Howdy Pudsey

Monday: 12:00 - 00:00
Tuesday: 12:00 - 00:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 00:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 00:00
Friday: 12:00 - 00:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 00:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 00:00

About Howdy Pudsey




Why wait..? ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ Create the perfect scene with Howdy‚ÄôsūüíďūüĎÄ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ You don‚Äôt have to wait until the end of quarantine to enjoy this!ūüėČūüĎÖ‚Ā£... ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ Just order it from @ubereats_uk and create your own perfect scene panders!!ūü§†ūüõĶ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ-‚Ā£ #foodporn #foods #foodgasm #foodaholic #foodie #foodoftheday #burger #shake #steakhouse #foodblogger #lunch #dinner #delicious #foodpic #foodlover #givemefood #mealplan #healthymeals ‚Ā£ #corona #COVID19 #stayhome #workfromhome #wearetogetherinthis
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Support the nation!!!
Keep the distance.. the NHS & staff are working very very hard to save so many lives!!
Save yourself by supporting them & staying PUT guys!ūüôĆūüŹĽūüĎ©ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚öēÔłŹ
... Please maintain the 2metre Rule even if you have to use a tape measure!
Prevention is better than the cure!!!
Stay home. Stay safe!!
‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ- #foodporn #foods #foodgasm #foodaholic #foodie #foodoftheday #burger #shake #steakhouse #foodblogger #lunch #dinner #delicious #foodpic #foodlover #givemefood #mealplan #healthymeals #corona #COVID19 #stayhome #workfromhome #wearetogetherinthis
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Howdys are committed to continuing their support to help lift the morale of our much loved NHS hospital staff at St Luke’s Hopital in Bradford
We know how hard it is to come to terms with evrything that’s going on.. so we will continue to help out where we can.. we just want to do our bit!
If anyone has any recommendations or places they‚Äôd like us to visit, please let us know ūüĎáūüŹľūüĎáūüŹľūüĎáūüŹľ
... We hope you enjoyed your meals!! ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ #togetherwecanbeatit #covid-19 #bekind
@stlukehospital Bradford Council City of Bradford #nhs #support
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‚Ā£ Howdy‚Äôs milkshakes bring everyone together ūüėú‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ūĚźéūĚźģūĚźę ūĚź¶ūĚźĘūĚź•ūĚź§ūĚź¨ūĚź°ūĚźöūĚź§ūĚźěūĚź¨ ūĚźöūĚźęūĚźě ūĚźõūĚźěūĚź≠ūĚź≠ūĚźěūĚźę ūĚź≠ūĚź°ūĚźöūĚźß ūĚź≤ūĚź®ūĚźģūĚźęūĚź¨‚Ā£ ūĚźÉūĚźöūĚź¶ūĚźß ūĚźęūĚźĘūĚź†ūĚź°ūĚź≠ ūĚźĘūĚź≠'ūĚź¨ ūĚźõūĚźěūĚź≠ūĚź≠ūĚźěūĚźę ūĚź≠ūĚź°ūĚźöūĚźß ūĚź≤ūĚź®ūĚźģūĚźęūĚź¨!‚Ā£... ~‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ Yes these brings all the boys and girls to the yard!!ūüėČūüĎÖūü•§‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ _________________________________________ _______‚Ā£ #foodporn #foods #foodgasm #foodaholic #foodie #foodoftheday #burger #shake #steakhouse #foodblogger #lunch #dinner #delicious #foodpic #foodlover #givemefood #mealplan #healthymeals ‚Ā£ #corona #COVID19 #stayhome #workfromhome
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Howdy’s the American themed diner distributes food parcels to NHS staff at Bradford Royal Infirmary, St Johns Ambulance Service & the district headquarters police station in @bradford
This is to show our support to all the key workers we have decided to distribute 100s of food packages to workers across different sites in Bradford during this pandemic, Covid_19.
Our team delivered packages to staff members including nurses & doctors at the bradford royal infirmary & ambulance... staff at st johns as well as the West Yorkshire police
Yasir, the owner who joined his team members to distribute the packs has said “we, appreciate all the great work the staff are putting in risking their lives to keep us safe and well it is unbelievable! There efforts need to be recognised and appreciated.. When we need them they are there for us.. so today we are here for them when they need us during these un-precedented times of need!
Thank you for all the support and accepting our efforts guys! a big thank you from all of us Howdy & HOWDY Pudsey
And ASIM FOODS for the samosas and fruit!!
St John Ambulance Bradford Royal Infirmary West Yorkshire Police - Bradford West Yorkshire Evening Post The Telegraph & Argus
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At a time like this.. you gotta keep spirits HIGH we recommend you order a range of Howdy‚Äôs tasty mock tails!!ūüĎÄ‚Ā£ -‚Ā£ Savour the refreshing taste panders!!ūüėČūü•§‚Ā£ ~ ‚Ā£ Supplying y‚Äôall the best of Howdy, through @ubereats_uk ūü§†‚Ā£... ūüĎá‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ OR call us on our hotline ūüďě 02174722277 ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ .‚Ā£ .‚Ā£ .‚Ā£ _________________________________________ _______‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ #food #foodgasm #foodaholic #foodie #foodoftheday #burger #shake #steak #steakhouse #foodblogger #lunch #dinner #delicious #foodpic #foodlover #givemefood #mealplan #healthymeals #howdy #yeehaa #bradford #leeds #birmingham #huddersfield #corona #workfromhome
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Can you relate? ūü§£‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ Dear diet, things just aren‚Äôt looking good for us both.. it‚Äôs not me, it‚Äôs you‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ Your boring and I can‚Äôt stop cheating on you!!!
... Follow the link‚¨áÔłŹ Order Online:
375 Leeds Road ūüďć
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We are upping our burger game a little more!!
Take a look at this incredible burger with chilli fries ūüćü ūüĆ∂
Tag someone that can take the heat here? ūüĎÄūüĒ•ūü§†
... #Howdy #YeeHaww #Howdypanders #Foodie
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The lockdown is in full effect!!
Rightfully so, the full team @howdys ūü§† would like to thank all the NHS staff, care workers, nurses and doctors that are risking their lives to look-out for our safety
Update: You will no longer be able to visit a sick relative in hospital unless it’s an exceptional circumstance! So take the right pre-cautions to prevent the spread further
... The prime minister has made the right move and we believe everyone should stay at home to reduce the casualties of this pandemic!! ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ We will be doing all we can to help those in need!!
Stick to getting food delivered, we have a contact-less delivery!!
375 Leeds Road, ūüďć
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Enter this code on UBER EATS to get 25% off all orders!! ūüėć UK25OFF ūüėć Valid until midnight!!Enter this code on UBER EATS to get 25% off all orders!! ūüėć UK25OFF ūüėć Valid until midnight!!


