Howard'S Health And Fitness

Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Howard'S Health And Fitness

• Personal Training
• Osteoblast Bone Health Specialist
• Movement Therapy



Sport makes champions of us all.
Saturday night I faced an absolute warrior specimen from the outside but also, having torn his bicep off the bone (check his left arm in the second picture) @maximus_u105strongman showed next level heart and warrior spirit to firstly not give up- but to take it all the way to a close decision.
We spoke before the fight and agreed to do things the gentleman's way and in the name of sport. Couldn't have wished to face a nicer opponent but...
... You sir, are one HARRRD man! A rare breed of human being 🙌
Landed some of the hardest uppercuts I've ever given (My hands are still sore!) And you weren't even phased. Incredible man!
Thank you for the memory bro. A night I will never forget for the rest of my life. You have nothing but respect from me and I wish you a speedy recovery.
Good luck in whatever you choose to do next and hope to see you further on down the road 🤓🙌🥊🏋️‍♂️
#Respect #champion #sport #boxing #tough #ass #dude #hard #fight #night #athlete #gains #mma #strongman #fighter #bicep #recovery #boxer
@ Exeter, Devon
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What a weekend...
Hard work pays off.
Sacrifice is worth it.
... We will keep going.
#GospelofGainz #preachoftheday #HardWorkPaysOff
420 baby! One of the best days of my life 🙌
#420 #boxing #work #life #gainz #live #love #laugh #happy #2k19 #fight #fighter #sport #motivation #fitness #strong #strength #sacfrice #winning
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Tight hips and shoulders?
Try this 2 in 1 stretch...
#GospelofGainz... #2k19 #StretchEdition
Great way to mobilise both your hips and shoulders at the same time.
Try and push your arms out as far as you can to attain length through extension.
Sink your knee to your chest to attain length through the external rotators of the hip.
Your welcome ✌❤
Drum and bass is optional but recommended @sasasasdnb @deano_gram619 🙌
#stretch #mobile #long #strong #hips #shoulders #goals #gains #stretch #wellbeing #push #fitness #health #healthy
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Heres another cool story from the last few months.... some good news...
Adrian was my first rugby coach when I was just 9 years old. Down at Exeter Saracens RFC. This man GAVE UP his Sunday mornings for me and the lads for the next 7 years after that.
Nearly 20 years later we've collaborated to rehab his first knee replacement. A couple of weeks ago I got him running for the first time in 5 years. A truly magic moment for me... and a big day for him.
... Blessed to be able to give back to such and amazing bloke.
Junior Rugby provided me with a training and competitive edge that saw me go on and captain the regional colleges team and play for England colleges (u19). It help shape me to become the man I am today. And it all stems from those usually cold and wet Sunday morning this man gave his time up for. He was definitely a catalyst to where I am now.
Thank you for the Sunday mornings of team building work ethic. Thank you for the compassion to the sport, thank you for the mentorship and thank you for coming back my way so I can return the favour.
I fucking love my job ❤❤❤
Truly blessed 🙌
#life #is #good #happy #healthy #rehab #gains #knee #replacement #goals #hhf #work #live #love #trainer #coach #push #energy #postive #sacfrice #rugby #exeter #goodnews
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Didnt she just blossom into a beautiful woman. 😍🙌
My girl @_paige_jordan
25kg lost and lots of knowledge on training and diet....
... #Tuesdaytransformation Gainz
#weightloss #training #diet #nutrition #wellbeing #health #physical #mental #social #goals #progress #happy #healthy #HHF
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"THE LAST SPAR" ** #FightWeek
It's all smiles from the Powerhouse family.
Shout to to Luke Griffith and @mertys_rowen2... For the 1/1 training to get the fundamentals down.
Weve tried to then put the peices together in the last 4 weeks...
@leroyvenn1 your like a bro to me and thanks for watching my back in this game that's totally new to me. LOVE YA BRO! ❤
Couldn't wish to be with a bunch of better lads and I want to thank you all for you time and the rounds and support over the last 4 weeks of intensive camp.
Locked and loaded- ready for battle.
No matter the outcome- the process has been one I will never forget. I am truly grateful to have the momentum in my personal and professional life this camp has given me.
Just lessons- Not losses 😉 #AthleteMentality
Now- chill - have fun - and...
Let's see what we can do Saturday 🤓🥊🥊
#boxing #locked #loaded #gains #goals #process #outcome #spar #fighting #life #live #love #laugh #happy #healthy #newyear #newme #coach #progress #exeter #powerhouse
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Active tanning...
Training in the sun.
The training ABC + vit D...
... The world is our gym!
Use the weather to get out and get active when it shows up people!
Great speed session last week with @danhallfitness... bar a lil strain.... 🤣
Speed sessions should be short and sharp and at a 6:1 work:rest ratio for optimal recovery between reps.
We generally didn't run further than 22m... sick 🤣👌
We all good and on track for the weekend now.
Cant wait 🙌
#run #sprint #speed #push #goals #gains #boxing #active #tan #training #motivation #running #lifetstyle #active #coach
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Process v Outcome Focus on the process... That's the journey... Regardless of whatever happens next weekend, the last 3/4 months have been full of learning, discipline, structure, and full clean living and full of drive. 🤓👍 On a personal level...Trust me... I needed this! Life always finds a way to pick itself from the ashes... ya just needed some water and lil bit of sunshine... and in time 🤓👍🌞🌍 #LifeGains I try to tell my clients- screw the scales- that's the outcome. Bu...ry yourself in the process... learn to train- eat well- live a healthy lifestyle- hydration- sleep- improve mobility- recover... And the outcome will follow... You can lock someone in a cupboard for 8 weeks and they'll lose weight... theres no empowerment there. Abs can come and go. Life skills are forever. Make some gains 🤘
Come down to PFP gym in Exeter. Judgement free, welcoming, professional... And make some life gains next month ✌❤ #process v #outome #life #live #love #work #play #gains #boxing #training #wellbeing #goals #working #push #trainer #athlete #cleanliving #2k19
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Process v Outcome
