Hopeful Traders

About Hopeful Traders

Hopeful Traders is a sustainable clothing brand that collaborates with people affected by homelessness and mental illness. The designs of the clothing you can buy are created by these collaborators. Sales raise money for the collaborators and charities.

Hopeful Traders Description

We are a social arts project and clothing brand, tackling the issues that plague our society through collaboration with those affected by these issues.



For those of you who have heard about the Missguided £1 bikini this rating won't come as much of a surprise...
Also check out 3 ethical alternatives at the bottom of the article.
Good On You


Support amazing The Outside Project this Saturday if you truly want to celebrate Pride and what it stands for.


Last week the Conservatives government rejected recommendations by MPs to address the impact of fast fashion on the environment and its role in modern day slavery...




"Rough sleeping has been all but eradicated in Helsinki"
The Guardian


If you really want to celebrate #pride, please support LGBTQI+ organisations like our friends at The Outside Project
24% of youth homeless are LGBTQI+. The Outside Project created the UK's first LGBTIQ+ Crisis/Homeless Shelter & Community Centre.




Homelessness charity Crisis are calling on the government to scrap the 195-year-old Vagrancy Act which criminalises being homeless. - Jeremy Corbyn has said that the next The Labour Party government will repeal the act whilst the current Conservatives government have only gone as far as committing to "review" it. - I couldn't find many opinions from people directly affected by the act. Hopeful Traders is meant to be a platform for the voices of marginalised people and I w...ould love to hear and share any opinions or experiences that people have had, if they are happy to do so. - Head to Crisis link in bio to find out more and show your support for scrapping the vagrancy act.
See More


You wouldn't believe how often people are attacked whilst sleeping rough... This really happens and it is appalling and sad.
If you ever see someone threatening or mistreating someone on the street, please call the police.




via Streets Kitchen "The number of homeless camps forcibly removed by councils across the UK has more than trebled in five years, figures show, prompting campaigners to warn that the rough sleeping crisis is out of control and has become an entrenched part of life in the country."

More about Hopeful Traders
