Hormone Health Solutions

About Hormone Health Solutions

Women's health coach. Pelvic floor exercise. Hormonal balance through nutrition and exercise.

http://www. hormonehealth. solutions /

Hormone Health Solutions Description

Combining diet and nutrition advice with coaching to help women make lasting transformation to their health.

Supporting you in making simple changes to improve your energy, mood and weight. Changing your relationship with food and your body.

Specialist areas of interest: hormonal health and pelvic floor health.



Great to come back from holiday to find my article included in MeMeMe Online, fantastic website for mind, body and soul....


Did you know that in Finland, 'Mad Cow Disease' is a euphemism for periods? #callitwhatitis #endperiodshame


Cue the usual round of '🍷is good for me' jokes ...
Our culture is so alcohol-centric that anything that suggests booze might be good for us is celebrated; it makes us feel better about ourselves and our drinking habits.
It's true that studies have shown moderate drinkers may be protected from type 2 diabetes, but before we all crack open a bottle of wine in celebration, it's worth remembering that alcohol is linked to:
... At least 7 types of cancer, including breast and bowel Pancreatitis Liver disease Heart disease
It also causes bloating, bad skin, bad breath and poor sleep. It raises stress hormones and oestrogen. It's a major contributor to weight gain, from increased calories and sugar.
Alcoholic drinks account for 10-12% of a UK adult’s daily intake of added sugar - and that's not including the sugar in any mixers.
The protective effect seen in this and other studies is with moderate drinking, which in the UK is considered fewer than 14 units a week.
Much of the wine we drink is between 11 and 14% ABV. A 14% 750ml bottle of wine contains 10.5 units.
So it's really easy, with just a couple of bottles a week, to go well over the limit and move from moderate to heavy consumption - which actually increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
I'm not moralising, just laying out the facts. I'm not telling people not to drink, just offering information. I invite you to think about it and make your own choice xx
See more


Study finds "higher risk for depression in those with earlier menopause, fewer menstrual cycles over lifespan, or more frequent hot flashes."
More reason to take steps to balance hormones at any stage of life - what you eat and how you live your life can make a big difference.


Thought to end the working week, you can't believe everything you hear...
Thanks to Steve Chapman for reminding me....


I love this. Really fascinating ideas on how to manage the inner critic that we all have, from Steve Chapman


“Always use as little product down there as possible and definitely don’t go inserting anything that’s not been previously tested as it is incredibly easy to pick up an infection. Your vagina won’t look so magical then,”
Indeed. Needless to say, I'm horrified by this, another product that tells you your body isn't good enough in it's natural form. More shame for women and girls. Please don't buy into this. You wouldn't want your daughter using it.....


Fresh, clean skincare that won't disrupt your hormones, and really does work.


My latest article - Can Cheese Be Part of a Healthy Diet? - in the wonderful Cibare Food Magazine


Fennel and feta, together again đź’•


I get mine by adding fresh fennel to salads (pic is my prawn, fennel and apple salad) and drinking fennel tea