Focus on the process...
That's the journey...
... Regardless of whatever happens next weekend, the last 3/4 months have been full of learning, discipline, structure, and full clean living and full of drive. 🤓👍
On a personal level...Trust me... I needed this!
Life always finds a way to pick itself from the ashes... ya just needed some water and lil bit of sunshine... and in time 🤓👍🌞🌍
I try to tell my clients- screw the scales- that's the outcome. Bury yourself in the process... learn to train- eat well- live a healthy lifestyle- hydration- sleep- improve mobility- recover...
And the outcome will follow...
You can lock someone in a cupboard for 8 weeks and they'll lose weight... theres no empowerment there.
Abs can come and go. Life skills are forever.
Make some gains 🤘
Come down to PFP gym in Exeter. Judgement free, welcoming, professional... And make some life gains next month ✌❤
#process v #outome #life #live #love #work #play #gains #boxing #training #wellbeing #goals #working #push #trainer #athlete #cleanliving #2k19
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My man 😊
The main reason I do my job it's to help those that REALLY need it. I feel it gives me purpose, it makes me buzz.
Every now and again I get that special situation where energy and faith needs restoring in someone's psychology and physiology and I feel- provided they are willing to apply themselves and listen... we can make huge changes and drastically improve quality of life. It happened with shiela as you all know...
... @josephpacker_byrne has been through a journey over the last few years... Having what was that to he chrones disease and being hospitalised many times and having 80% of his gut removed (yea you read that right)... dropping from 10.5 to 6 stone at his lightest... has been lucky to get through and still be here...
6 weeks ago a shell of a man (sorry dude) came to me. He had completely lost trust in his own body.....He was scared to even do a hip bridge or a dead bug because of a disputed hernia scare in February.
I regressed all exercises and built confidence seeing him grow every session. Starting with stimulating the core hip and shoulder muscles weve built into full... compound movements 😊 making serious gains!
Since then weve celebrated many feats.. the first push up in over 4 years... sets of dips... the first run... back squats... you name it... his body is complying and growing back to strength.
Our goal is to see him back on the football pitch... and I've told him... look after your body and your body will look after you! #Truth
As PTs we need INITATIVES to help improve people's wellbeing for sure. We generally work in a personable field where we have to practically apply things to get results...
I generally see so many PT posts that look like tinder photos.... talking about "mental health" jesus christ... your narcissism doesn't help anyone who's depressed.... INIATIVES over Instagram likes people!
We can do it 😂🙌
#ChangeFitness #AidWellbeing #ActuallyMakeADifference
#gym #wellbeing #fitness #fit #health #progress #push #live #love #laugh #happy #healthy #goals #job #work #exeter #gains #inspire #begood #bebetter #mentalhealth
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#Push #Pull #Press #Squat #Hinge ... #Carry
Want to build muscle and strength?
Find beauty in the basics.
For every fitness gimmick exercise on insta there is a more functional and beneficial compound counterpart everytime...
Training isn't that complicated... even I understand it ffs 😂✌❤
As mentioned last week...
Want to make ground- Gotta go compound!
Contact me if your interested in becoming empowered in may 🙌
#gym #compound #gains #goals #walk #fit #health #goals #grow #strong #strength #strongman #pfp
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Its days like today I realise how far I've come in 12 months.
Yes, I was at wrestlemania a year ago... 🤓
But I hadn't help write this brilliant mobility workshop... I hadn't even taught/ delivered a workshop before...
... Consistency over time brings growth and I've just had the best day at work talking self care for the body. Posture, the ability to perform better, the difference between flexibility and mobility... and most importantly empowering people to make themselves feel better.
Been a great year working with @willpower_realfitness And we've only got more of it to come I'm sure 😊
I want to thank everyone who came today- for all the attentive questions- and thanks to @performancetrainingacademy For being a platform to share the love from.
If your interested in one of our workshops listen out for the next one coming soon 👌
#stretch #mobility #workshop #lifegains #work #live #love #wellbeing #healthy #gym #gains #roller #push #growth
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Want to get more done in less time?
Me too.. 😂
If you want to make ground..
... Go compound...
Compound movements are king- bang- for-buck $$- physiological stimulators.
Things like Back squats/ Front squats / Deadlifts/ Push-strict press/Lunges/ Bench press/ bent over row...
All stimimulate multiple muscles and work through more than one joint... that's the key here for "compound lifts".
They have a higher metabolic cost (use more energy to execute) and enable us to overload the body through heavier weights more effectively too.
We also have something called intramuscular coordination.... which is generally what improves strength for new lifters the fastest.... the ability for our muscles to contract in an efficient synchronised manner...
So compared to isolative counterparts...
More all round stimulus....
More bang... for your buck in terms of time. Yea that thing everyone says they dont have enough of... #prorities
#compound #lift #live #gym #work #fitness #fit #barbell #gains #push #press #squat #lifting #girlwholift #gains
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So many people today in society are imprisoned in a seated position 25/30/35+ hours a week.
Totally unnatural for the human body after thousands of years of... moving around a lot more!!! We weren't designed to live like that...
... If have a job that sounds like that and you suffer from back or neck pain... or both?
Then you need to hit up some foam rolling/ stretching for your mobility- your body and your mind...
Trust me this stuff works 🙌
It's about the process not the outcome.
Adventure over abs?! Maybe....
Just start moving more...
I'm always here to help ✌❤
#gym #stretch #health #wellbeing #2k19 #change #happy #healthy #HHF
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Shes the best ❤
Happy mothers day you amazing woman ❤
#best #mum #mothers #day #happy #sunday #memories #mother #son ##1 #greatful


