you are sharing your knowledge with others.
... It also could be that you need to set some time aside for yourself to start learning new things or tasks.
Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow.
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💡Are you ready to create a new reality?💡
💭If you could change anything in your life what would it be?
💖This question is designed to make you think about change.
... ✔But the reality is you can change anything you want in your life if you change your mindset.
💥Access Bars is an amazing therapy. Having your bars run allows energy to flow through these bars (32 points on your head), it then releases the electrical charge that hold all our thoughts, beliefs, considerations , decisions, emotions or attitudes.
🌍Are you ready to change your world?
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🚫It's time to stop🚫
🚫It's time that we stop asking people not to cry.
🚫It's time we stop telling our men to "Man up!"
... 🚫It's time to stop the stigma against people taking me time or mental health days.
🚫It's we stop saying big boys don't cry.
🖤By doing all these things we are invalidating people's feelings. We're discounting and devaluing their experiences. And more times than not this hadn't been done intentionally.
🖤Its ok to sit and cry, whether you need to take yourself somewhere to have a good cry or you do it where you are.
🖤The sheer number of us who will battle depression or anxiety is staggering. 1 in 4 will battle depression or anxiety in the UK each year.
🖤We need to make it acceptable for our men to be softer, to reach out and talk. (84 men a week commit suicide in the UK, that's 12 men a week. Suicide is the biggest killer in men under 45. Let that sink in).
🖤We need it to be acceptable to love ourselves.
🖤We need to stop shaming women in society, not every woman who gives birth will drop back down to their pre-pregnancy clothes size. We need to teach our teenagers how to love and appreciate their bodies and help them to understand that their bodies will change over time.
🖤We need to show our children that our bodies and love should be appreciated and respected, that our love and bodies should only be shared with those who truly love us. One of real substance and depth.
🖤We need to make it so that people who claim to love us are not our manipulators or attackers, they should be our lovers, our protectors and our guardian's.
🖤The services we have fail a lot of people- not because the staff don't want to help- it's down to the policies and lack of funding. We know things aren't perfect. But here's where we can all step in, let's reach out to those around us; Text, call, go for a cup of coffee.
🖤The truth is some people don't know how to ask for help. Some don't know how to ask for love.
⭐It all starts with us. It starts with our children.
⭐If we can show the generation below how we can move ourselves more, take care of ourselves better, then we give an example of how to live. We show compassion, empathy and love in all areas of our lives but respect boundaries.
⭐We are then helping to raise a healthier, more robust, caring, sharing generation.
⭐And remember these don't have to be your own children. It takes a village to raise a child.
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❤Today's Daily Guidance❤
📖Today's guidance comes from Archangel Zadkiel.
❤We are being reminded and guided to use gratitude.
... 💚Gratitude can be for the big and the small stuff. For example, each morning I wake up next to Dave I thank the universe for bringing us together and granting me the opportunity to wake up next to him.
💙And on the days we don't wake up next to each other, I thank for the universe again, for it shows me that I miss him and helps me see the true depth of my emotions, absence makes the heart grow fonder as they say.
💛Each of these experiences are different, but all come from the experience of love and gratitude.
💚When we thank the universe and have a grateful, thankful and loving heart, the universe brings more of that love and experiences our way.
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👣Walk the path of the Goddess👣
👣Are you ready to walk the divinely feminine path with your own inner goddess?
🔥This is the Goddess that is within each of us.
... 🧗‍♀️This path isn't always the easiest but it's the one which is true and it's authentically yours.
❓How do you start to walk this path?
▶️You start at the beginning, look at what you want for the future, heal your past to transform your future, fall in love with yourself, find those loving qualities about you, tap into those things that make you truly and wonderfully loveable.
🔃Untangle all those beliefs, encounters, make sense and clear out all those old beliefs from your sacred goddess house, your sacral chakra.
👀Start to look at all the things you find to be impossible, reframe all those self limiting beliefs.
❓Are you ready to unshackle yourself, become truly untamed and empowered?
❓Are you ready to find that home within yourself, be truly comfortable in your self?
🗺If you would like to claim your own roadmap of the world comment below or message the page to book your complementary heart to heart. #selflovecampaign #dreamcatcher #goddess
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🖐Hello everyone, Dave here. 🖐
❤As part of our #selflovecampaign here at dreamcatcher, I'm going to follow Marie's recent example and share some of my story.
✏I'm fighting a few demons to do this, as I find the idea of just sitting down and writing about myself highly uncomfortable. I'm still not convinced anyone is going to read this, but two wonderful ladies have talked me into this.
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❤Today's card of the day❤ True compassion starts at home. When we're kind and gentle with ourselves, we learn how to be compassionate with others.
When we accept ourselves , and see the imperfections of ourselves we'll see that we're perfectly imperfect and release any judgements about ourselves.
... And when we release all these judgements about ourselves we'll hold less judgments about others and the rest of the world.
It's time to release all guilt and shame about yourself. It doesn't serve you, and it's not going to help you move forward as long as you hold onto it.
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😴Sleep tight😴 For a lot of people sleep alludes us. I usually have no problem dropping off but I often wake during the night.
📑And when I look at this list I do very little of these things so this explains a lot.
... 📱I personally try to reduce time spent on my smartphone on the evening but I keep the volume on in case of emergencies.
📃My room is quite full so this is something I need to follow through on.
✏I always write at night and meditate on an evening, even if for only 10 minutes.
☕And it's rare I have caffeine after 4pm simply as I'm aware it can keep you awake.
😴Do you use any of these tips already?
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💖Friends are the family we choose with the heart💖
🍭Friendship is one of the things that makes our lives that much sweeter.
They laugh with us (Or sometimes at us 😂), they support us, they build us up, they are the shoulder to cry on when we need it. They are our non biological brothers and sisters, but we love them like a sibling.
... 💖Some friendships we have all our lives, some we have and hold for a short time, some teach us lessons, some are truly blessings.
Some we see each week, some we can go months or years without seeing, but the love is still the same.
Today, why not reach out to a friend?
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💕Today's card of the day💕 Today Lady Portia, goddess of justice and peace and a post of karma, has come forward as there is going to be some justice and balance brought into situations in our lives. If there have been lies, illusions or someone not acting from the highest good, Lady Portia is going to bring all this back into balance. Take the time to learn from this situation, do what feels right for you. Whether that's extend the olive branch, keep your distance, look at your strengths, weakness or boundaries or completely remove yourself from a situation.


