Honey From Mommy

About Honey From Mommy

Honey from Mommy dorește să vă îndulcească în orice moment cu multe sortimente de miere și nu numai !

Honey From Mommy Description

De secole , hrana zeilor si-a pastrat texturile , savoarea si parfumurile neschimbate . Regasita peste tot in obiceiurile antice si in istorie , MIEREA mentine tineretea , prelungeste viata si are grija de sanatatea oamenilor . Daca in Grecia , zeilor Olimpului li se daruiau ambrosia( lapte + miere) , , HONEY FROM MOMMY doreste sa va indulceasca cu retete irezistibile pofticiosilor de pretutindeni.

Mierea a capatat mai multe conotatii in istoria omenirii unde cea mai cunoscuta fiind luna de miere, sinonim pentru o perioada plina de fericire si amintiri dulci .

Noi vrem sa va fim alaturi de dumneavoastra in noaptea nuntii sau a botezului.

For centuries, the food of Gods has maintain the testures, flavours and fragrances unchanged. Found everywhere in ancient customs and in history, HONEY maintains the youth, prolongs life and takes care of people's health. If in Greece, the Gods of Olympus received ambrosia (milk + honey), , HONEY FROM MOMMY wishes to sweeten you with irresistible recipes for everyone .

Honey has acquired several connotations in the history of mankind, where the most famous being honeymoon, synonym for a period of time full of joy and sweet memories.

We want to be there for you on your wedding day or christening.

More about Honey From Mommy

Honey From Mommy is located at 22 A south bar Street, OX169 AF Banbury, Oxfordshire