The best gift of all ‚̧ԳŹ
Thank you for making all our moments so special, you deserve the best!!
Shout-out to all the mums!!! Happy Mother‚Äôs Day ūüíĚūüĎ©‚ÄćūüĎß‚ÄćūüĎß... ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ The Real Cowboys ūü§†
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Hey HOWDY PANDERS!! (Click2Expand)
Want to order..? Now is the best time..! We got crazy offers right now‚ÄľÔłŹTake Advantage ‚ÄľÔłŹ
Now, due to government advice we can longer accept table bookings, or group bookings as you guys are all aware, so we have closed off the seating areas!!‚ėĻÔłŹ
... ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ-ūüĎá But the good news is you can still enjoy your quarantine period with Howdy!!ūüėČūüĎÖ
We will be operating the TAKE AWAY & COLLECTION service!ūü§†
With crazy discounts!!
ūü§≥ Call us or Order Online
Order online: @ubereats_uk to get more discounts!!
ūüďćFlagship Store, 375 Leeds Road! ūüďě01274 722277
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Hey panders! ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ Missing our devine lamb chops? ūü§†ūüĎÄ‚Ā£ ~ ‚Ā£ These amazing bbq flavour makes it Ok to dig into with your mouths first ūü§§ūü§§ūüĎÖūüĒ• ‚Ā£... ‚Ā£ Giddy up Buckaroos!!!ūüėČ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ #YeeHaww #Howdy #Howdypanders #imatHowdy #buckaroos #robomarketing
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ūĚźčūĚźĘūĚź¨ūĚź≠ūĚźěūĚźß ūĚźģūĚź© ūĚźĀūĚźģūĚźúūĚź§ūĚź¨!, ūĚźĘūĚźü ūĚź≤ūĚź®ūĚźģ ūĚźúūĚźöūĚźß‚ÄôūĚź≠ ūĚźúūĚź®ūĚź¶ūĚźě ūĚź≠ūĚź°ūĚźęūĚź®ūĚźģūĚź†ūĚź° ūĚź≤ūĚź®ūĚźģ ūĚźúūĚźöūĚźß ūĚźöūĚź•ūĚźįūĚźöūĚź≤ūĚź¨ ūĚź©ūĚźęūĚźě-ūĚź®ūĚźęūĚźĚūĚźěūĚźę ūü§†ūüõé‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ We are delivery on UBER EATS ūüėč‚Ā£ ~‚Ā£ ‚Ā£... From our lean mean burgers to our savoury steaks, here at Howdy we‚Äôve got all the right armor to fill up yer hungry tummies!ūüĎÖūüí¶ūü§įūüŹĽ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ~ ‚Ā£ So giddy up to yer down to the cowboy county bar and satisfy yer cravings!!!ūüėČ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ #Howdy #Yeehaa #gohowdys #howdypardners #foodie #bradford #leedsroad #robomarketing #burgers #gourmet
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Sweet Tooth Sunday!! ūüć≠
Join us for a healthy treat ūüćĆ#bananamilkshake
When you buy a kids meal you get to upgrade your drink to a milkshake for 1/2 the price ! ūüėćūüĎÖūü•§
... So bring your kids & experience the cowboys theme ūüėČūüĎáūüŹľ
#Howdy #yeehaww #spicy #food #foodporn #wings #uk #moodtoday #trending #foodie
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Our wings are fire ūüĒ• ūüĒ•‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ Explosion of flavours with our tasty wing selection ūüėČ‚Ā£ & set fire to yer taste buds panders!! ūüĎÖūüĒ•‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ~ ‚Ā£... Visit HOWDY now and try em out!ūü§†‚úĆūüŹľ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ -‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ #Howdy #yeehaww #spicy #food #foodporn #wings #uk #moodtoday #trending #foodie #robomarketing
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Guess who‚Äôs in town ūüĎÄ - Take this burger in your own hands & open up wide!!
It‚Äôs crisp, fresh & why not get this with our chilli fries ūüćü ūüĆ∂ ūüėć
... Coming soon to a branch near you!!!ūü§†ūüĒ•
~ #Howdy #yeehaww #burgers #food #foodie #trending #foodporn #imathowdy #friends #family #fries #shakes
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More about Howdy Pudsey

Howdy Pudsey is located at 483 Bradford Road, LS28 8ED Leeds
Monday: 12:00 - 00:00
Tuesday: 12:00 - 00:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 00:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 00:00
Friday: 12:00 - 00:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 00:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 00:00