Most of us dont see it as "training" and it only happens when we "have time". Fact is- it's just not usually a priority until something starts to hurt...
I get it. However- "training" your body to sit in neutral posture and with balance every day should be prioritised!
... The added benefits of improved muscle function/ faster recovery and better general wellbeing- it's something we all need to empower ourselves with.
A lot can be done with just a handful of movements/ some bands and a foam roller.
If your want to know more myself and @willpower_realfitness will be running a mobility workshop next Sunday. We have a very unique product that weve created to fill the holes in the level 3 personal trainer qualification.
Worth it for personal trainers/ athletes/ people who train/ want to learn to fix pain and posture.
Just reach out to me via DM or message @performancetrainingacademy for details!
£99 for the full day course. Worth every penny 🙌
#mobility #workshop #gains #band #stretch #gym #strong #posture #mobile #training #motivation #stretching #gains #wellbeing #sport #pt #fit
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The one thing people who want to improve body composition usually dont eat enough of!
If you want to look better (usually everyone's first goal!) TRACK your intake.
... Calories and protein are the two biggest players.
Vegans and vegetarians I 100% respect the impact agriculture has on the planet and do agree with ethics to cut emissions. However, regarding training and recovery I feel there is no equivilient substitute to this venison steak in the vegiveganarianism world. I'm not sure I could hack the amount of fibre and kilos of tofu itd take!
One day I do want to do meat reduction but not when I'm training to compete in a combat sport... just my method ✌❤
Guys as a guideline it's safe to be having 2g per Kg of bodyweight protein...
Use that as a guide- EG * 65kg = 130g protein... 1kg of tofu has 80g protein in it... go figure 🙌 amnio #gains
#Vegiveganrianism #really #thatswhatcameout #eat #more #protein #track #calories #get #your #goals #live #love #laugh #steak #gains #food #foodporn #steaknight
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Life is dynamic...
Train accordingly 🤓👍
Your body is going to get more from full bodied compound movements in comparison to isolationing out around a specific joint and muscle. It will also up the amount of calories you burn in sessions...
... Here: Even with an upright row- we can turn it into a KB high pull to add in the sport specific "triple extension" sequence of the ankles/knees and hips.
Suddenly = More Gains
Try to do most of your exercises standing for more a more transferable stimulus to sports. Or without the aid of machines at least!
Because = More Gains
Also.... if your doing weights- STRETCH!!!
Resistance exercise is going to shorten muscles- we want them LONG and STRONG for proper function and to be pain free.
If something feels tight- stretch it?! #Logic
#gym #wellbeing #stretch #kb #clean #weightloss #mobility #live #love #fit #gym #sport #gains #train #for #life #not #just #guns
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Worth every penny, any pain you have big or small pete will do his best to help, highly recommended


