Home Instead Senior Care Hammersmith & Chiswick

About Home Instead Senior Care Hammersmith & Chiswick

Exceptional home based care for older people.

Home Instead Senior Care Hammersmith & Chiswick Description

We Provide Bespoke Home Care Service for Elderly Clients in their Own Home. We assist clients to maintain their Independence. Our Mission is to change the face of ageing.



Home care benefit #1: Home care quality continues to improve over time as CAREGivers learn their client's individual needs rather than being in a residential facility where assigned nurses and carers change frequently.
As the daughter of a client, Sally, recently told us "CAREGivers treat their clients with care and compassion and have time to build up lovely relationships with them".
At Home Instead Senior Care, we carefully match CAREGivers and clients based on similar interests and life experiences. This allows CAREGivers and clients to build strong, long-lasting relationships. In fact, our CAREGivers tell us the role of CAREGiving feels more like visiting a friend or family member than just a job. How lovely is that? 💜


You know those little raised bumps on our pavements?
It turns out they have a fascinating language of their own.
For visually impaired pedestrians, a variety of tactile markings and patterns help them navigate our towns and cities.
... For example, these raised circular bumps mean a dropped curb before a crossing.
Horizontal stripes? There are stairs or obstacles ahead of you. Verticle stripes: the path is safe.
Circular dots that aren't aligned? There is a train or gap ahead!
Visually impaired people rely on these patterns, however, councils outside of London seem to be moving towards aesthetic considerations. They’re changing the colours to darker greys, so it blends in more.
Interested to learn more? Watch this fascinating video on YouTube: https://goo.gl/ksQIEi
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Medications play such a significant role in people's lives but are often looked over. Do you have a clear idea what your loved ones are taking? Would you be able to confidently express it to a medical professional during an emergency situation?
I know a situation like this is the last thing you want to think about, however, it's important to be prepared. Even if your loved ones are on a single medication, there should be clear documentation of the storage, dosage, who it was prescribed by and by when.
In the UK, GPs will provide an annual review of medication. If your loved one's prescriptions change more frequently, check if your GP can provide a more regular review. This is an excellent opportunity to do a clean up of old medications and get a new list printed out and stored safely.


Sleep. We all do it, but many of us don’t do it well.
When you're caring for a loved one or a client, getting a good night's sleep is essential to stay happy, healthy and focussed. Here are our top tips to get a better night's sleep.
1. Block out any light.
... Artificial light after dark can send wake-up messages to the brain which can either prevent you from sleeping or disturb your sleep pattern. You can buy a little roll of black electrical tape to cover any minor lights that may be coming from technology in the room, such as digital clocks or plug sockets. These minor lights may seem small, but can have a significant impact on your sleeping patterns.
2. Set the right temperature.
I prefer to keep things nice and cool, with a warm cosy blanket. For your older loved one, I would ask their doctor what they recommend the best temperature is for sleeping, but for most people between 16 and 20 degrees provides the best nights sleep.
3. Limit your caffeine intake
Many of us love a nice cuppa before bed, however drinks such as coffee and tea are stimulants and should ideally be limited for 6 hours before you sleep. Try swapping your regular tea or coffee for a fruit tea or decaffeinated coffee and see if this helps you sleep better! 😴
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"The training is second to none. Even after years of working in care, I've never learned more and it keeps getting better." - Sandra, CAREGiver.
Interested in joining our upcoming CAREGiver training? We're recruiting across the local area and would love to chat with you about our open positions. You don't need any prior care experience in care- we simply look for candidates who are passionate, reliable and above all- caring!
Give us a call or message us on Facebook for more details!


