Humankind Therapies

About Humankind Therapies

humanKIND therapies is run by Claire Stapley to provides quality Massage and therapies. In Watford, call 07971 501492



Understanding that your heath and wellbeing is not a "last resort".
Many people consider Massage to be a luxury or a necessity, so something to have as a Treat or as a last resort when your body is screaming at you that something hurts like hell or is stopping you doing something that you want to do.
The "Enlightened Ones" (haha) have come to realise that having a regualr Massage is a necessity to keep your well being....well, in a good well maintained state. I mean come on,... I bet you follow the service schedule for your car to keep it in tip top condition.
By having regular monthy sessions you are telling you body and mind that you appreciate what it does for you, that you appreciate it when it moves and works effortlessly and efficiently.
Regularly monthly sessions allow you to keep on top of the hectic life we expect our bodies and mind to keep up with.
Many of my clients who have regular monthly sessions through my Priority Client Scheme tell me they often check their diaries to see when their next session is due becasue their bodies start "protesting at the workload", only to discover it's in the next few days. There bodies become so accustomed to the regular maintenence sessions it receives it shouts when it feels overdue.
So if you have never tried one of my treatments I'm giving you the opportunity now to try a session (Full consultation followed by approx. 55 minutes of Massage) for just £20.
If you know someone who might benefit from having a Massage please tag them in the comments and/or share to your timeline. (Thank you)
Honour and respect the body you were gifted for this lifetime.
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Me? I can help others to move more easily and feel better in their bodies while grunting to get off the sofa and having crunchy shoulders.......(I think I need to find a Massage Therapist)


"Stop the ride, I wanna get off"
Do you ever jokingly say "Stop the world I want to get off" but secretly really mean "Hells bells, life is moving so bloody quickly my head is spinning"?
Do you sometimes feel like you're on the carousel of life, going around, and around, AND AROUND, going with the ups and the downs and not really getting anywhere?
... Do you sometimes feel you need to get out of the ratrace, slowdown and just standstill, rest and breathe?
Massage is a way to switch of the world for a while so you can come back to it more YOU and better able to handle what comes at you.
55 minute sessions currently only £20 (new clients only, one per client, limited times available)
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Is anyone out there having money challenges?
A friend wanted to book a summer holiday, but didn;t know where she was going to find the money, but booked it anyway 🙈
... Anyone else want a holiday this year? not sure where to find the wonga? always feel a little blocked like money just doesn't "happen to you"? like it falls into the laps of everone else?
I've been working on my money blocks with Laura Powner, physical blocks like not actually putting in action, mental blocks about wether I "deserve" it, patterns and beliefs that I have learned with regards to money by what I have seen and heard grwoing up, negative emotions like fear and shame round money, lack of gratitude for what you DO have.
All ^^^^^ this stops it from arriving, by smashing through these ideas and blocks opens up a flow of energy (moola).
So Laura Powner is running a 7 day challenge to help change your mindset around money with her Think & Do Challenge wether it's for a #3kholidayclubchallenge or just to get more spends come and give it a try, what have you got to lose?
Details can be found in her fb group, come check it out. erbreakout/
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Ok. Check in time.
Did all my parents out there survive half term? I did albeit a little more pooped than normal, but fun was had and smiles were made.
... Are you all coping with exams and revision timetables? Yes, parents and children?
If you (parents) or your exam frazzled children need a brain melting massage session to reset the grey cells I am DBS checked and cleared as being an upstanding member of society so can treat your precious Minors (with your consent)
Message me via the new fangled "send message" button up there ^^^^^^ to book a session for your budding brainboxes.
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Heal your past so you can live in the present.
Do you feel any of these emotions? Are they holding you back? Could you let them go and be happier?
... Picture shared from Mark Hawkins
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What's everyone doing this Bank holiday weekend? Me? I'm accessorizing, credit to Mother Nature


Sunday fun day, 2 happy clients so far, 4 more to go. This is my happy place.Sunday fun day, 2 happy clients so far, 4 more to go. This is my happy place.


Sunshine (not even that....daylight), warmth, earth connection and my little person leave me feeling balanced, content and a little warm and fuzzy on the inside.
What gives you that happy, warm & fuzzy feeling?


I tried to climb this yellow last week. I tried but didn't succeed.
Today I'm back at the wall to face my fears. My fear of heights, my fear of falling, my fear of failing by not trying and feeling bummed by trying but not succeeding.
Last week I tried but didn't succeed. So I return this week for another bash, and some bugger has put a big lump of pink/blue in the way to make it even trickier. Crapola!!
... It took me several attempts....about 10, possibly more if I'm honest, each time eeking a little bit further to my goal.....that top yellow one that's now hiding behind a big lump of bubblegum.
Each attempt I got a more solid footing, or a slightly different hand hold, managed to shift my (not inconsiderable) bulk a few more micro millimetres in the right direction.
Eventually, I'd got a precarious balance all I needed was to be vulnerable and brave in equal measures and go for the goal. Breathe.....GO GO GO!!
Success (oh, poop, how do I get down 🙈)
I did it again just to prove it wasn't a fluke and reinforce that feeling of beating that little voice of self doubt and fear.
🖕🏻 self doubt and you didn't win.
Everyone faces challenges in their day to day lives, some unavoidable, others created for that purpose. All which put us out of our comfort zone.
Tackle the fears and self doubt by shifting little by little. All the "littles" add up, possibly to something HUGE.
Also don't compare to thete were climbers doing almost impossible acrobatics, gripping a flat wall with....well I don't know....spid-y sense. It's fascinating to watch, maybe one day if I keep chipping away at that comfort zone and shushing the voices.....maybe one day I'll be doing the graceful seemingly effortless acrobatic climbing.
Watch this space.
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Do you or someone you know need time to release the stress and strains of everyday life?


March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month, it is called the silent killer because the symptoms are often put down to other things until it is too late. Make yourself aware of the main symptoms.
Julies story is very similar to my Mums, lots of symptoms when looked at individually are quite innocuous, however when put together can be fatal.
My Mum went to the Dr's for each symptom, and kept being sent away with antacids etc for the symptoms or told it was her diabetes I told her get a second opinion because it was one thing after another. She paid to see a fantaastic German Private Dr. We have seen him before for other things, and it didn't matter how many times you saw him, he ALWAYS did a FULL history, even if he knew your history. Him covering symptoms up to a year old brought all the symptoms together. She was sent immediately to Urgencias (we were living in Spain) with a referral letter for scans.
Within a week the result were back, Stage 4 secondary or metastatic cancer with an estimate of 6 months even with Chemo and inoperable.
3 years and 8 different or repeated rounds of Chemo later she passed.
Each of these symptoms can be attributed to so many other things, but together can mean something else entirely. Id you have multiples of these symptoms PLEASE mention all of them when you see your Dr. IF the Dr had put all my Mums years worth of symptoms together her diagnosis could have been so much different.
Please be aware, for yourself and for others.
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Self-doubt: we all have self doubt, maybe this little quiz can help you identify it and harness it and use it to your benefit rather than harm.
My goodness, just the feelings and emotions that come up from reading the statements, nevermind answering them them.
An interesting insight into the things that hold us back.
... elf-doubt-archet…/…
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If you're looking for inspirational stories of people defying the odds, thinking outside the box and going above and beyond......then these podcasts are for you.

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