Woke up a couple of days ago with a seriously bad back & struggling to walk let alone do anything else..... so i gave pete a call & after only an hour session he's managed to get me up & mobile with %95 less pain than i walked in with !

I can't thank him enough & highly recommend him, look forward the next therapy.


Thanks for straightening out the kinks in my back and shoulders. You know your stuff and great experience! Fanks pete!


Pete's advice and treatment have been a crucial part of my recovery. He's a very caring, highly skilled professional - the best at what he does.


Pete is the best PT I've ever seen !! Been training with him for the last 7 weeks. Massive improvements !! Gone from not being able to do cleans to doing 85kg in 7 weeks !! Same as dead lifts ! Now on 115kg !! Front squat... back squat.... the list goes on !!! Worth every penny !!


Pete is extremely knowledgeable and experienced. With his massage therapy and his advice on training, I had chronic pain all but disappear within 6 weeks. Also very friendly and professional - would highly recommend.


If you have any sports injuries or just need a decent massage . This is your man


I've only known Pete a short while but very impressed with his knowledge & treatments! He's been working on some of my long term injuries with deep massage, I'm seeing & feeling much improved.

Highly recommended for anyone suffering with body aches & pains, including those with sports related injuries.


I've had personal trainers in the past who have essentially been glorified spotters. It's amazing how Pete takes the time to explain things in detail e.g fascia tissue, importance of mobility etc. Thinking of it this way has definitely got me more in tune with my body. Pete always makes himself available for questions, advice and catch ups at any time which is a huge bonus. Feel so positive and alive! ��


I've been to see pete a few times for a sports massage. First for my shin splints problem, and most recently for a pulled tendon in my left arm. Both are now completely fine! He also gave me stretches for me to do. Within a few days after completing the stretches at the the recommended time and volume they felt so much better! I would definitely recommend! Thanks Pete!


I struggled with plantar fasciitis for over 6 months. It stopped me doing the things I enjoy, infact, it stopped me doing pretty much everything. As I've always been dubious about spending money on health related sessions, I tried to self medicate as much as possible. Struggling on for another month I decided to see Pete. Turns out, it was a brilliant decision.

I was impressed by his professionalism. He sorted my foot out in 3 sessions! He shared his knowledge freely and gave me tips, helping me to keep on top of my injury in my own time. Couldn't recommend this guy highly enough.

I look forward to FINALLY getting into shape with this guy instead of being fixed by him.


I injured my shoulder 5 years ago which badly affected my sleep - Causing me to wake up in pain if I rolled onto my front with my right arm up or just by moving the duvet with my arm. After 4 soft tissue work sessions with Pete I can now sleep thru the night without pain!

Also I used to get a burning sensation in the front of my hip after a short uphill walk or about 10 minutes walking on flat ground. After 3 treatments I can walk pain free!


He's a very knowledge and approachable lad who is always willing to help if the effort is made.

He has helped me with both my fitness and recovery and without him I would never of been able to run the London Marathon this year; thank you mate.


Couldn't recommend this guy highly

enough. I've been seeing Pete for treatment for Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis and really couldn't have got through work this Christmas without his help. He's a really friendly, easy going guy and really knowledgeable. He's been a massive help with trying to sort the problem holistically with great advice on what exercises to do, supplements that will help and functional movement patterns to adopt to try to treat the underlying reasons I have been getting problems. Awesome work man


Big shout out to my bro for the help on my shoulder.