Happy Valentines Day everyone!
From the bottom of our heart, thank you to all our CAREGivers and staff who give so much to others. You are all incredible!
💜"When you LOVE what you do, you never work a day in your life" 💜


Her thumbs up and smile made my day! Proof that age is just a number 💪


The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you. ☺️❤️


How do you take care of your self to feel your best?
I like to wind down my day with a hot chamomile tea which includes benefits such as slowing or preventing osteoporosis, reducing inflammation, and helping with sleep & relaxation. Now...back to my drink 👏👏


As we age, freedoms begin to elude us as our older loved ones lose the ability to be active and the ability to “do” for themselves. Many have led active, full lives and the decline in health, change in memory, or struggle of surgery or illness can lead to the harsh reality of compromised independence.
Contrary to the beliefs of those facing these changes, home care does not seek to force reliance on others! Actually, the opposite is true. We know that being in one’s own envi...ronment, among your own possessions and memories, is the best place to promote health and healing. Having to downsize and squeeze a lifetime into a new, smaller residence is not ideal. With a little support in the home in the form of personal care to assist with those tasks that have become more difficult, health can be regained and independence can be kept.
Find out how Home Instead can keep your loved one independent and in the home they love: https://goo.gl/jPtfh
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Loneliness - the unspoken medical condition. Not only is loneliness linked to other mental and emotional conditions such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia, medical experts now know these negative emotional states exacerbate existing medical conditions. Home Instead recognises the huge benefits of having a companion on a day to day basis and that is why we ensure the best quality home care providers for your exact needs.
Visit our website for more home care resources or call us for a free Care Consultation.


“After working in primary education for almost 10 years, for most of my life my passion has always been to care for others. One morning I saw on an advertisement online for Home Instead- they were having a recruitment event so I decided to go and see what it was all about. I was welcomed with graciousness, loving and genuine people and I knew at that moment that my passion for caring for others would continue on. I owe all of my caring and compassion to my parents and children and I absolutely love taking care of my clients. Home Instead has provided me with the opportunity to have that next chapter in my life!" -Kate, CAREGiver.


Why home care? There are many benefits to "ageing in place" or living in your own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level. One of those benefits is familiarity. Living in a familiar environment can have the advantages of being safer. You know the best way to navigate the space. In most cases, you’ve been doing it for years!


Our journey to physical health continues with a focus on healthy eating. While you can't prevent ageing, you can control what food you put in your body. According to WebMD, the main items on a healthy anti-ageing diet include water, blueberries, foods high in fibre, fatty fish, olive oil, yoghurt, tomatoes, broccoli, nuts, and our favourite one... red wine! Yes, one glass of red wine can help ease blood pressure. Rejoice! 💃


If only smells could be shared through the screen… One benefit of hiring a Home Instead CAREGIver is that they will assist with all of your loved one's meal preparation! Anyone for seconds? 👩‍🍳👨‍🍳


“Those who teach the most about humanity aren’t always humans.” - Donald L. Hicks .


Alzheimer's and other dementias gradually reduce a person's ability to communicate. Dementia is a syndrome, and there are many diagnoses under that umbrella. As the disease progresses, it becomes more and more challenging to communicate.
Some common communication challenges for those with dementia include forgetfulness, growing easily frustrated, making inappropriate remarks and have difficulty remembering certain words. Keep in mind that symptoms may vary depending on the d...iagnosis. Different types of dementia can have very different symptoms. But if you’re struggling with communicating with your loved one living with Dementia, I would consider how you're speaking to them.
It's easy to get frustrated with the person who has the disease and we don't always take the time to think about how we're approaching them. It's important to speak slowly, clearly and ideally at the same physical level. People living with dementia may sometimes have an outburst or two, but they are not children. Don't tower over the person, baby voice or talk about them like they aren't in the room.
I know it's easy to become frustrated, but remember it is not the person's fault. Are you asking a lot of questions over and over again? You can quickly make your older adult feel as if they're being interrogated. Instead, try getting your information through casual conversation. Putting them on the spot may cause them to become angry or just withdraw.
Remember that the person living with dementia has brain failure, they can no longer think on their feet. While you're able to shoot off response after response, their brain is processing information at a slower speed. In some instances, they may even hear something different than what you said.
Our website has numerous resources for families who have questions about caring for loved ones with dementia. Read more at https://goo.gl/nudmWM
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“Life is like a Ferris wheel, one minute you’re on top and the next you’re at the bottom. Just stay in your seat, enjoy the ride and hang on until you reach the top again."

More about Home Instead Senior Care Hammersmith & Chiswick

Home Instead Senior Care Hammersmith & Chiswick is located at 186 sutton court, W4 3HR London, United Kingdom