🕉Take control of your day during your lunch🕉
😖Do you struggle with your stress levels during the working day?
Then maybe you should consider adding a lunch time meditation to your day. 🕉
... Did you know that simply taking 10 minutes out of your day to meditate to change your focus and lower your stress levels, giving you clarity of the mind and making your day more productive?📥
🧡These sessions can either be done at House of Holistics or in your work place.
🧡To feed your mind and soul for lunch PM the page to book your lunch time meditation slot.
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💥The power of gratitude💥 It's not joy that makes us grateful, it's gratitude that makes us grateful.
💕This weekend we had the absolute delight and pleasure to spend our days with our friends at their beautiful home.
... 💖It was a weekend of the simple things, food, a drink in our hands, laughter, appreciation, respect, games and most of all friendship.
🧡And each of us were grateful and felt blessed to have that time together. We didn't need or want a lot and were quite contented with those simple things.
😍And because we were grateful for the thing's we had, it made them all x10 times more amazing.
💭So think of what power that holds?
💥If we start each day grateful for the small things imagine how much more amazing life could be.
💖It could be as simple as waking up next to that special person, it could be the wonderful family you have, it could be that your healthy. It could be that you've opened your eyes today and you have another chance to do change your world, you have another opportunity.
💥What are you grateful for today?
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💕Card for the Day💕 Today's card is showing us that with each day, each hour, each minute and every second that the universe is putting us onto the path we need to be on to meet those souls we vibe with. To encounter the situations and places which are speak to our hearts and minds. These vibes and frequencies are ones of pure love. And are put in our path to either teach us or as blessing. So when we feel like we're being steered away from what we want, remind yourself that the universe has something else waiting in the wings for us.


😇The Power of Love😇 Archangel Chamuel is the archangel for love and peaceful relationships.
Chamuel is the archangel I would recommend you call on when you are looking to help find new friends, repairing relationships and just general harmony in our relationships.
... Chamuel also helps us with our communications with others. So if you have any concerns regarding there issues I would recommend calling in Chamuel.
Chamuel as well as helping with relationships with other people, he will also help with the relationship with your self.
When you call on Chamuel and ask for their help. You don't need to have any special words or prayers if this isn't your bag. Just ask for his help and his ruby light of love.
You can also envision yourself being encircled by a beautiful pink or green light of love and protection.
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🌟This girl...🌟 😇This girl has been the angel, the devil, a pauper, has been loved, has been abused.
🖤This girl has laughed, has cried, has been hurt, has hurt herself.
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🌟This girl...🌟 😇This girl has been the angel, the devil, a pauper, has been loved, has been abused.
🖤This girl has laughed, has cried, has been hurt, has hurt herself.
...Continue Reading