Had some shoulder pain for a couple months before going to Pete, don't know why I didn't see him sooner!

Some treatment and mobility work/ stretching had me sorted after my first session.

Took it easy for a couple weeks after just cardio and had no irritation whatsoever so got back to the gym first weight session.. Pain free!

Thanks again bro.


Worth every penny, any pain you have big or small pete will do his best to help, highly recommended


Woke up a couple of days ago with a seriously bad back & struggling to walk let alone do anything else..... so i gave pete a call & after only an hour session he's managed to get me up & mobile with %95 less pain than i walked in with !

I can't thank him enough & highly recommend him, look forward the next therapy.


Thanks for straightening out the kinks in my back and shoulders. You know your stuff and great experience! Fanks pete!


Pete's advice and treatment have been a crucial part of my recovery. He's a very caring, highly skilled professional - the best at what he does.


Pete is the best PT I've ever seen !! Been training with him for the last 7 weeks. Massive improvements !! Gone from not being able to do cleans to doing 85kg in 7 weeks !! Same as dead lifts ! Now on 115kg !! Front squat... back squat.... the list goes on !!! Worth every penny !!


Pete is extremely knowledgeable and experienced. With his massage therapy and his advice on training, I had chronic pain all but disappear within 6 weeks. Also very friendly and professional - would highly recommend.


If you have any sports injuries or just need a decent massage . This is your man


I've only known Pete a short while but very impressed with his knowledge & treatments! He's been working on some of my long term injuries with deep massage, I'm seeing & feeling much improved.

Highly recommended for anyone suffering with body aches & pains, including those with sports related injuries.


I've had personal trainers in the past who have essentially been glorified spotters. It's amazing how Pete takes the time to explain things in detail e.g fascia tissue, importance of mobility etc. Thinking of it this way has definitely got me more in tune with my body. Pete always makes himself available for questions, advice and catch ups at any time which is a huge bonus. Feel so positive and alive! ��


I've been to see pete a few times for a sports massage. First for my shin splints problem, and most recently for a pulled tendon in my left arm. Both are now completely fine! He also gave me stretches for me to do. Within a few days after completing the stretches at the the recommended time and volume they felt so much better! I would definitely recommend! Thanks Pete!


I struggled with plantar fasciitis for over 6 months. It stopped me doing the things I enjoy, infact, it stopped me doing pretty much everything. As I've always been dubious about spending money on health related sessions, I tried to self medicate as much as possible. Struggling on for another month I decided to see Pete. Turns out, it was a brilliant decision.

I was impressed by his professionalism. He sorted my foot out in 3 sessions! He shared his knowledge freely and gave me tips, helping me to keep on top of my injury in my own time. Couldn't recommend this guy highly enough.

I look forward to FINALLY getting into shape with this guy instead of being fixed by him.


I injured my shoulder 5 years ago which badly affected my sleep - Causing me to wake up in pain if I rolled onto my front with my right arm up or just by moving the duvet with my arm. After 4 soft tissue work sessions with Pete I can now sleep thru the night without pain!

Also I used to get a burning sensation in the front of my hip after a short uphill walk or about 10 minutes walking on flat ground. After 3 treatments I can walk pain free!


He's a very knowledge and approachable lad who is always willing to help if the effort is made.

He has helped me with both my fitness and recovery and without him I would never of been able to run the London Marathon this year; thank you mate.


Couldn't recommend this guy highly

enough. I've been seeing Pete for treatment for Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis and really couldn't have got through work this Christmas without his help. He's a really friendly, easy going guy and really knowledgeable. He's been a massive help with trying to sort the problem holistically with great advice on what exercises to do, supplements that will help and functional movement patterns to adopt to try to treat the underlying reasons I have been getting problems. Awesome work man


Big shout out to my bro for the help on my shoulder.

Had some shoulder pain for a couple months before going to Pete, don't know why I didn't see him sooner!

Some treatment and mobility work/ stretching had me sorted after my first session.

Took it easy for a couple weeks after just cardio and had no irritation whatsoever so got back to the gym first weight session.. Pain free!

Thanks again bro.

More about Howard'S Health And Fitness

Howard'S Health And Fitness is located at 48 Birchy Barton Hill, EX1 3EX Exeter, Devon
Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -