
About Honoloulou'S

Beautiful handmade jewellery, inspired by the sea.

Honoloulou'S Description

I’m Louise, the creator of Honoloulou’s.

Honoloulou's was born from my passion for creativity, all things fishy, and desire to make beautiful shark jewellery with a bit of a twist. Each of the items available is designed and handmade by me, and there's a whole lot of love that goes into creating each one!

Why sharks you ask? Well, for that I must thank my Nana for being the fuel to my shark loving fire and allowing me to watch Jaws at a very young age. When the shark popped out of the water, and my peanuts were forcefully projected from my bowl to cover the entire lounge, the obsession began.

The film sparked my fascination of sharks and the ocean and 25 years on, not only is Jaws still my favorite film but, I've made it my life’s mission to see as many different species as possible. 14 and counting…

So, thank you Nana! Without you Honoloulou’s might never have been born and necks around the world wouldn't have the opportunity to look fabulous.

Unfortunately many shark populations have been decimated due to years of being hunted for their teeth, fins, meat, oil, as trophies for sports fisherman, or caught in fishing lines and nets.

£1 from each necklace sold will be donated to a UK based marine conservation charity working to protect sharks and their ocean habitat.

Buying a Honoloulou's necklace will not only make you look good, but feel good too.

Honoloulou's, it all started with a shark. . .