🔮Shine bright like a diamond🔮
💙Crystal healing helps to get things back in balance again. Each crystal has a specific resonance, which brings the body, mind and emotions back into alignment.
... Crystal healing is a holistic treatment: it works on all levels of a person.🧖‍♀️
🧡Everyone's experience is individual, though you may experience any of these effects: Physically: 🧡Relief from aches and pains, more energy, restful sleep Mentally: 🧡Relief from stress, calmness, clarity, more focus Emotionally: 🧡A release of "old" emotions, a sense of well being, balance Spiritually: 🧡A "lightness" of being, more connectedness, more purpose
📖Act Now and PM the page or call on 07961254093 to book your appointment.
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Wow thank you beautiful �� I won a reading from Marie ... reading was so inspiring and beautiful guidance just what I needed at this time ... message and guidance that came through have given me that extra push I so needed to believe in me ... thank you beautiful ����


What an amazing evening with these 2 lovely souls...they are so inspiring and I have came away feeling so positive!! I highly recommended them, they are so intuitive and have a natural gift and understanding!!! Thankyou so much � xxx


This is exactly how I felt and needed to here. Was dead on.


The reading absolutely blew me away. It was 100% accurate for me. Thank you so much. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻


Spot on reading first time. Felt like it spoke to me throughout ���


Really helpful and welcoming :) 5stars all the way xxx


My card reading was right on the money! Great insight and really put me in the right mindset with all that is going on in my life at the moment! Thank you for sharing your gifts!


Marie gave me a reading via email. Very interesting and informative lots of things to look for . Thankyou xx


Just had a 3 card reading. Was spot on a lot of things to look forward to and work I need to do to improve my positivity. Very impressed highly recommended very helpful indeed lots of love


I’ve had wonderful card reading from

dream catcher and I’ve resonated with every word. They are so giving of their time and energy and I can’t recommend them enough.


I won a reading with dreamcatcher at a recent MBS Fair in Blackpool. They responded very promptly to my message and the following day I received my reading. I have never met either Marie nor David but the reading was absolutely totally “bob-on” !! I was delighted with the service and equally delighted with the content of my card reading. I can’t wait to see what the future holds now. Thank you guys... ����


I received my reading from Marie and David over a week ago. To be honest it wasn't what i expected - it was so much more.

It was a lengthy, insightful and interesting and in parts very accurate (I will need to wait and see for other parts) . There was a lot to take in including advice about crystals. The information relayed to me was extremely relevant and contained guidance on the things I need to work on. There was also a beautiful message channeled by Marie.


I received a wonderful reading tonight from the lovely Marie, and every part of my reading was absolutely spot on! It coincided with a reading I got from another gifted psychic a couple of months ago... blown away! Some things to look forward to and to work on too, I would recommend getting a reading, just amazing! I'd give more than 5 stars if I could! Thank you lovely xxx


I have just had an amazing reading off Dreamcatcher Card Readings. It was a mixed card reading and it was spot on. The reading picked up on the issues that I am currently going through and was very in-depth. I would highly recommend getting a reading off Dreamcatcher Card Readings. I will definitely be returning for another reading in the future. Thank you again.


I had reiki today.Ive got lots from it and will definitely be back to see Marie for more.I recommend everyone to try this x


I had a lovely reading from Marie with mixed cards and I must say it was spot on and I was very impressed! I love that I could ask some questions afterwards if I had them (I had a full reading) and I love how patient Marie was with me. I would highly recommend Dreamcatcher Card Readings if you are looking for guidance, well worth it and I will be returning here for another reading the next time I need some help and guidance. Thank you both so very much for my reading, I absolutely appreciate it ^_^ Much love and gratitude, Kitty :)


I can not recommend Marie enough.

After meeting this wonderful soul just over 1 year ago on a workshop, little did I know how much she would be part of my circle of friends now.

I’ve attended her demonstration of connecting to your inner goddess today at the MBS event in Carlisle and it was truly transformational.

I feel lighter and free now I’ve connected with my inner goddess.

Afterwards, I paid a visit to her stall and we had a chat about the experience in more detail and I described my goddess to her, exactly how I seen her in my meditation. Without hesitation, she said that she had the perfect card for me that almost (if not exactly) resonated with my description of my goddess. I could not believe it when she pulled it out and shown me.

I am truly blessed to have been able to connect with my inner goddess today and this could not have been possible without Marie. Thank you so much � x


Have just had a card reading with Dave very impressed by how accurate he was also very helpful when i asked questions. I would definately have a future reading xx Thank you xx


Every reading l have, is so accurate,Marie you have amazing ability, love & light. Lovely..xx

More about Holistics With Marie -Dreamcatcher

Holistics With Marie -Dreamcatcher is located at CA2 5UH Carlisle, Cumbria